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Yamamoto, H., & Suzuki, T. (2025)
Yamamoto, H.(山本仁志), & Suzuki, T.(鈴木貴久) (2025).
Exploring condition in which people accept AI over human judgements on justified defection.
Scientific Reports 15, 3339.
As artificial intelligence (AI) technology is introduced into different areas of society, understanding people’s willingness to accept AI decisions emerges as a critical scientific and societal issue. It is an open question whether people can accept the judgement of humans or AI in situations where they are unsure of their judgement, as in the trolley problem. Here, we focus on justified defection (non-cooperation with a bad person) in indirect reciprocity because it has been shown that people avoid judging justified defection as good or bad. We explore which decisions people would accept when AI and humans make different decisions in the justified defection. Two experiments revealed that only when AI judged positively and a human judged negatively, people rated the AI’s judgement as better. The research suggests that people’s acceptance of AI decisions depends on estimating the hidden intentions behind societal norms. It offers new insights into human norm analysis by examining the differences in acceptance between AI and human judgments.
Yang, F., & Oshio, A. (2025)
Yang, F.(楊帆), & Oshio, A(小塩真司). (2025).
Not feeling safe enough to explore more aspects: Dichotomous thinking mediates the relationship between attachment style and resilience.
Journal of Individual Differences.
Attachment style could be regarded as a prerequisite to resilience, playing an important role in positive adaptation, yet little is known about the mechanism of this attachment-resilience relationship. The present study explored the relationship between attachment style, dichotomous thinking, and resilience. Cross-sectional data from 3,760 participants were used for analysis. The results showed that attachment anxiety, not avoidance, had a statistically significant negative correlation with dichotomous thinking. Both attachment anxiety and avoidance had significant correlations with subscales of dichotomous thinking, though in different directions. Dichotomous thinking, preference for dichotomy, and profit-loss thinking were significantly associated with resilience, yet dichotomous belief was negatively associated with resilience. Attachment anxiety had a negative impact on resilience by increasing the level of dichotomous belief and a positive impact on resilience by increasing the level of preference for dichotomy. Attachment avoidance could have a negative impact on resilience by decreasing the level of preference for dichotomy and increasing the level of dichotomous belief. These findings suggest that dichotomous belief could be one shared feature of both dimensions of insecure attachment.
Suganuma, H., Naito, A., Katahira, K., & Kameda, T. (2025)
Suganuma, H. (菅沼秀蔵), Naito, A. (内藤碧), Katahira, K., & Kameda, T. (亀田達也) (2025).
When to stop social learning from a predecessor in an information-foraging task.
Evolutionary Human Sciences, 7.
Striking a balance between individual and social learning is one of the key capabilities that support adaptation under uncertainty. Although intergenerational transmission of information is ubiquitous, little is known about when and how newcomers switch from learning loyally from preceding models to exploring independently. Using a behavioural experiment, we investigated how social information available from a preceding demonstrator affects the timing of becoming independent and individual performance thereafter. Participants worked on a 30-armed bandit task for 100 trials. For the first 15 trials, participants simply observed the choices of a demonstrator who had accumulated more knowledge about the environment and passively received rewards from the demonstrator’s choices. Thereafter, participants could switch to making independent choices at any time. We had three conditions differing in the social information available from the demonstrator: choice only, reward only or both. Results showed that both participants’ strategies about when to stop observational learning and their behavioural patterns after independence depended on the available social information. Participants generally failed to make the best use of previously observed social information in their subsequent independent choices, suggesting the importance of direct communication beyond passive observation for better intergenerational transmission under uncertainty. Implications for cultural evolution are discussed.
Sasaki, H., Hayashi, Y., & Ochi, T. (2024)
Sasaki, H., Hayashi, Y.(林洋一郎), & Ochi, T. (2024).
Interaction of Cognitive and Motivational Processes in Asymmetric Preferences for Gains and Losses.
Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 46(6), 446-455.
An experiment on repetitive decision-making was conducted to explore the interaction between cognitive and motivational processes in decision-making. The gain-loss framing of risky choice options was manipulated to investigate cognition, and participants’ chronic regulatory focus was measured to assess motivation. Risky choice demonstrated interactive effects between gain-loss framing and regulatory focus. Participants made less risky or riskier choices in the gain or loss condition, respectively. Furthermore, promotion or prevention-focused individuals chose the risky option more frequently in the gain or loss condition, respectively. The results for response times showed the main effects for the two factors, with no interaction. These results, along with supplementary post-hoc analyses, provide evidence that cognitive and motivational processes are simultaneously involved in risky decision-making.
Ozono, H., & Nakama, D. (2024)
Ozono, H.(大薗博記), & Nakama, D.(仲間大輔) (2024).
I will hold a weapon if you hold one: Experiments of preemptive strike game with possession option.
Evolution and Human Behavior, 45(6), 106635.
Force possession in an inter-personal or inter-group context has been a familiar issue in human evolution and continues to be important today. The puzzle around force possession is that it may result in escalation of force and increase the risk of being attacked even if the force possession is originally intended for self-defense. However, there are few relevant empirical studies. This study examined the determinants of force possession by developing the preemptive strike game to include a possession option. In this game, each player (who is matched with one opponent) decides whether to possess an attack button and, if they possess, they can decide whether to push the button (attack the opponent). If neither the player nor the opponent attack, nothing happens, but if a player attacks first, the player loses a small amount of resources, but the one who is attacked loses significant resources. In this situation, possessing the button raise the potential risk of being attacked due to fear. In Study 1, 182 participants (online crowd workers) played the game, and the results showed the tendency to seek a balance of forces, that is, the higher the opponent’s expected probability of possession, the more likely participants were to decide to possess. However, the opponent’s probability of possession was the measured expectations by the participants. To clarify the causality, in Study 2 with 131 participants (online crowd workers), we experimentally manipulated the probability of the opponent’s possession, and confirmed the same tendency. We discuss the implications and the limitations.
Ogihara, Y., & Uchida, Y. (2024)
Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二), & Uchida, Y. (内田由紀子) (2024).
Seeking unique dogs: The increase in individualism in Japan.
Acta Psychologica, 251, 104558.
Previous research indicated that Japanese culture came to increasingly emphasize uniqueness, showing a rise in individualism. However, such research focused on the naming of babies, making it unclear whether this trend was found in other behaviors. Therefore, the current research examined temporal changes in the behavior of choosing dog types. Study 1 confirmed that choosing hybrid dogs (mixed-breed dogs created by crossing purebred dogs) as a form of uniqueness-seeking was shared in Japanese culture. Study 2 indicated that the ownership rates of unique hybrid dogs increased and the ownership rates of common purebred dogs decreased between 2008 and 2017. Study 3 showed that people increasingly sought information about hybrid dogs online between 2004 and 2018. Study 4 demonstrated that articles in newspapers referring to hybrid dogs increased between 2003 and 2018. These results consistently suggest that people in Japan came to seek more uniqueness and Japanese culture became more individualistic.
[概要] 先行研究は、日本文化では個性をより強調するようになり、個人主義化が進んでいることを示した。しかし、命名行動については検討されていたが、その変化が他の行動においても同様にみられるかどうかは明らかでなかった。そこで本研究では、飼育する犬の種類における選択行動の経時的変化を検討した。研究1は、ミックス犬(純血犬種を交配させて産まれた交雑犬)は個性的であることが、社会で共有されていることを確認した。研究2は、2008年から2017年において、ミックス犬の飼育率が増加し、一般的な純血犬の飼育率は減少していることを示した。研究3は、2004年から2018年において、人々はオンライン上でミックス犬の情報をより探索するようになっていることを示した。研究4は、2003年から2018年において、ミックス犬について言及している新聞記事の割合が増加していることを示した。これらの結果は、一貫して日本の人々はより個性を追求しており、日本文化がより個人主義化していることを示している。
[X (Twitter) post] https://x.com/Yu_Ogihara/status/1867070138853609685
Neff, K. D., & Miyagawa, Y. (2024)
Neff, K. D., & Miyagawa, Y. (宮川裕基) (2024).
Compassion Scale (CS).
In O. N. Medvedev, C. U. Krägeloh, R. J. Siegert, & N. N. Singh (Eds).
Handbook of Assessment in Mindfulness Research (pp.1-10.). Springer.
The Compassion Scale (CS) assesses compassion for others using a similar conceptualization that has been used to assess self-compassion. Specifically, the CS measures the degree to which respondents experience kindness, a sense of common humanity, mindfulness, and lack of indifference toward others’ suffering. Factor analyses using bifactor modeling and exploratory structural equation modeling (i.e., bifactor ESEM) suggest that the CS represents a bifactor structure identified by a general compassion factor and four specific factors. Reliability indicators were excellent. Known-groups validity was established in terms of gender and sample differences: Women and meditators reported higher levels of compassion for others than men and community members, respectively. Discriminant validity was supported by nonsignificant correlations between the CS and secure attachment and submissive compassion, in addition to small significant correlation between the CS and social desirability. Convergent validity was demonstrated by significant positive associations between the CS and compassion-related measures such as compassionate love and empathetic concern. The CS was found to have significant associations with functionally related constructs such as self-compassion and mindfulness. Overall, the CS appears to be a valid and reliable measure of compassion for others, assessed in terms of recognizing others’ suffering (i.e., mindfulness), caring about and being motived to alleviate others’ suffering (i.e., kindness), understanding the universality of human suffering (i.e., common humanity), and not turning away from the pain of others (i.e., indifference).
Neff (2003) のセルフ・コンパッションの理論をもとに作成された、他者へのコンパッションを測定する尺度としてのCompassion Scaleに関するこれまでの研究のまとめです。
なお、Compassion Scaleの日本語版は、Miyagawa & Niiya (2024, Mindfulness). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-024-02389-4 をご覧頂けると幸いです。
Ioku, T., Song, J., & Watamura, E. (2024)
Ioku, T. (井奥智大), Song, J., & Watamura, E. (綿村英一郎) (2024).
Trade-offs in AI assistant choice: Do consumers prioritize transparency and sustainability over AI assistant performance?
AIアシスタント選びにおけるトレードオフ: 消費者はAIアシスタントの性能よりも透明性や持続可能性を重視するのか?
Big Data & Society, 11(4).
As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more integrated into society, concerns have arisen about unintended biases in AI-driven decision-making and the environmental impact of AI technology development. AI assistants such as Siri and Alexa, while helpful, can obscure decision-making and contribute to increased energy use and CO2 emissions. The present study explores whether consumers prioritize transparency and environmental sustainability over performance when choosing AI assistants with conjoint designs. Japanese participants were presented with different AI assistant profiles, varying in performance quality, transparency, cost, and environmental efficiency. The results revealed that Japanese participants prioritized transparency over performance when choosing AI assistants, but they prioritized performance over environmental sustainability. Moreover, future-oriented participants placed more importance on sustainability than those with a present orientation, while participants with an internal locus of control valued transparency more than those with an external locus of control. The findings of this study enhance our understanding of how consumers choose AI options and offer valuable guidance for creating AI systems and communication strategies that work effectively.
Kido, Y., & Takezawa, M. (2024)
Kido, Y., (貴堂雄太) & Takezawa, M. (竹澤正哲) (2024).
Coevolution of norm psychology and cooperation through exapted conformity.
Evolutionary Human Sciences, 6, e35.
People willingly follow norms and values, often incurring material costs. This behaviour supposedly stems from evolved norm psychology, contributing to large-scale cooperation among humans. It has been argued that cooperation is influenced by two types of norms: injunctive and descriptive. This study theoretically explores the socialisation of humans under these norms. Our agent-based model simulates scenarios where diverse agents with heterogeneous norm psychologies engage in collective action to maximise their utility functions that capture three motives: gaining material payoff, following injunctive and descriptive norms. Multilevel selective pressure drives the evolution of norm psychology that affects the utility function. Further, we develop a model with exapted conformity, assuming selective advantage for descriptive norm psychology. We show that norm psychology can evolve via cultural group selection. We then identify two normative conditions that favour the evolution of norm psychology, and therefore cooperation: injunctive norms promoting punitive behaviour and descriptive norms. Furthermore, we delineate different characteristics of cooperative societies under these two conditions and explore the potential for a macro transition between them. Together, our results validate the emergence of large-scale cooperative societies through social norms and suggest complementary roles that conformity and punishment play in human prosociality.
Shimizu, Y., Kudo, Y., & Karasawa, K. (2024)
Shimizu, Y.(清水佑輔), Kudo, Y.(工藤泰幸), & Karasawa, K.(唐沢かおり) (2024).
Are older adults perceived as morally better than middle-aged persons? Focus on the stereotype content model.
Acta Psychologica, 251, 104584.
Identifying and improving existing morality perceptions regarding older adults is crucial for fostering intergenerational cooperation and constructing an inclusive society. In this study, we conducted two online experiments with Japanese participants to investigate the degrees to which older adults are perceived as moral. We predicted that older adults are more likely to be perceived as morally good compared to middle-aged individuals (Hypothesis 1), and that regardless of the target person’s age, individuals perceived as warm (Hypothesis 2) and competent (Hypothesis 3) are more likely to be regarded as morally good. In Study 1, participants were instructed to freely describe a typical older (aged 80 years) or middle-aged (aged 50 years) target individual. Contrary to expectations, the middle-aged target individual was perceived as morally better than the older counterpart. Meanwhile, regardless of the target individual’s age, the target individuals perceived as warm and competent were more likely to be viewed as morally good. In Study 2, participants were presented with a simple vignette describing an older (aged 80 years) or middle-aged (aged 50 years) target individual, manipulating their warmth (warm/cold) and competence (competent/incompetent). The results indicated no effect of target age on moral perceptions, but warmer and/or more competent target individuals elicited higher moral perceptions. Thus, Hypothesis 1 was not supported in either study, whereas Hypotheses 2 and 3 were supported across both studies. These findings underscore the importance of enhancing moral perceptions, warmth, and competence regarding older adults to facilitate appropriate assistance from other generations.