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Kanemasa, Y., Miyagawa, Y., & Arai, T. (2022).
Kanemasa, Y. (金政祐司), Miyagawa, Y. (宮川裕基), & Arai, T. (荒井崇史). (2022). Do the Dark Triad and psychological intimate partner violence mutually reinforce each other? An examination from a four-wave longitudinal study. Dark Triad と心理的IPV は相互に強化し合うのか?4 波の縦断調査からの検討 Personality and Individual Differences. 196, 111714. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2022.111714
Although cross-sectional research showed a correlation between the Dark Triad and intimate partner violence (IPV), it was unclear whether the Dark Triad facilitated violence toward partners or whether violent acts fostered the dark personality traits. We aimed to statistically clarify the causal relationships between the Dark Triad traits and psychological IPV perpetration in romantic relationships. We conducted a longitudinal study every four months for one year across four waves in a sample of individuals who were currently in romantic relationships. A total of 1392 individuals (Mage = 29.73, SDage = 5.92) who dated the same partners throughout completed the four waves of surveys that measured the Dark Triad traits, psychological IPV, and demographic variables. Cross-lagged panel models revealed consistent patterns in the associations between each of the Dark Triad traits and psychological IPV perpetration throughout the four waves. Machiavellianism and psychological IPV perpetration increased each other. Psychological IPV perpetration reinforced the tendency for psychopathy, but not vice versa. Narcissism promoted future psychological IPV perpetration, but not vice versa. Our study illustrates how the Dark Triad traits accelerate psychological violence toward romantic partners and how such violence fosters the dark side of personality.
Naito, A., Katahira, K. & Kameda, T. (2022).
Naito, A. (内藤碧), Katahira, K. & Kameda, T. (亀田達也) (2022). Insights about the common generative rule underlying an information foraging task can be facilitated via collective search. 情報探索課題を生成する共通法則の理解は、集団での探索によって促進される Scientific Reports, 12, 8047. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-12126-3
Social learning is beneficial for efficient information search in unfamiliar environments (“within-task” learning). In the real world, however, possible search spaces are often so large that decision makers are incapable of covering all options, even if they pool their information collectively. One strategy to handle such overload is developing generalizable knowledge that extends to multiple related environments (“across-task” learning). However, it is unknown whether and how social information may facilitate such across-task learning. Here, we investigated participants’ social learning processes across multiple laboratory foraging sessions in spatially correlated reward landscapes that were generated according to a common rule. The results showed that paired participants were able to improve efficiency in information search across sessions more than solo participants. Computational analysis of participants’ choice-behaviors revealed that such improvement across sessions was related to better understanding of the common generative rule. Rule understanding was correlated within a pair, suggesting that social interaction is a key to the improvement of across-task learning.
Shimizu, Y., Hashimoto, T., & Karasawa, K. (2022).
Shimizu, Y. (清水佑輔), Hashimoto, T. (橋本剛明), & Karasawa, K. (唐沢かおり) (2022). Decreasing anti-elderly discriminatory attitudes: Conducting a 'Stereotype Embodiment Theory'-based intervention. 高齢者に対する差別的態度の軽減:ステレオタイプ・エンボディメント理論に基づいた介入の実施 European Journal of Social Psychology, 52(1), 174-190. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.2823
Stereotype Embodiment Theory (SET) implies that people who hold negative attitudes towards the elderly are more likely to experience a decline in various cognitive/physical functions themselves. Anti-elderly discriminatory attitudes, which negatively affect the elderly’s health status, could be reduced by communicating the contents of SET to non-elderly people. To weaken anti-elderly discriminatory attitudes, in Study 1, we had participants read about SET and related empirical findings (SET intervention), which intended to increase their self-interested motives for avoiding anti-elderly discrimination. In Study 2, we conducted an ‘integrated intervention’ containing a SET intervention and one selected aspect of educational intervention (i.e., presenting some information about some commonly misunderstood aspects of the elderly). Consequently, the integrated/SET interventions reduced participants’ anti-elderly discriminatory attitudes and these effects persisted for at least 1 week. Our new interventions will be useful for those who work with the elderly.
Kameda, T., Toyokawa, W., & Tindale, R.S. (2022).
Kameda, T. (亀田達也), Toyokawa, W., & Tindale, R.S. (2022). Information aggregation and collective intelligence beyond the wisdom of crowds. Nature Reviews Psychology. 「群衆の知恵」を超える情報統合と集合的知性 https://doi.org/10.1038/s44159-022-00054-y
In humans and other gregarious animals, collective decision-making is a robust behavioural feature of groups. Pooling individual information is also fundamental for modern societies, in which digital technologies have exponentially increased the interdependence of individual group members. In this Review, we selectively discuss the recent human and animal literature, focusing on cognitive and behavioural mechanisms that can yield collective intelligence beyond the wisdom of crowds. We distinguish between two group decision-making situations: consensus decision-making, in which a group consensus is required, and combined decision-making, in which a group consensus is not required. We show that in both group decision-making situations, cognitive and behavioural algorithms that capitalize on individual heterogeneity are the key for collective intelligence to emerge. These algorithms include accuracy or expertise-weighted aggregation of individual inputs and implicit or explicit coordination of cognition and behaviour towards division of labour. These mechanisms can be implemented either as ‘cognitive algebra’, executed mainly within the mind of an individual or by some arbitrating system, or as a dynamic behavioural aggregation through social interaction of individual group members. Finally, we discuss implications for collective decision-making in modern societies characterized by a fluid but auto-correlated flow of information and outline some future directions.
Ueshima, A., & Takikawa, H. (2021).
Ueshima, A.(上島淳史), & Takikawa, H. (2021). Analyzing vaccination priority judgments for 132 occupations using word vector models. 132職業に対するワクチン接種優先度評定の単語ベクトルを用いた解析 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence. https://doi.org/10.1145/3498851.3498933
Most human societies conduct a high degree of division of labor based on occupation. However, determining the occupational field that should be allocated a scarce resource such as vaccine is a topic of debate, especially considering the COVID-19 situation. Though it is crucial that we understand and anticipate people’s judgments on resource allocation prioritization, quantifying the concept of occupation is a difficult task. In this study, we investigated how well people’s judgments on vaccination prioritization for different occupations could be modeled by quantifying their knowledge representation of occupations as word vectors in a vector space. The results showed that the model that quantified occupations as word vectors indicated high out-of-sample prediction accuracy, enabling us to explore the psychological dimension underlying the participants’ judgments. These results indicated that using word vectors for modeling human judgments about everyday concepts allowed prediction of performance and understanding of judgment mechanisms.
Ogihara, Y. (2022).
Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二) (2022). Common names decreased in Japan: Further evidence of an increase in individualism. 日本で人気のある新生児の名前の割合は低下している:個人主義傾向の増加を示す更なる証拠 Experimental Results, 3, e5. https://doi.org/10.1017/exp.2021.27
Previous research has demonstrated that unique names increased in Japan, which shows a rise in uniqueness-seeking and individualism. To increase the validity of the prior findings, it is important to confirm the robustness of their results. Therefore, this study examined another indicator of historical changes in names in Japan. Specifically, I investigated whether the rates of common names decreased in Japan between 2004 and 2018. The dataset used in the previous study was analyzed. The results consistently showed that the rates of common names decreased for both boys and girls for the period. These results were consistent with the previous research, which further increases the validity of the finding that Japanese culture became more individualistic.
Hashimoto, H., Maeda, K., & Matsumura, K. (2022).
Hashimoto, H.(橋本博文), Maeda, K.(前田楓), & Matsumura, K.(松村楓) (2022). Fickle Judgments in Moral Dilemmas: Time Pressure and Utilitarian Judgments in an Interdependent Culture. 道徳ジレンマにおける「移ろいやすい」判断:相互協調文化におけるタイムプレッシャーと功利主義的判断の関係 Frontiers in Psychology, 13:795732. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.795732/full
In the trolley problem, a well-known moral dilemma, the intuitive process is believed to increase deontological judgments, while deliberative reasoning is thought to promote utilitarian decisions. Therefore, based on the dual-process model, there seems to be an attempt to save several lives at the expense of a few others in a deliberative manner. This study examines the validity of this argument. To this end, we manipulate decision-making time in the standard trolley dilemma to compare differences among 119 Japanese female undergraduates under three conditions: intuitive judgment, deliberative judgment, and judgment after a group discussion. The current results demonstrate that utilitarian judgments decreased from 52.9% in the intuition condition to 43.7% in the deliberation condition and 37.0% after the discussion. Additional analysis suggests that the decrease in utilitarian judgments may be related to psychological unwillingness to assume responsibility for the lives of others rather than to an increase in deontological judgments. Finally, these results are discussed from an adaptationist perspective.
Takano, R., & Nomura, M. (2022).
Takano, R. (高野了太), & Nomura, M. (野村理朗) (2022). Relationships between right-wing authoritarianism and spirituality in Japan. 日本におけるRWAとスピリチュアリティの関係 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/rel0000462
Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) consists of two factors: authoritarianism—the tendency to venerate and submit to established authorities—and conventionalism—the propensity to protect traditional values. By focusing on ancestor and nature worship in Japan, this study highlighted the construct of RWA in terms of two aspects of spirituality: feelings of respect for and connectedness to higher-order entities, and feelings of universality and oneness with others. Study 1 (cross-sectional) indicated that the tendencies of ancestor worship predicted higher levels of authoritarianism, while those of nature worship predicted lower levels of conventionalism, even when controlling for general attitudes toward religious symbols. Study 2 (experimental) showed that while the recollection of spiritual experiences did not directly affect RWA, indirect routes via feelings of spirituality existed. Specifically, the recollection of an ancestor worship experience increased feelings of respect/connectedness for ancestors, which were related to higher levels of authoritarianism, and that of a nature worship experience increased feelings of universality/oneness under nature, which were associated with lower levels of conventionalism. These results provide a more nuanced understanding of RWA through demonstrating that RWA might be specifically associated with these two aspects of spirituality. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved)
Study2は、第62回日本社会心理学会にて発表いたしました。 http://iap-jp.org/jssp/conf_archive/paper_download.php?s=2021-A-0171
Shimizu, Y., Hashimoto, T., & Karasawa, K. (2022).
Shimizu, Y(清水佑輔)., Hashimoto, T.(橋本剛明), & Karasawa, K.(唐沢かおり) (2022). Influence of contact experience and germ aversion on negative attitudes toward older adults: Role of youth identity. 高齢者偏見に対する接触経験と感染嫌悪の影響:若者アイデンティティに着目して Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 829742. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.829742
The world’s population is currently aging, and the issue of ageism has become serious worldwide, including in Japan. Negative attitudes toward older adults can have undesirable effects on the mental and physical health of this group. We focused on the effects of contact experience with older adults and germ aversion, or the degree of aversion to infection, on negative attitudes toward older adults. Additionally, we included a moderating variable; youth identity, or the sense of belonging with younger rather than older age groups. An online survey was conducted with Japanese participants (N = 603). We conducted multiple regression analyses and the results showed that the interaction effect between youth identity and contact experience on negative attitudes toward older adults was significant. The findings suggest that contact experience may help in reducing negative attitudes toward older adults among people with low youth identity. The interaction effect between youth identity and germ aversion, however, was not significant. Academic research on the effects of some psychological interventions (e.g., intergenerational social exchange) should pay particular attention to the role of youth identity. Future directions for empirical studies are also discussed.
Ogihara, Y. (2022).
Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二) (2022). Further explanations for difficulties in reading recent Japanese names correctly. 近年の日本人の名前を正しく読むことの難しさに関する更なる説明 Frontiers in Education, 6, 799119. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2021.799119
A previous study analyzed the names of babies born in Japan between 2004 and 2018 and demonstrated that common writings have many variations in readings, which makes it difficult to choose the correct reading at first glance (Ogihara, 2021c). The study provides empirical evidence of the difficulties in reading recent Japanese names correctly. The current article answers three questions on Ogihara (2021c). Specifically, I explain 1) it is still difficult to read recent Japanese names correctly even if one tries to remember the most frequent readings of names 2) specific numbers of reading variations are not important, and 3) how we should deal with these difficulties. This new information would certainly help to further comprehend the difficulties in reading recent Japanese names correctly, which contributes to a better understanding of names and naming practices not only in Japan but also across the entire Sinosphere.