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Miyagawa, Y. & Taniguchi, J. (2021).
Miyagawa, Y. (宮川裕基) & Taniguchi, J. (谷口淳一). (2021). Sticking fewer (or more) pins into a doll? The role of self-compassion in the relations between interpersonal goals and aggression. 対人目標と攻撃性の関連におけるセルフコンパッションの役割 Motivation and Emotion. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11031-021-09913-2
Through two studies that utilized pin counts in the voodoo doll aggression task, we tested how compassionate and self-image goals in relationships were associated with aggressive inclinations. Participants in Study 1 (N = 381) recalled and wrote about an experience of being accepted or rejected and participants in Study 2 (N = 391) imagined themselves in hypothetical scenarios of being rejected either by a romantic partner or a supervisor. Regardless of the type of event (Study 1) or rejecter (Study 2), compassionate goals were related to higher self-compassionate reactions that were in turn linked to lower aggressive inclinations, whereas self-image goals were associated with higher aggressive inclinations through lower self-compassionate reactions. Study 2 showed that nonzero-sum beliefs accounted for positive associations between compassionate goals and self-compassionate reactions. Considered together, our findings implied that people who pursue compassionate goals might hold nonzero-sum beliefs that their well-being is connected with those of others and, thus, might display self-compassionate reactions that are linked to lower aggressive inclinations.
Voodoo doll課題を用いた2つの研究で、関係性における思いやり目標と自己イメージ目標がどのように攻撃性と関連するかを検討しました。研究1(N = 381) では、参加者は他者から受容あるいは排斥された出来事を想起し、研究2(N=391)では、参加者は恋愛相手あるいは上司から排斥されたシナリオを読みました。出来事や排斥者の種類にかかわらず、思いやり目標はセルフコンパッションの高さを介して攻撃性の低さと関連していました。一方、自己イメージ目標はセルフコンパッションの低さを介して攻撃性の高さと関連していました。研究2では、思いやり目標とセルフコンパッションの正の関連性が関係性におけるノンゼロサム信念により媒介されることが示されました。以上の結果から、思いやり目標の高い人は、自分と他者のウェルビーイングがつながっているというノンゼロサム信念を有しているため、攻撃性の低さと関連するセルフコンパッションを用いやすいことが示唆されました。
Ogihara, Y. (2021).
Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二) (2021). Direct evidence of the increase in unique names in Japan: The rise of individualism. 日本における個性的な名前の増加: 個人主義傾向の上昇 Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, 2, 100056. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crbeha.2021.100056
Previous research analyzed rankings of common baby names and indicated that common names decreased in Japan, suggesting an increase in uniqueness-seeking and individualism. However, it did not directly examine whether unique names increased. To adequately understand the historical changes in naming practices and underlying cultural trends, overcoming this limitation is important. Therefore, I analyzed raw data on baby names and directly examined the historical changes in the rates of unique names in Japan between 2004 and 2018. The results showed that the rates of unique names increased for both boys and girls, providing further evidence of the rise in uniqueness-seeking and individualism. Additionally, unique names increased more rapidly for girls than for boys, which may suggest that parents came to have stronger hope for their daughters that they become unique and independent. This is new evidence showing that sex is a moderating factor of cultural changes in naming in Japan.
Shimizu, Y., Osaki, S., Hashimoto, T., & Karasawa, K. (2021).
Shimizu, Y. (清水佑輔), Osaki, S., Hashimoto, T. (橋本剛明), & Karasawa, K. (唐沢かおり) (2021). How do people view various kinds of smart city services? Focus on the acquisition of personal information. 人々はスマートシティ関連サービスをどのように捉えているのか:個人情報の取得という観点に着目して Sustainability, 13(19), 11062. https://doi.org/10.3390/su131911062
In smart city services, large volumes of personal information are generally captured, and urban development is based on that data. However, people do not always have accepting attitudes toward smart city services. The purpose of this study was to identify the expectations and anxieties that people have toward five typical services in smart cities (social credit, artificial intelligence (AI) cameras, health information, garbage collection, and automatic vehicles) by using mainly open-ended questions. An online survey was conducted with Japanese participants by presenting them with one of the five vignettes about the services described above. The results showed that the participants’ expectations from each service were distinctly different between the vignettes. Anxieties about the leakage of personal information were found for the vignettes of social credit and health information. For the vignettes of AI cameras and garbage collection, anxieties that privacy would not be sufficiently ensured and that people would be involved in a surveillance society were noted. Additionally, the participants tended to exhibit lower accepting attitudes toward services considered to capture a large amount of personal information. We believe that our findings are meaningful to operators leading smart city projects and researchers in urban planning and psychology.
Miyagawa, Y., Niiya, Y., & Taniguchi, J. (2021).
Miyagawa, Y.(宮川裕基), Niiya, Y.(新谷優), & Taniguchi, J.(谷口淳一) (2021). Compassionate goals and responses to social rejection: A mediating role of self-compassion. 思いやり目標と社会的排斥への反応:セルフコンパッションによる媒介過程 Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02345-8
The present study examined how people with compassionate goals cope with the threat of social rejection. Specifically, we tested whether self-compassion mediates the associations between compassionate goals and adaptive responses in the wake of social rejection. Participants (n = 358) first filled out the measure of compassionate goals and then described their personal experience of being rejected by others in their life. Later, they reported their levels of self-compassionate reactions toward their experience, fundamental need satisfaction, and revenge intention toward the rejecter. A path model showed that self-compassionate reactions mediated the relations of compassionate goals to higher satisfaction of fundamental needs, B = 0.170, 95%CI [0.062, 0.273], and lower revenge intention, B = −0.077, 95%CI [−0.164, −0.027]. These mediation pathways remained significant for current need satisfaction, B = 0.196, 95%CI [0.089, 0.290], and revenge intention, B = −0.079, 95%CI [−0.161, −0.029], even after controlling for the characteristics of rejection experiences. This study highlights that people who pursue compassionate goals would likely engage in self-compassion to cope with social rejection and thus maintain greater intra-and interpersonal well-being.
Murayama, A., Miura, A., & Furutani, K. (2021).
Murayama, A.(村山綾), Miura, A.(三浦麻子), & Furutani, K.(古谷嘉一郎) (2021). Cross-cultural comparison of engagement in ultimate and immanent justice reasoning. 究極的・内在的公正推論への関与の文化間比較 Asian Journal of Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajsp.12510
We investigated direct cross-cultural differences in individuals’ immanent and ultimate justice reasoning about others’ misfortunes, focusing on deservingness as a mediating variable. Participants from the United States and Japan read a scenario describing a subject’s misfortune. The target subject’s moral worth was manipulated as that of a respected person or a thief. After reading the scenario, participants completed questionnaires containing items on immanent and ultimate justice reasoning as well as deservingness of receiving the misfortune and of future restitution. The analysis revealed that Japanese respondents tended to engage more in immanent justice reasoning than did American respondents when the target subject was of low moral worth, while American participants overall engaged more in ultimate justice reasoning compared with Japanese. Our hypotheses on the mediation effect of deservingness on the relationship between country and justice reasoning were partly supported. These findings suggest that an exploration of cultural differences in justice reasoning, incorporating the role of deservingness, can contribute to extending and strengthening the theory of justice reasoning.
Shimizu, Y., Osaki, S., Hashimoto, T., & Karasawa, K. (2021).
Shimizu, Y. (清水佑輔), Osaki, S., Hashimoto, T. (橋本剛明), & Karasawa, K. (唐沢かおり) (2021). The social acceptance of collecting and utilizing personal information in smart cities. スマートシティにおける個人情報の取得・活用に対する社会的受容の検討 Sustainability, 13(16), 9146. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13169146
In recent years, active efforts to implement smart cities have increased worldwide. In smart cities, a large amount of personal information is captured, and urban development is based on these data. In Japan, implementations of smart cities continue to gain momentum, but the issue of social acceptance has become apparent, as smart cities are not fully accepted by citizens because of concerns about data leaks and misuse of personal information. This study examines the social acceptance of collecting and utilizing personal information in smart cities in relation to a variety of factors such as trust and perceptions of risk, justice, benefit, and necessity. An online survey was conducted wherein participants (N = 568) were presented with a vignette depicting an overview of a typical smart city. The results of structural equation modeling showed that perceived justice was positively related to trust and trust was negatively related to perceived risk and positively related to perceived benefit and necessity. Trust, perceived benefit, and perceived necessity were significantly related to social acceptance, with trust having the greatest relationship. The model obtained in this study contributes to practical efforts for the implementation of smart cities, and future directions are discussed.
Horita, Y. (2021).
Horita, Y. (堀田結孝)(2021). Conjecturing harmful intent and preemptive strike in paranoia. パラノイアにおける危害的な意図の推測と先制攻撃 Frontiers in Psychology, 12:726081. http://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.726081
Paranoia depicts a belief of others having harmful intent. Research using economic games has exhibited the correlation between paranoia and the propensity to characterize ambiguous intentions as harmful. Using a non-clinical sample recruited online from the United States (N=290), we examined whether paranoid thoughts influence aggressive behavior against the subjective perception of harmful intent. We conducted a preemptive strike game wherein aggressive behavior was assumed to be guided by the fear of an opponent. The outcomes indicate that (1) individuals with high paranoia assume harmful intent of an opponent more than those with low paranoia (2) conjecturing an opponent’s harmful intent predicted an increase in the probability of a preemptive strike, and (3) paranoia did not have a statistically significant effect on encouraging a preemptive strike. Additionally, the exploratory analysis revealed that paranoia was related to participant’s aggressiveness and with suppositions of other’s self-interests and competitiveness. This study presents empirical evidence that paranoia is related to the perception of social threats in an uncertain situation. We discuss the possibility that paranoid ideation can promote or inhibit a preemptive strike.
Murphy, S. L., Ozaki, Y., Friese, M., & Hofmann, W. (2021).
Murphy, S. L., Ozaki, Y.(尾崎由佳), Friese, M., & Hofmann, W. (2021). Testing buddha: Is acute desire associated with lower momentary happiness? ブッダを検証する:激しい欲望は幸福感の一時的低下と関連するか Journal of Happiness Studies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-021-00362-9
A central Buddhist claim is that having desires causes suffering. While this tenet draws from the belief that an acute desire state is more momentarily aversive than a no-desire state, the efficacy of this belief has yet to be comprehensively examined. To empirically investigate this claim, we furnished data from two experience sampling studies across USA/Canadian (N = 101; 3224 observations) and Japanese cultures (N = 237; 8497 observations). We compared states of acute desire with states of no desire regarding momentary happiness. We then tested, in an additional step, whether acute desires at greater conflict with personal goals were associated with even lower levels of momentary happiness. Findings were consistent across studies, with participants experiencing greater momentary happiness when not experiencing a desire compared to experiencing acute desire. Also, the greater the desire conflicted with important goals the lower the momentary happiness. The present findings support a key basis of the Buddhist belief that having desires causes suffering, showing acute desire states on average to be more aversive than no desire states.
【Abstractの日本語訳】仏教の中心的な主張は、「欲望があると苦しみが生じる」というものである。この主張は、欲望がある状態の方が、欲望がない状態よりも一時的な嫌悪感を抱くという信念に基づいている、この信念の有効性についてはまだ包括的に検証されていない。この主張を実証的に検討するために、アメリカ・カナダ文化圏(N = 101名; 3224ケース)と日本文化圏(N = 237名; 8497ケース)の2つの経験サンプリング法による調査データを取得した。一時的な幸福について、欲望が強い状態と、欲望がない状態を比較した。さらに、個人的な目標との葛藤が極めて大きい欲望が、一時的な幸福感のさらなる低下と関連するかどうかを検証した。その結果として一貫して見られたパターンは、欲望がない状態の方が、激しい欲望がある状態よりも一時的の幸福感が大きいということであった。また、欲望が重要な目標と葛藤するほど、一時的な幸福感は低くなった。今回の結果は、「欲望があると苦しみが生じる」という仏教の考え方の重要な根拠を裏付けるものであり、平均して、激しい欲望を経験している状態は、欲望がない状態よりも嫌悪感が強いことを示している。
Ishii, T., & Watanabe, K. (2021).
Ishii, T.(石井辰典), & Watanabe, K. (2021). Caring about you: the motivational component of mentalizing, not the mental state attribution component, predicts religious belief in Japan. 心的状態の理解の正確性ではなく、理解しようとする傾向が、宗教的信念の個人差を説明する Religion, Brain & Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1080/2153599X.2021.1939767
Previous studies have demonstrated the relationship between mentalizing and religious belief. However, mentalizing can be broken down into several components, and there are certain measures that correspond to such components. This study aimed to examine the relationship between mentalizing and religious belief using two representative measures, the Empathy Quotient (EQ) and the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET). The results of two studies with Japanese samples showed that the EQ predicted increasing religious belief (study 1), as expected. However, the RMET was not a significant predictor of religious belief (studies 1 and 2). These findings suggest that mentalizing’s mental state attribution component (i.e., matching appropriate mental state words to facial expressions in the eye region) is not directly connected to religious belief. However, the motivational component (i.e., caring about what other people think and feel) is essential for believing in supernatural agents. This study’s limitations and directions for future studies are also discussed.
Yamagata, M., Teraguchi, T., & Miura, A. (in press).
Yamagata, M.(山縣芽生), Teraguchi, T.(寺口司), & Miura, A.(三浦麻子) (in press). Effects of Pathogen-Avoidance Tendency on Infection-Prevention Behaviors and Exclusionary Attitudes toward Foreigners: A Longitudinal Study of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Japan. 感染忌避傾向が感染予防行動および外国人に対する排斥意識に及ぼす影響―日本におけるCOVID-19感染禍を対象とした縦断的研究 Japanese Psychological Research. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpr.12377
This study investigated the changes in public behaviors and attitudes following the spread of COVID-19 in Japan. Using a longitudinal approach that analyzes the movement of an unpredictable and real infection threat to explain and predict human behavior during the pandemic—a novel approach in behavioral immune system research—a panel survey was conducted on Japanese citizens. The results of the survey, conducted in late January, mid-February, and early March 2020, indicated that the influence of the interaction between the changes in situational infection threat and individual differences in pathogen-avoidance tendency on infection-prevention behaviors and exclusionary attitudes toward foreigners was not significant. Moreover, frequent contact with foreigners had a mitigating effect on exclusionary attitudes. The study thus provided a valuable contribution to the application of behavioral immune-system responses to problems associated with infection threats. Moreover, consideration of the aspects of adaptive reaction and social learning allowed us to observe the process of adaptive strategies in novel environments under conditions of high ecological validity and to accurately understand the psychological response to infectious disease outbreaks.