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Ogihara, Y. (2021).
Ogihara, Y (荻原祐二). (2021). I know the name well, but cannot read it correctly: Difficulties in reading recent Japanese names. その名前をよく知っているが、正しく読めない: 近年の日本人の名前を読むことの難しさ Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8, 151. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-021-00810-0
Previous literature has mentioned the difficulty in reading recent Japanese names correctly. However, this difficulty has not been empirically demonstrated. Thus, it is unclear to what extent and how it is difficult. Therefore, this paper provides empirical evidence of the difficulty in reading Japanese names correctly. Data including names of babies born between 2004 and 2018 were analyzed. The results showed that common writings have many variations in reading, which makes it difficult (or almost impossible) to choose the correct reading among many options. For example, one of the common writings for boys, 大翔 had 18 variations in reading, and for girls, 結愛 had 14 variations in reading. These variations differed remarkably in pronunciation, length, and meaning. Empirically reporting this difficulty in reading Japanese names correctly contributes to a better understanding of naming practices not only in Japan but also in vast regions where Chinese characters are/were used.
Murayama, A. and Miura, A. (2021)
Murayama, A.(村山綾) and Miura, A.(三浦麻子) (2021). Religiosity and Immanent Justice Reasoning: A Replication Study in Japan and the U.S.. 宗教性と内在的公正推論:日米における追試研究 Japanese Psychological Research. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpr.12367
Previous studies have investigated the importance of religiosity in enhancing peopleʼs justice reasoning, yet the findings have been limited to the Western culture, where a majority of people believe in Christianity. In order to investigate the effect of cultural difference and of religiosity on immanent justice reasoning, we compared and contrasted the degree of engagement in immanent justice reasoning regarding someoneʼs misfortune among American Christians, Japanese Buddhists, and nonreligious participants in the two cultures. The analysis found that among Americans, those who believed in Christianity engaged in stronger immanent justice reasoning toward an unfortunate person with lower moral values than did participants without a particular faith. The Japanese, on the other hand, showed stronger immanent justice reasoning for people with lower moral values, regardless of their faith. In addition, when the person had low moral value, the Japanese tended to engage in such reasoning more strongly than did Americans. Our results showed that religious beliefs may contribute to strengthening engagement in immanent justice reasoning in the Western culture, but such a generalization may not be accurate in other cultures.
Kobayashi, T., Miura, A., Madrid-Morales, D., & Shimizu, H. (2021).
Kobayashi, T.(小林哲郎), Miura, A.(三浦麻子), Madrid-Morales, D., & Shimizu, H.(清水裕士) (2021). Why are politically active people avoided in countries with collectivistic culture? A cross-cultural experiment. なぜ集団主義文化の諸国では政治参加する人々が嫌われるのか?:文化比較実験 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology ,52(4), 388-405. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F00220221211008653
Although most democratic theories assume that political participation other than voting constitutes an essential input to the political process, little is known about the cultural universality of this assumption. Drawing on cultural psychology findings derived from the widely shared framework of collectivism versus individualism, the present study tests the hypothesis that political demonstrators in collectivistic countries are socially avoided because they are perceived to be a threat to harmonious interpersonal relationships. A cross-national experiment in eight countries (US, UK, France, Germany, Japan, China, South Korea, and India) and one region (Hong Kong) indicated that political demonstrators are socially avoided, and this tendency was significantly stronger in collectivistic countries. Moderated-mediation analyses suggested that the social avoidance of political demonstrators in collectivistic countries is mediated by the perception that they are a threat to harmonious interpersonal relationships. The cross-cultural validity of democratic theory is discussed.
Miyajima, T., & Murakami, F. (2021).
Miyajima, T. (宮島健), & Murakami, F. (村上史朗) (2021). Self-Interested framed and prosocially framed messaging can equally promote COVID-19 prevention intention: A replication and extension of Jordan et al.’s study (2020) in the Japanese context 「自己利益」を強調したメッセージと「他者利益」を強調したメッセージは同程度にCOVID-19の感染予防行動意図を高める:Jordanらの研究(2020)の日本の文脈における再現と拡張 Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 1341 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.605059
How can we effectively promote the public’s prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection? Jordan et al. (2020) found with United States samples that emphasizing either self-interest or collective-interest of prevention behaviors could promote the public’s prevention intention. Moreover, prosocially framed messaging was more effective in motivating prevention intention than self-interested messaging. A dual consideration of both cultural psychology and the literature on personalized matching suggests the findings of Jordan et al. (2020) are counterintuitive, because persuasion is most effective when the frame of the message delivered and the recipient of the message are culturally congruent. In order to better understand the potential influence of culture, the current research aimed to replicate and extend Jordan et al. (2020) findings in the Japanese context. Specifically, we examined the question (1) whether the relative effectiveness of the prosocial appeal is culturally universal and robust, (2) which types of ‘others’ especially promote prevention intention, and (3) which psychological mechanisms can explain the impact of messaging on prevention intention. In Study 1 (N = 1,583), we confirmed that self-interested framed, prosocially framed, and the combination of both types of messaging were equally effective in motivating prevention intention. In Study 2 (N = 1,686), we found that family-framed messaging also had a promoting effect similar to that from self-interested and prosocial appeals. However, the relative advantage of prosocial appeals was not observed. Further, a psychological propensity relevant to sensitivity to social rejection did not moderate the impact of messaging on prevention intention in both studies. These results suggest that since engaging in the infection control itself was regarded as critical by citizens after public awareness of COVID-19 prevention has been sufficiently heightened, for whom we should act might not have mattered. Further, concerns for social rejection might have had less impact on the prevention intentions under these circumstances. These results suggest that the relative advantage of a prosocial appeal might not be either culturally universal or prominent in a collectivistic culture. Instead, they suggest that the advantages of such an appeal depends on the more dynamic influence of COVID-19 infection.
Hackel, J., Yamamoto, H., Okada, I., Goto, A., & Taudes, A. (2021)
Hackel, J., Yamamoto, H.(山本仁志), Okada, I.(岡田勇), Goto, A.(後藤晶), & Taudes, A. (2021). Asymmetric effects of social and economic incentives on cooperation in real effort based public goods games. 努力投入型公共財ゲームにおける社会的・経済的インセンティブの非対称な効果 PLOS ONE, 16(4), e0249217. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249217
Many practitioners as well as researchers explore promoting environmentally conscious behavior in the context of public goods systems. Numerous experimental studies revealed various types of incentives to increase cooperation on public goods. There is ample evidence that monetary and non-monetary incentives, such as donations, have a positive effect on cooperation in public goods games that exceeds fully rational and optimal economic decision making. Despite an accumulation of these studies, in the typical setting of these experiments participants decide on an allocation of resources to a public pool, but they never exert actual effort. However, in reality, we often observe that players’ real effort is required in these public goods game situations. Therefore, more analysis is needed to draw conclusions for a wider set of incentive possibilities in situations similar to yet deviating from resource allocation games. Here we construct a real effort public goods game in an online experiment and statistically analyze the effect different types of incentives have on cooperation. In our experiment, we examine combinations of monetary and social incentives in a setting aimed closer to practical realities, such as financial costs and real effort forming part of the decision to cooperate on a public good. In our real effort public goods game participants cooperate and defect on image-scoring tasks. We find that in our setting economic and social incentives produce an asymmetric effect. Interestingly economic incentives decreased the share of highly uncooperative participants, while social incentives raised the share of highly cooperative participants.
Okada, I., Yamamoto, H., Akiyama, E., & Toriumi, F. (2021)
Okada, I.(岡田勇), Yamamoto, H.(山本仁志), Akiyama, E., & Toriumi, F. (2021). Cooperation in spatial public good games depends on the locality effects of game, adaptation, and punishment. 空間公共財ゲームにおける相互作用・懲罰・学習の局所効果 Scientific Reports, 11(1), 7642. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-86668-3
Despite intensive studies on the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games, there have been few investigations into locality effects in interaction games, adaptation, and punishment. Here we analyze locality effects using an agent-based model of a regular graph. Our simulation shows that a situation containing a local game, local punishment, and global adaptation leads to the most robustly cooperative regime. Further, we show an interesting feature in local punishment. Previous studies showed that a local game and global adaptation are likely to generate cooperation. However, they did not consider punishment. We show that if local punishment is introduced in spatial public goods games, a situation satisfying either local game or local adaptation is likely to generate cooperation. We thus propose two principles. One is if interactions in games can be restricted locally, it is likely to generate cooperation independent of the interaction situations on punishment and adaptation. The other is if the games must be played globally, a cooperative regime requires both local punishment and local adaptation.
Meng, X., Ishii, T., Sugimoto, K., Itakura, S., & Watanabe, K. (2021)
Meng, X., Ishii, T.(石井辰典), Sugimoto, K., Itakura, S., & Watanabe, K. (2021). Source Memory and Social Exchange in Young Children. 社会的交換における幼児のソースメモリ Cognitive Processing https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-021-01028-3
Reciprocal interactions require memories of social exchanges; however, little is known about how we remember social partner actions, especially during childhood when we start forming peer-to-peer relationships. This study examined if the expectation-violation effect, which has been observed in adults’ source memory, exists among 5–6-year-old children. Forty participants played a coin collection game where they either received or lost coins after being shown an individual with a smiling or angry expression. This set-up generated congruent (smiling-giver and angry-taker) versus incongruent (smiling-taker and angry-giver) conditions. In the subsequent tasks, the children were asked to recall which actions accompanied each individual. The children considered the person with incongruent conditions as being stranger that the person with congruent conditions, suggesting that the former violated the children’s emotion-based expectations. However, no heightened source memory was found for the incongruent condition. Instead, children seem to better recognise the action of angry individuals than smiling individuals, suggesting that angry facial expressions are more salient for children’s source memory in a social exchange.
Roskam, I., Aguiar, J., Akgun, E., … Furutani, K., … Kawamoto, T., … Mikolajczak, M. (2021)
Roskam, I., Aguiar, J., Akgun, E., … Furutani, K.(古谷嘉一郎), … Kawamoto, T.(川本大史), … Mikolajczak, M. (2021). Parental Burnout Around the Globe: a 42-Country Study. 世界の子育てバーンアウト: 42か国調査研究 Affective Science https://doi.org/10.1007/s42761-020-00028-4
子育てにおいて高レベルのストレスを感じると、親と子の両方に深刻な影響を与える子育て燃え尽き(バーンアウト)症候群になる可能性がある。しかし、親の燃え尽き症候群が文化によって異なるかどうか、また異なる場合、その理由はまだ明らかになっていない。本研究では、42カ国(17,409人の親、71%が母親、Mage = 39.20)における親の燃え尽き症候群の有病率を調べ、国によって親の燃え尽き症候群の有病率が大きく異なることを示した。文化的価値観の分析では、特に個人主義的な文化が親の燃え尽き症候群の有病率と平均値を顕著に高めていることが明らかになった。実際に、個人主義は、国ごとの経済的不平等や、子どもの数や年齢、子どもと過ごす時間など、これまでに検討されている個人特性や家族の特性よりも、親の燃え尽きに大きな影響を与えている。これらの結果は、欧米諸国の文化的価値観が、親に高いレベルのストレスを与えている可能性を示唆している。
Furutani, K., Kawamoto, T., Alimardani, M., Nakashima, K., (2020)
Furutani, K., Kawamoto, T., Alimardani, M., Nakashima, K., (2020). Exhausted parents in Japan: Preliminary validation of the Japanese version of the Parental Burnout Assessment. 日本の疲弊している親たち: 子育てバーンアウト尺度日本語版の妥当性の予備的検討 New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2020, 33‐ 49. doi: 10.1002/cad.20371
プレスリリース: https://www.hgu.jp/info/news/20201020-01.html
尺度掲載URL(PDFファイル): https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/action/downloadSupplement?doi=10.1002%2Fcad.20371&file=cad20371-sup-0001-Appendix.pdf
International Investigation of Parental Burnout: https://www.burnoutparental.com/international-consortium
Ogihara, Y. (2021)
Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二) (2021). How to Read Uncommon Names in Present-Day Japan: A Guide for Non-Native Japanese Speakers. 現代の日本における個性的な名前の読み方: 日本語を母語としない話者への指針 Frontiers in Communication, 6: 631907. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2021.631907
A previous study categorized uncommon names in present-day Japan. However, it was presented in Japanese mainly for native Japanese speakers and thus failed to explain shared knowledge about naming practices, making it difficult for non-native Japanese speakers to understand the study. It is important to share cultural practices not only within but also beyond the culture. Moreover, considering that Japanese names are difficult to read, reducing the risk of failing to read names correctly is helpful especially for non-native Japanese speakers. Therefore, by adding supplementary explanations, this paper systematically describes the characteristics and patterns of uncommon names in present-day Japan. Uncommon names largely take two forms: names with an uncommon reading of Chinese characters and names with uncommon Chinese characters. Regarding the reading, there are three types: 1-1) names that abbreviate the common reading of Chinese characters, 1-2) names that are pronounced as a foreign word, and 1-3) names that are pronounced based on the meaning/image of Chinese characters. Regarding the writing, there are two types: 2-1) names with Chinese characters used infrequently and 2-2) names with silent Chinese characters adding to the semantic meaning without contributing to the pronunciation. Further, a combination of these methods makes names more unique.