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Nawata, K., Yamaguchi, H., & Aoshima, M. (2020).
Nawata, K.(縄田 健悟), Yamaguchi, H.(山口 裕幸), & Aoshima, M. (2020). Team Implicit Coordination Based on Transactive Memory Systems 対人交流記憶システムに基づくチームの暗黙の協調 Team Performance Management DOI: 10.1108/TPM-03-2020-0024
This study aims to examine how daily communication and transactive memory systems (TMSs) promote implicit team coordination, meaning when team members cooperate smoothly without engaging in explicit communication, in organizations. In TMSs, members share knowledge of who-knows-what with one another.
A survey was conducted with 216 teams consisting of 1,545 people in three organizations. The relationships among daily communication, TMSs and implicit coordination in the survey data and in team performance were analyzed using multi-level structural equation modeling.
Results confirmed a significant influence process model in which “daily communication → TMS → implicit coordination → team performance” at the team level. Therefore, as hypothesized, implicit coordination is positively related to team performance and daily communication has a positive relationship with implicit coordination through mediation by TMSs.
This study demonstrated the evidence of the relation between implicit coordination, TMS, team performance in organizational settings by using multi-level structural equation modeling.
Ogihara, Y., & Kusumi, T. (2020)
Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二), & Kusumi, T. (楠見孝) (2020). The developmental trajectory of self-esteem across the life span in Japan: Age differences in scores on the Rosenberg self-esteem scale from adolescence to old age. 日本における自尊心の発達的軌跡: 青年期から老年期におけるローゼンバーグの自尊心尺度得点の年齢差 Frontiers in Public Health, 8: 132. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00132
We examined age differences in global self-esteem in Japan from adolescents aged 16 to the elderly aged 88. Previous research has shown that levels of self-liking (one component of self-esteem) are high for elementary school students, low among middle and high school students, but then continues to become higher among adults by the 60s. However, it did not measure both aspects of self-esteem (self-competence and self-liking) or examine the elderly over the age of 70. To fully understand the developmental trajectory of self-esteem in Japan, we analyzed six independent cross-sectional surveys. These surveys administered the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, which measured both self-competence and self-liking, on a large and diverse sample (N = 6,113) that included the elderly in the 70s and 80s. Results indicated that, consistent with previous research, for both self-competence and self-liking, the average level of self-esteem was low in adolescence, but continued to become higher from adulthood to old age. However, a drop of self-esteem was not found over the age of 50, which was inconsistent with prior research in European American cultures. Our research demonstrated that the developmental trajectory of self-esteem may differ across cultures.
Ogihara, Y. (2020).
Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二) (2020). Regional differences in individualism in Japan: Scoring based on family structure. 日本における個人主義傾向の地域差:家族構造に基づく得点化 Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 1677. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01677
The present article reported regional (prefecture-level) differences in individualism in Japan based on family structure in 2005, 2010 and 2015. Previous research calculated 2005 prefecture-level scores of individualism-collectivism in Japan by analyzing five validated indicators of individualism-collectivism (divorce rate, percentage of people living alone, percentage of elderly people aged over 65 living alone, percentage of nuclear family households, and percentage of three-generation households). However, only the scores for 2005 had been presented. The scores and their regional differences may have changed over time. Therefore, the current article calculated individualism scores for 2010 and 2015 following previous research. Analyses showed that the scores were stable over time, indicating that regional differences in individualism were maintained for this period. This report is useful for understanding regional differences in psychological phenomena and validating new indicators at the regional level.
Yamamoto, H., Suzuki, T., & Umetani, R. (2020).
Yamamoto, H.(山本仁志), Suzuki, T.(鈴木貴久), & Umetani, R.(梅谷凌平) (2020). Justified defection is neither justified nor unjustified in indirect reciprocity. 間接互恵における「正当化される裏切り」は正当化も不当化もされない PLOS ONE, 15(6), e0235137. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235137
Indirect reciprocity is one of the major mechanisms in the evolution of human cooperation. In indirect reciprocity, social norms with which individuals distinguish good people from bad people play essential roles. Despite extensive studies on the evolution of cooperation in indirect reciprocity, little is known about which social norms people actually adopt. Here we reveal what kind of norms are adopted by people in indirect reciprocal situations in daily life by using scenario-based experiments. The results showed that people evaluated “justified defection” as neither good nor bad and withheld their evaluation. Theoretically, social norms that evaluate justified defection as good are required for cooperation to be stable. However, the norm that people actually adopted deviates from the theoretical predictions. Our results indicate the necessity to reconsider the justification of “justified defection” in the evolution of cooperation.
Kawamura, Y., Kusumi, T. (2020).
Kawamura, Y. (河村悠太), Kusumi, T. (楠見孝) (2020). Altruism does not always lead to a good reputation: A normative explanation. 利他行動は常には良い評判に繋がらない:規範的説明 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 90. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2020.104021
Individuals who engage in altruistic behaviors generally acquire a good reputation. However, recent studies have suggested that altruists are not always welcomed by others. We examined the possibility that norm-deviant altruism leads to unfavorable evaluations; distributing quite large amounts of one’s resources could be less favored because the behavior deviates from social norms. In four studies, participants rated their feelings (i.e., liking and respect) toward a person who distributed his/her resources to others. We found that altruistic behavior that deviates from social norms was less favorably regarded than modestly altruistic behavior (Study 1–4), specifically in a culture with low tolerance for norm deviation (Japan; Study 3) and especially when the degree of the deviance was high (Study 2). These findings suggest that altruistic behavior is less favored when the behavior deviates from social norms and norm deviation is evaluated negatively.
Kawamura, Y., Ohtsubo, Y., & Kusumi, T. (2020).
Kawamura, Y. (河村悠太), Ohtsubo, Y. (大坪庸介), & Kusumi, T. (楠見孝) (2020). Effects of cost and benefit of prosocial behavior on reputation. 社会的行動のコストとベネフィットが評判に及ぼす影響 Social Psychological and Personality Science. doi: 10.1177/1948550620929163
Prosocial behavior consists of a cost to the actor and a benefit of others. Previous studies have shown that prosocial actors generally receive positive social evaluations from observers. However, it is unknown how each component of prosocial behavior (i.e., cost and benefit) influences the two dimensions of person perception (i.e., warmth and competence). Thus, three studies investigated the independent effects of cost and benefit on the perceived warmth and competence of the actor. In Study 1, participants read a series of vignettes about a protagonist incurring a cost to benefit another individual and rated the warmth and competence of each protagonist. Although benefit enhanced both perceived warmth and competence, cost enhanced only perceived warmth. Studies 2a and 2b separately manipulated costs and benefits of prosocial behaviors in vignettes and confirmed the results of Study 1. Thus, this study demonstrated the independent effects of cost and benefit on person perception.
Asano, R., Igarashi, T., & Tsukamoto, S. (2020).
Asano, R. (浅野良輔), Igarashi, T. (五十嵐祐), & Tsukamoto, S. (塚本早織) (2020). The Hedonic and Eudaimonic Motives for Activities: Measurement invariance and psychometric properties in an adult Japanese sample. 日本の成人サンプルにおけるHEMA尺度の測定不変性と心理測定学的特性 Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1220. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01220
Hedonic pleasure orientation (seeking enjoyment), hedonic relaxation orientation (seeking comfort), and eudaimonic orientation (seeking meaning) are major ways that people pursue well-being. We investigated the measurement invariance and psychometric properties of the Hedonic and Eudamonic Motives for Activities (HEMA) scale in a Japanese adult sample (N = 1,892). The Japanese HEMA scale demonstrated measurement invariance at the configural, metric, scalar, and strict levels across gender and age groups. Latent mean differences of the scale across these demographic groups were less than small. The scale showed high internal consistency and six-week test-retest reliability and reasonable correlations with life satisfaction, positive affect, negative affect, psychological well-being, and interdependent happiness. In sum, these findings suggest that the Japanese HEMA scale is useful to capture hedonic and eudaimonic conceptions of well-being as orientations. It is hoped that our findings will stimulate further research on well-being using the HEMA scale.
Takano, R., & Nomura, M. (2020)
Takano, R. (高野了太), & Nomura, M. (野村理朗) (2020). Neural Representations of Awe: Distinguishing Common and Distinct Neural Mechanisms. 畏敬の念の神経表象:神経メカニズムの共通性と差異を区別する Emotion, Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/emo0000771
Awe is an emotional response to perceptually vast stimuli that transcend one’s current frames of reference. The psychological form and function of awe differ between two types: positive-awe, which arises from perceptually aesthetic experiences (e.g., the beauty of nature, spiritual experiences, or the virtue of a leader), and threat-awe, which is triggered by threatening stimuli (e.g., natural disasters, wrathful god, or a leader’s coercive charisma). Here, using functional MRI, we investigated common and distinct neural responses to experiences of positive- and threat-awe, elicited by watching awe-inspiring videos. We found that both awe experiences deactivated the left middle temporal gyrus (MTG) in contrast to control conditions (positive-awe vs. amusement; threat-awe vs. fear), which suggest that awe experiences generally involve the “schema liberation” process since the left MTG plays a critical role in matching existing schema to events. In addition, positive-awe was associated with increased functional connectivity between the MTG and the anterior/posterior cingulate cortex, which are associated with the aesthetic reward process, and the supramarginal gyrus (SMG), which is involved in the self-other representation. Threat-awe was associated with increased functional connectivity between the MTG and amygdala, which detects and processes threat stimuli, as well as between the amygdala and SMG. These findings suggest that the neural mechanisms underlying the complex psychological processes of awe vary as a function of the type of awe. The implications of these results regarding our understanding of the neural basis of awe and the future directions of human social cognition research are discussed.
Ogihara, Y. (2020)
Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二) (2020). The pattern of age differences in self-esteem is similar between males and females in Japan: Gender differences in developmental trajectories of self-esteem from childhood to old age. 日本における自尊心の年齢差のパターンは男女間で類似している: 児童期から老年期の自尊心の発達的軌跡の性差 Cogent Psychology, 7: 1756147 doi: 10.1080/23311908.2020.1756147
The current research examined gender differences in age difference patterns of self-esteem in Japan. Previous research has shown that self-esteem is high in childhood, decreases in adolescence, and increases gradually in adulthood and old age in Japan. However, gender differences in the pattern of age differences in self-esteem had not been investigated sufficiently. Gender differences are important for understanding human psychology and behavior. Therefore, I analyzed two cross-sectional datasets from large (Study 1: N = 15,965, Study 2: N = 5,258) and diverse samples ranging from elementary school students to older adults in their 60s. Results showed that the patterns of age differences in self-esteem are consistent between males and females. Thus, regarding the global evaluation of the self, males and females show a similar pattern over the life course.
Saito, T., Sudo, R., & Takano, Y. (2020).
Saito, T., Sudo, R. (須藤竜之介), & Takano, Y. (2020). The gaze bias effect in toddlers: Preliminary evidence for the developmental study of visual decision‐making. 幼児の視線カスケード現象の予備的検討 Developmental Science (Early View) doi: 10.1111/desc.12969
Several studies have investigated the interactive relationship between attention and decision‐making, which is known as the gaze bias effect. Although the generalizability of the gaze bias effect has recently been observed among young and older adults, it remains unknown in which developmental period individuals start to exhibit this relationship. This question was addressed in the current study by recruiting 58 toddlers aged 2–4 years. Participants were asked to do a two‐alternative forced‐choice task in which they chose one of two soft toys they preferred while their eye movements were recorded. Results demonstrated that toddlers exhibited gaze bias regardless of age. We also found that the number of gaze shifts during the task increased according to age. These results suggest that the interactive relationship between attention and decision is acquired by the age of two. The implications of the increased number of gaze shifts for visual decision‐making are discussed.