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Yokota et al. (2019)

Yokota, K. (横田晋大), Tsuboi, S. (坪井翔), Mifune, N. (三船恒裕), & Sugiura, H. (杉浦仁美) (2019). 
A conceptual replication of the male warrior hypothesis using the outgroup threat priming method
Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 10(1), 1-3. doi: 10.5178/lebs.2019.67
A conceptual replication of Yuki and Yokota’s (2009) study to test the validity of the male warrior hypothesis was conducted. They reported that ingroup bias was triggered by the perceptual cue of outgroup threat, based on the use of a priming method in a minimal group situation among men only. In this study, the stimulus of outgroup threat priming and the measurement of ingroup bias were modified to test the effect of outgroup threat priming on ingroup bias. The results revealed failure to replicate and thus no bias generated by priming among men.

Mifune et al. (2019)

Mifune, N. (三船恒裕), Inamasu, K. (稲増一憲), Kohama, S., Ohtsubo, Y. (大坪庸介), & Tago, A. (2019). 
Social dominance orientation as an obstacle to intergroup apology
PLoS ONE, 14(1), e0211379. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211379
Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) has engaged the interest of social and personality psy- chologists as it has deep implications for the psychology of intergroup conflict, particularly regarding factors such as prejudice and discrimination, as well as international conflict reso- lution. Nevertheless, few studies have directly assessed how SDO relates to intergroup rec- onciliation. This study (effective N = 819) measured participants’ SDO along with their attitudes toward various governmental apologies to test the hypothesis that SDO is associ- ated with unwillingness to issue intergroup apologies. The results showed that SDO was negatively correlated with supportive attitudes toward government-issued international apol- ogies. This negative correlation remained intact after controlling for the effects of political conservatism and militarism.

Meng et al. (2019)

Meng, X., Ishii, T.(石井辰典), Sugimoto, K., Song, R., Moriguchi, Y., & Watanabe, K. (2019)
Smiling enemies: Young children better recall mean individuals who smile
敵対者の微笑み:5-6歳児は "微笑んだいじわる" の顔をよく記憶する
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,188
Remembering whether a person is cooperative is essential in social interactions. It has been shown that adults have better memory of a person who showed an incongruence between emotional expression and expected behavior (e.g., smiling while stealing). To examine whether children would show similar emotional incongruity effects, we examined 70 children between 5 and 6 years of age. They obtained coins that could be exchanged later for rewards (stickers) by answering quiz questions. Then, they participated in the coin-collecting game wherein individual persons with smiling or angry expressions appeared one at a time on a computer monitor. These same individuals then either gave coins to or took them away from the children, leading to congruent (smiling giver and angry taker) and incongruent (smiling taker and angry giver) conditions. After the game, children had to choose between two faces to indicate which one previously appeared in the game. Participants recognized faces better under the incongruent conditions. In particular, the smiling taker was recognized significantly better than the angry taker, whereas no difference was observed for the smiling and angry givers. Evidently, 5-to-6-year-old-children remember better individuals whose facial expression or appearance is incongruent with their expected behavior.

Eisen & Ishii (2019)

Eisen, C. (カリス・アイゼン), & Ishii, K. (石井敬子) (2019). 
Cultural variation in reactions to a group member’s vicarious choice and the role of rejection avoidance. 
Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1311. 
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01311
Extending the literature on culture and the personal or interpersonal construction of choices, this research investigates consequences of an ingroup member’s vicarious decision for the entire group and the mechanism behind cultural variation. In Study 1, Japanese people showed, compared to Germans, greater acceptance of vicarious choice and evaluated the ingroup member who had chosen on their behalf more positively. Using mediation analyses and priming methods, Studies 2 and 3 identified rejection avoidance to partly explain culturally diverse reactions to vicarious choices. These findings suggest that the mechanism behind cultural differences in choice is related to variation in strength of the motivation to maintain social approval.

Kuroda & Kameda (2019)

Kuroda, K. (黒田起吏), & Kameda, T. (亀田達也) (2019).
You watch my back, I'll watch yours: Emergence of collective risk monitoring through tacit coordination in human social foraging.
Evolution and Human Behavior, 40(5), 427-435.
doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2019.05.004
Predation risk is a significant concern when social animals including humans engage in foraging. When people search for resources together, individuals often find themselves in a producer–scrounger game, in which some individuals bear the cost of risk monitoring while others can free ride on those efforts. A theoretically rational strategy is to mix foraging and risk monitoring randomly with the same probability across all members, but such uncoordinated action often yields inefficiencies of under- or over-supply of risk monitoring in a group. Here, we examined whether people could spontaneously develop a coordinated risk-monitoring system, alternating vigilance and foraging in a pair. Given that human cooperation is vulnerable to fear of exploitation and emotional arousal under risk, we hypothesized that such sources of anxiety would be potential disruptors to coordination. In a laboratory experiment, two participants worked on a “treasure hunt” task simultaneously, in which they chose between low or high vigilance against predators during foraging without verbal communication. If one chose high vigilance with personal cost, it yielded a spillover benefit to the other. Besides behavioral choices, each participant’s physiological arousal (skin conductance response) and cognitive effort (tonic pupil dilation) were measured during the task. Results showed that some pairs were actually able to develop a role-alternating system over time through tacit coordination, but coordinated action was also vulnerable to anxiety and mistrust among participants. Overall, these results imply that, besides the mutual behavioral control that often characterizes repeated interaction, cognitive control of emotional arousal may be a critical psychological factor for the emergence of coordinated cooperation.

Igarashi (2019)

Igarashi, T. (五十嵐祐) (2019)
Development of the Japanese version of the three-item loneliness scale.
BMC Psychology, 7:20
Loneliness is a major risk factor for mental and physical health worldwide. The Three-Item Loneliness Scale (TIL Scale; Hughes et al., 2004) has been widely applied to measure loneliness in a simplified format, but no validated Japanese version has been developed. This study adapted the TIL Scale into Japanese and tested its reliability and validity. [Methods] The original English version of the TIL Scale was translated into Japanese, and the expressions of the Japanese version were confirmed by a back translation procedure. The translated scale was then administered to Japanese respondents recruited from an online research panel (N = 1020) and an online crowdsourcing service (N = 500). To analyze the data containing polytomous responses to the items in the scale, this study used categorical Confirmatory Factor Analysis and the Generalized Partial Credit Model based on the Item Response Theory. To evaluate the psychometric properties of the scale, this study examined factorial validity, reliability, information curves, and the associations of the scale score with demographic variables (age, gender, marital status, and living arrangements), the scores of the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (R-UCLA), the Big Five scale of personality traits, and the sizes of personal networks. [Results] The translated TIL Scale showed essential unidimensionality and characteristics to differentiate among respondents at different levels of loneliness. The scale score was related positively with the scores of R-UCLA and neuroticism and negatively with the scores of extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, and the sizes of overall and support networks. Those who were unmarried and alone recorded a higher score on the scale than those who were married and living with someone. Age showed a negative correlation with the scale score only in Sample 1, in which the equal allocation procedure was introduced for the age stratum. [Conclusions] The results indicate that the Japanese version of the TIL Scale demonstrates adequate reliability and validity for the assessment of loneliness. 本研究では、Hughes et al. (2004) の孤独感尺度短縮版(3項目)の邦訳版を作成し、オンラインのサンプルから収集したデータを用いて、項目応答理論に基づいて項目の特性を分析したのち、UCLA孤独感尺度やBig Five、個人の属性との基準関連妥当性を検討しています。従来の研究では、20項目のUCLA孤独感尺度が多く用いられてきましたが、本研究の知見は、3項目の短縮版が一定の識別力と妥当性を有することを示すものであり、さまざまな領域での応用が期待されます。

Nawata (2019)

Nawata, K. (縄田健悟) (2019). 
A glorious warrior in war: Cross-cultural evidence of honor culture, social rewards for warriors, and intergroup conflict 
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 
doi: 10.1177/1368430219838615
Previous research has shown that honor culture and honor ideology enhance interpersonal and intergroup aggressiveness at the individual level. This study aimed to examine collective-level relationships among honor culture, social rewards for warriors, and intergroup conflict. To demonstrate these relationships, I used the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample, which contains data on 186 mainly preindustrial societies from all over the world. The analysis demonstrated that honor culture, which values males’ toughness and aggression, has a positive relationship with frequency of intergroup conflicts. In addition, social rewards (praise, prestige, and status) for warriors mediated the relationship between honor culture and frequency of intergroup conflict. These results imply that the collective-level processes of honor culture enhance intergroup conflicts through the social reputations of warriors who participate in war. これまでの研究は、名誉文化と名誉イデオロギーが個人レベルでの対人間・集団間の攻撃性を高めることを明らかにしてきた。 本研究の目的は,名誉文化,戦士への社会的報酬,集団間紛争に関する集合レベルの関係を検証することである。 本研究ではStandard Cross-Cultural Sampleという人類学分野のデータセットを利用して分析した。ここには主に前産業社会の世界186データが含まれている。 分析の結果,男性のタフさと攻撃性を重視する名誉文化は集団間紛争の頻度と正の関係にあることが示された。 さらに、戦士への社会的報酬(賞賛、特権、地位)は,名誉文化と集団間紛争の頻度との関係を媒介した。 以上の結果は、集合レベルの名誉文化のプロセスが,戦争に参加する戦士の社会的評判を通じて集団間紛争を激化する可能性を示唆している。 ●著者による解説記事: https://nawatakengo.hatenablog.com/entry/nawata_2019_gpir

Ishiguro et al. (2021)

Ishiguro, C., Takagishi, H. (高岸治人), Sato, Y., Seow, A. W., Takahashi, A., Abe, Y., Hayashi, T., Kakizaki, H., Uno, K., Okada, H., Kato, E. (2021). 
Effect of dialogical appreciation based on visual thinking strategies on art-viewing strategies. 
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 15, 51-59. 
doi: 10.1037/aca0000258
This study examines how educational interventions involving art viewing affect students’ art-viewing behaviors and their evaluations of artworks. We focused on Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS), a typical intervention implemented in schools and museums, and examined its educational effect by comparing it to another common intervention: lectures on art history. To conduct this experiment, we recruited a sample of undergraduate students who were then assigned to a VTS condition or a lecture condition. The participants viewed 10 specific artworks both before and after receiving the educational intervention, and their eye movements and evaluations of each picture were measured and contrasted. The results showed that the participants who were assigned to the VTS condition increased the amount of time they spent viewing the artworks, whereas the lecture interventions had no observable effect on any measurement. The participants’ favorability toward the artworks was not affected by either intervention. These findings reveal a new aspect of the effects of employing VTS in art education regarding art viewing.

Ogihara (2019)

Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二) (2019).
A decline in self-esteem in adults over 50 is not found in Japan: age differences in self-esteem from young adulthood to old age. 
BMC Research Notes, 12, 274. 
doi: 10.1186/s13104-019-4289-x
The current research examined age differences in self-esteem in Japan from young adults aged 20 to the elderly aged 69 with a focus on self-esteem trajectories from middle age to old age. Previous research in European American cultures has indicated that self-esteem rises from young adulthood into middle age, and sharply declines starting in one’s 50s or 60s. However, it was unclear whether this sharp drop would be found in Japan. Therefore, the present research investigated whether the same age differences were present in Japan by analyzing data from a large and diverse sample. Results showed that self-esteem increases from young adulthood into middle age, consistent with previous research. However, the sharp decline after the age of 50 was not found, which is different from the pattern in European American cultures. This may be related to a finding that people in East Asian cultures show more humble attitudes toward themselves.

Tanibe et al. (2019)

Tanibe, T. (谷辺哲史), Hashimoto, T. (橋本剛明), Tomabechi, T. (苫米地飛), Masamoto, T. (正本拓), & Karasawa, K. (唐沢かおり) (2019).
Attributing mind to groups and their members on two dimensions.
Frontiers in Psychology, 10:840.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00840
Psychological research has revealed that people attribute mental states to groups such as companies, especially to those groups that are highly entitative. Moreover, attributing a mind to a group results in the decreased attribution of mind to individual group members. Recent research has demonstrated that the minds of others are perceived in two dimensions—agency and experience. The present study investigated the possibility that this two-dimensional structure exists in mind attribution to groups, and group entitativity has different patterns of relations with these dimensions. A vignette experiment revealed that highly entitative groups were attributed both agency and experience to greater degrees compared to non-entitative groups, while group entitativity reduced only the attribution of agency to the individual group members. Individual members were attributed an equivalent amount of experience regardless of group entitativity. Mind attribution to individual members showed an unpredicted third factor of other-recognition, which was positively related to group entitativity. The implications of mind attribution to moral issues were discussed.