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Hashimoto, & Karasawa(2018)
Hashimoto, T. (橋本剛明), & Karasawa, K. (唐沢かおり) (2018). Impact of consumer power on consumers' reactions to corporate transgression. 企業不祥事への消費者の反応に勢力が与える影響 PLoS ONE, 13(5), e0196819. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0196819We addressed how individuals’ power influences their judgments regarding corporate transgressions. Based on the Situated Focus Theory of Power, which theorizes that powerful people respond more in accordance to circumstantial factors, we tested the interaction of power and the type of corporate discourse offered by the accused company. Across two studies (overall N = 216), we experimentally primed power (Study 1) and manipulated participants’ sense of direct control over the company (Study 2). We consistently found an interaction effect of power and corporate discourse on people’s negative attitudes toward the company—particularly on the unwillingness to use the company’s products. Particularly, high-power individuals were prone to strongly vary their attitudes based on the mitigative/non-mitigative nature of the discourse, while those low in power were unsusceptible to the type of discourse. The results suggest how the potential rise of consumer power in society may critically influence the consumer-corporate relationships following corporate transgressions.
Kase, Ueno, Shimamoto, & Oishi(2019).
Kase, T. (嘉瀬貴祥), Ueno, Y., Shimamoto, K., & Oishi, K. (2019). Causal relationships between sense of coherence and life skills: Examining the short-term longitudinal data of Japanese youths. Sense of coherenceとライフスキルの因果関係―日本人青年の短期縦断的データを用いた検討― Mental Health & Prevention, 13(1), 14-20. doi: 10.1016/j.mhp.2018.11.005This study investigated the causal relationships between sense of coherence (SOC) and life skills. Participants (248 university students; 147 men, 101 women; mean age = 20.4 years, SD = 0.9 years) completed the Japanese version of the SOC-29 scale and the Life Skills Scale for Adolescents and Adults. Structural equation modeling (a synchronous effects model and a cross-lagged effects model) indicated that life skills had a certain effect (β = .55 to .75, p < .01) on SOC. This result suggests that improving life skills was effective in strengthening SOC. The findings of this study provide key information concerning the dimensions and stages of SOC and life skills. This can be used to construct a theoretical model and framework for future practical studies on strengthening SOC and conducting life skills training.
Kase, Ueno, & Oishi(2018).
Kase, T. (嘉瀬貴祥), Ueno, Y., & Oishi, K. (2018). The overlap of sense of coherence and the Big Five personality traits: A confirmatory study. Sense of coherenceとBig Five性格特性との関係についての検証的研究 Health Psychology Open, 5(2), 1-4. doi: 10.1177/2055102918810654Sense of coherence is the perception of the world as coherent. Its conceptual similarities to the Big Five personality traits have been demonstrated. We therefore investigated the relationship between sense of coherence and the Big Five. In total, 1088 Japanese youths completed the 29-item Sense of Coherence Scale and the Ten-Item Personality Inventory. Neuroticism was negatively correlated and extraversion was positively correlated with comprehensibility (r = −.47, .35), manageability (r = −.44, .26), and meaningfulness (r = −.28, .30). These correlations were strong, and the overlap between the two scales was about 36 percent. While the Big Five are related to sense of coherence, their differences cannot be ignored.
Matsunaga, Masuda, Ishii, Ohtsubo, Noguchi, Ochi, & Yamasue.(2018).
Matsunaga, M., Masuda, T. (増田貴彦), Ishii, K. (石井敬子), Ohtsubo, Y. (大坪庸介), Noguchi, Y., Ochi, M. (越智美早), & Yamasue, H. (2018). Culture and cannabinoid receptor gene polymorphism interact to influence the perception of happiness. 文化とカンナビノイド受容体遺伝子多型が相互作用し幸せの知覚に影響する PLoS ONE, 13, e0209552. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209552Previous studies have shown that a cytosine (C) to thymine (T) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the human cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) gene is associated with positive emotional processing. C allele carriers are more sensitive to positive emotional stimuli including happiness. The effects of several gene polymorphisms related to sensitivity to emotional stimuli, such as that in the serotonin transporter gene-linked polymorphic region (5HTTLPR), on emotional processing have been reported to differ among cultures–e.g., between those that are independent and interdependent. Thus, we postulated that the effects of the CNR1 genotype on happiness might differ among different cultures because the concept of happiness varies by culture. We recruited healthy male and female young adults in Japan, where favorable external circumstances determine the concept of happiness, and Canada, where the concept of happiness centers on positive inner feelings, and compared the effects of the CNR1 genotype on both subjective happiness levels (self-evaluation as being a happy person) and situation-specific happiness (happy feelings accompanying various positive events) by using a questionnaire. We found that the effect of CNR1 on subjective happiness was different between the Japanese and Canadian groups. The subjective happiness level was the highest in Japanese individuals with the CC genotype, whereas in Canadian participants, it was the highest in individuals with the TT genotype. Furthermore, the effects of CNR1 genotype on situation-specific happiness were also different between the groups. Happiness accompanied with being surrounded by happy people was the highest among Japanese individuals with the CC genotype, whereas among Canadian individuals, it was the highest in TT genotype carriers. These findings suggest that culture and CNR1 polymorphism interact to influence the perception of happiness.
Yamamoto & Suzuki(2018).
Yamamoto, H.(山本仁志), & Suzuki, T.(鈴木貴久) (2018). Effects of beliefs about sanctions on promoting cooperation in a public goods game. サンクションに対する信念が協力に与える影響 Palgrave Communications, 4(1), 148. doi: 10.1057/s41599-018-0203-8Cooperative behaviour among people facing social dilemmas remains an unsolved puzzle. Sanction systems such as punishment and reward are well-known solutions to social dilemmas. On the one hand, it is theorised that peer sanctions cannot maintain cooperation because of the intrusion of second-order free riders. On the other hand, experimental studies have widely reported that cooperation is sustainable by first-order sanction systems. To understand the divergence between theory and experimental results, we focus on the effects of beliefs about sanctions on promoting cooperation. While previous studies have revealed effects of beliefs about other people’s cooperation in public goods games (PGGs), the effect of beliefs about sanctions have not been considered. We conducted a scenario-based experiment using one-shot PGGs with and without sanction systems. The results revealed that beliefs about sanctions promote cooperation in a PGG when types of sanctions and some psychological attitudes to cooperation are controlled for. Our results indicate that the beliefs of actors promote cooperation despite the possible presence of second-order free riders. A belief about sanctions differs from a preference for cooperative behaviour and the amount a player pays to exercise a sanction. It is necessary to consider players’ beliefs about a sanction when studying its effectiveness.
Takano & Osaka(2018)
Takano, Y. (高野陽太郎), & Osaka, E. (纓坂英子)(2018) “Attention, please” to situation: Replies to commentaries by Uleman, Matsumoto, Hamamura and Takemura, and Vignoles 状況に注目:Uleman, Matsumoto, Hamamura and Takemura, Vignoles による論評への回答 Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 21(4), 346-355. doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12347この論文は、私たちの展望論文(Takano & Osaka, 2018)に寄せられた4編の論評論文に対する回答論文です。日本人論では、長らく「日本人は集団主義的、アメリカ人は個人主義的」と言われてきました。20年前、私たちは日本人とアメリカ人を比較した実証的研究を探索し、見つかった15件の研究がこの通説を支持していないことを報告しました(Takano & Osaka, 1999)。新しい展望論文では、その後に発表された研究を中心に、新たに20件の実証的研究を調べ、それらの研究が全体としてはこの通説を支持していないという同じ結論に至りました。この展望論文に対する4編の論評論文は、いずれも、「通説は妥当ではない」という点で、私たちと意見を同じくしていました。通説が何十年ものあいだ世界中で信奉されてきたことを思えば、これは驚くべきことです。この回答論文では、集団主義・個人主義の問題を考える際には「状況」を考慮に入れることが重要であることを指摘し、「状況」との関連で、「集団主義・個人主義は1次元的な概念か多次元的な概念か」、「集団レベルでの文化差(⇔個人レベルでの文化差)を測定することはできるか」、「文化間での有意差を一律に文化差と捉えてよいか」等の理論的な問題を検討しました。 Abstract Takano and Osaka (2018) tested the validity of the common view that Japanese are more collectivistic than Americans by reviewing empirical studies published mainly during recent two decades, and found that this common view was not supported by most of the reviewed studies. All the four commentaries on this review of ours shared with us the basic judgment that the common view is untenable. In this reply, we present arguments to resolve some doubts cast on our review, and then argue that situation is a key concept to investigate critical issues related to individualism and collectivism such as their dimensionality and distinction between societal level and individual level cultural difference.
Asano et al.(2018)
Asano, R. (浅野良輔), Tsukamoto, S. (塚本早織), Igarashi, T. (五十嵐祐), & Huta, V. (in press).
Psychometric properties of measures of hedonic and eudaimonic orientations in Japan: The HEMA Scale.
Current Psychology.
doi: 10.1007/s12144-018-9954-z
The Hedonic and Eudaimonic Motives for Activities (HEMA) scale measures well-being as a series of orientations. We investigated the HEMA scale’s psychometric properties among two Japanese samples in longitudinal studies over periods of one month (N = 385) and two months (N = 224). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses identified three subscales of the HEMA scale: hedonic pleasure orientation, hedonic relaxation orientation, and eudaimonic orientation. On average, at a given point in time, the correlations between subscales were r = .58 for the hedonic pleasure and hedonic relaxation orientations; r = .56 for the hedonic pleasure and eudaimonic orientations; and r = .26 for the hedonic relaxation and eudaimonic orientations—while the internal consistencies were αs > .80 for all subscales. In both studies, the three HEMA subscales had test-retest correlations averaging rs = .51, which suggests that these orientations are temporally quite stable, yet they are also amenable to change. Longitudinal analyses showed correlations between the HEMA scale and external criteria: hedonic pleasure orientation was associated with life satisfaction, positive affect, personal growth, purpose in life, and sense of meaning; hedonic relaxation orientation was associated with life satisfaction, positive affect, calm affect, and personal growth; and eudaimonic orientation was associated with life satisfaction, positive affect, personal growth, purpose in life, and sense of meaning. Implications for future research on the HEMA scale are discussed.
Nishina et al.(2018)
Nishina K.(仁科国之), Takagishi H.(高岸治人), Fermin A. S. R., Inoue-Murayama M., Takahashi H., Sakagami, M., Yamagishi T.(山岸俊男) (2018). Association of the oxytocin receptor gene with attitudinal trust: role of amygdala volume. オキシトシン受容体遺伝子と信頼態度の関連:扁桃体の体積の役割 Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13, 1091-1097. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsy075Previous studies have shown that genetic variations in rs53576, a common variant of the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) resulting from a single nucleotide polymorphism involving an adenine (A)/guanine (G) transition, are associated with attitudinal trust in men. However, the pathway from gene to behaviour has not been elucidated. We conducted the present study to determine whether amygdala volume mediates the association between OXTR rs53576 genotypes and attitudinal trust. Our results revealed that the left amygdala volume was significantly smaller in GG men than in AA and AG men, whereas it was significantly smaller in AA and AG women than in GG women. In addition, the left amygdala volume was negatively associated with attitudinal trust in men, whereas there was no such association in women. We also found a significant mediation effect of the left amygdala volume on the association between OXTR rs53576 genotypes and attitudinal trust in men. The results of our study suggest that the left amygdala volume plays a pivotal role in the association between OXTR rs53576 genotypes and attitudinal trust in men.
Kawamoto, T., & Hiraki, K. (2019).
Kawamoto, T. (川本大史), & Hiraki, K. (2019). Parental presence with encouragement alters feedback processing in preschoolers: An ERP study. 親の応援が5歳児のフィードバック処理を変える:ERP研究 Social Neuroscience, 14, 499-504. doi: 10.1080/17470919.2018.1527250External feedback plays an important role in adapting to the environment; however, feedback processing in preschoolers has not been fully understood. The present event-related brain potential (ERP) study sought to understand the influence of parental presence with encouragement on feedback processing by focusing on reward positivity (RewP: mean amplitude between 200–350 ms). Five-year-old children (N = 21) completed an animal search task both alone (the alone condition) and with a parent who offered words of encouragement (the with a parent condition). ERPs were recorded while they received negative and positive feedback. We found a larger RewP amplitude in response to positive feedback in the with a parent condition relative to in the alone condition. In addition, differences in RewP between positive and negative feedback were only observed in the with a parent condition. These findings suggest that everyday parental encouragement has the potential to promote differential positive and negative feedback processing possibly by enhancing the reward value of positive feedback.
Horita, Y. & Takezawa, M. (2018).
Horita, Y.(堀田結孝) & Takezawa, M. (竹澤正哲) (2018). Cultural differences in strength of conformity explained through pathogen stress: A statistical test using hierarchical Bayesian estimation 病原体の蔓延度から説明される同調傾向の文化差:階層ベイズによる推定 Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1921. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01921The severity of the environment has been found to have played a selective pressure in the development of human behavior and psychology, and the historical prevalence of pathogens relate to cultural differences in group-oriented psychological mechanisms, such as collectivism and conformity to the in-group. However, previous studies have also proposed that the effectiveness of institutions, rather than pathogen stress, can account for regional variation in group-oriented psychological mechanisms. Moreover, previous studies using nations as units of analysis may have suffered from a problem of statistical non-independence, namely, Galton’s problem. The present study tested whether or not regional variation in pathogen stress, rather than government effectiveness, affected collectivism and conformity to social norms by adjusting the effect of global regions using hierarchical Bayesian estimation. We found that the overall effect of pathogen stress remained significant in only one out of the four indices of the regional variability of conformity, and the effects of the government effectiveness also disappeared. Instead, we found that significant effects of both pathogen stress and government effectiveness in specific regions of the world, but these effects were not stable across the measurements. These results indicate that both the effects of pathogen stress and government effectiveness need further reevaluation.