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Shimizu, Y., Ogawa, K., Kimura, M., Fujiwara, K., & Watanabe, N. (2024)

Shimizu, Y.(志水勇之進), Ogawa, K.(小川一美), Kimura, M.(木村昌紀), Fujiwara, K.(藤原 健), & Watanabe, N. (2024).
The influence of emotional facial expression intensity on decoding accuracy: High intensity does not yield high accuracy.
Japanese Psychological Research, 66(4).

This study examined the relationship between the intensity of emotional expressions in facial stimuli and receivers’ decoding accuracy for six basic emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. A laboratory experiment was conducted using the forced-choice method, in which the intensity of each stimulus was manipulated at every 10% interval using the morphing technique. To explore whether a linear relationship would be observed when the intensity was finely manipulated at 10% intervals, a hierarchical multiple regression analysis was performed. The mean percentage of correct responses for each stimulus was the dependent variable, and the linear, quadratic, and cubic terms of the stimulus intensity were the independent variables. The results showed that the linear model was not adopted as the final model for all facial expressions; that is, the effect of the squared term of intensity was significant for anger, disgust, fear, and sadness, while the effect of the cubic term of intensity was significant for happiness and surprise. Our findings indicate that a higher intensity of emotional expression does not yield higher decoding accuracy.

・各刺激の強度はモーフィングを用いて, 0 (中立表情)~100%の10%間隔で操作した。

Miyagawa, Y., & Niiya, Y. (2024)

Miyagawa, Y. (宮川裕基), & Niiya, Y. (新谷優). (2024). 
Psychometric validation of the Compassion Scale in Japan (CS-J).
日本語版コンパッション尺度 (CS-J) の開発

Objectives: The Compassion Scale (CS) is a model-based scale to measure compassion for others, comprising four subcomponents: kindness, common humanity, mindfulness, and sensitivity to the suffering of others. This research examined the psychometric properties of the Compassion Scale in Japan (CS-J). Method: This research (n = 1742) examined the factor structure of the CS-J, the relations of the CS-J to compassion-related constructs (Study 1), intra- and interpersonal well-being (Study 2), and dispositions primarily concerned with the welfare of others (Study 3), and the test-retest reliability over a month (Study 4). Results: Exploratory structural equation modeling identified that a bifactor structure best represented the CS-J. Internal reliability indicators warranted the use of total scores (internal consistency, ω = 0.94) and subscales (ω = 0.82 to 0.92). The test-retest reliability was adequate for the total scores (r = 0.73) and acceptable for the subscales (r = 0.45 to 0.68). The CS-J showed positive correlations with self-compassion, compassionate engagement and action, mindfulness, empathetic concerns, perspective-taking, altruism, compassionate goals, self-image goals, interdependent happiness, positive affect, life satisfaction, psychological well-being, and social desirability with small to large effect sizes. The CS-J was negatively associated with negative affect and psychological stress responses with small effect sizes. Conclusions: These results provided evidence for the validity of the CS-J. Our results in Japan indicated that compassion for others represents a balanced system of increased compassionate responding and decreased uncompassionate responding toward others’ suffering. Preregistration: Our studies were preregistered at the Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/jha6q and https://osf.io/b8f5v).

Pommier et al. (2020) によるCompassion Scale (CS) の日本語版です。Dr. Kristin Neffによるセルフコンパッションの概念を他者へのコンパッションに応用した尺度です。CSは16項目で、他者に対するコンパッションを測定します。4つの研究により、日本においても、CSがbi-factor構造を示すこと、セルフコンパッション等と関連すること、信頼性の観点からCS全体得点および4つの下位尺度 (Kindness, common humanity, mindfulness, and a lack of indifference toward others’ suffering) が使用可能なことを示しました。CSの日本語項目は論文の電子付録に載っております。

Neff, K. D., & Miyagawa, Y. (2024)

Neff, K. D., & Miyagawa, Y. (宮川裕基) (2024). 
State Self-Compassion Scale Long Form (SSCS-L) and Short Form (SSCS-S).
状態セルフ・コンパッション尺度: 18項目版(SSCS-L)および6項目版(SSCS-S)
In: Medvedev, O. N., Krägeloh, C. U., Siegert, R. J., Singh, N. N. (eds) Handbook of Assessment in Mindfulness Research, Springer.

The State Self-Compassion Scale-Long Form (SSCS-L) assesses self-compassionate reactions experienced toward a current instance of personal suffering. Its structure is based on the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS), which is designed to measure self-compassion as a trait over time. Factor analyses using bifactor modeling and exploratory structural factor analyses (i.e., bifactor ESEM) suggested that, like the SCS, the SSCS-L represents a bifactor structure identified by a general self-compassion factor and six specific factors: increased self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness as well as reduced self-judgment, isolation, and over-identification. The SCSC-L demonstrated excellent reliability, and validity was further established by associations with functionally related constructs such as affect, trait self-compassion, and fears of self-compassion in the expected direction. The State Self-Compassion Scale—Short form (SSCS-S) was created from the SSCS-L items, which includes 6 items (one from each subscale). Findings suggest that the SSCS-S represents a single-factor structure of total state self-compassion with adequate reliability. Both SSCS-L and SSCS-S were able to assess changes in levels of state self-compassion after an experimental manipulation to boost state self-compassion (using a self-compassionate mindstate induction). Specifically, after recalling personal suffering, participants who received the self-compassionate mindstate induction reported increases in total state self-compassion, self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness, and decreases in self-judgment, isolation, and over-identification, while those in a control group did not report significant changes in state self-compassion. Similar results were obtained in Japan, suggesting that the SSCS-L and SSCS-S operate consistently across cultures. The SSCS long and short forms appear to be valid and reliable measures of state self-compassion.

状態セルフ・コンパッション尺度 (Neff et al., 2021) に関する理論的背景、尺度開発過程、米国ならびに日本等における本尺度の妥当性・信頼性に関するまとめです。

Ogihara, Y. (2024)

Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二) (2024).
Numbers of articles in the three Japanese national newspapers, 1872-2021.
日本の三大全国紙における記事数, 1872-2021
Scientific Data, 11, 437.

Newspapers have been analyzed in many disciplines, including the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. However, previous research using Japanese newspapers investigated the absolute frequency (number) of articles of interest and did not examine the relative frequency (rate) of articles, restricting a deeper understanding of humans, society, and nature. The absolute frequency and the relative frequency of articles can show different patterns of results, which leads to different conclusions. Thus, investigating only the absolute frequency of articles is insufficient, or sometimes misleading. Therefore, it is necessary to examine not only the absolute frequency of articles but also their relative frequency. For this purpose, I conducted a series of systematic searches and provided the yearly numbers of articles in the three databases of Japanese national newspapers over the 150 years between 1872 and 2021. This paper enables researchers to calculate the relative frequency of articles, contributing to research in many disciplines.



Nakashima, S. F., Ukezono, M., & Takano, Y. (2024)

Nakashima, S. F.(中嶋智史), Ukezono, M., & Takano, Y. (2024). 
Painful Experiences in Social Contexts Facilitate Sensitivity to Emotional Signals of Pain from Conspecifics in Laboratory Rats.
Animals, 14, 1280.

Previous studies demonstrated that laboratory rats could visually receive emotional pain signals from conspecifics through pictorial stimuli. The present study examined whether a prior painful emotional experience of the receiver influenced the sensitivity of emotional expression recognition in laboratory rats. The experiment comprised four phases: the baseline preference test, pain manipulation test, post-manipulation preference test, and state anxiety test. In the baseline phase, the rats explored an apparatus comprising two boxes to which pictures of pain or neutral expressions of other conspecifics were attached. In the pain manipulation phase, each rat was allocated to one of three conditions: foot shock alone (pained-alone; PA), foot shock with other unfamiliar conspecifics (pained-with-other; PWO), or no foot shock (control). In the post-manipulation phase, the animals explored the apparatus in the same manner as they did in the baseline phase. Finally, an open-field test was used to measure state anxiety. These findings indicate that rats in the PWO group stayed longer per entry in a box with photographs depicting a neutral disposition than in a box with photographs depicting pain after manipulation. The results of the open-field test showed no significant differences between the groups, suggesting that the increased sensitivity to pain expression in other individuals due to pain experiences in social settings was not due to increased primary state anxiety. Furthermore, the results indicate that rats may use a combination of self-painful experiences and the states of other conspecifics to process the emotional signal of pain from other conspecifics. In addition, changes in the responses of rats to facial expressions in accordance with social experience suggest that the expression function of rats is not only used for emotional expressions but also for communication.


Miura, A., Murayama, A., & Kitamura, H. (2024)

Miura, A.(三浦麻子), Murayama, A.(村山綾), & Kitamura, H.(北村英哉) (2024).
Behind the mask: Analyzing the dual influence of social norms on pandemic behavior in Japan.
Japanese Psychological Research. (Early View)

This study examines the relationship between social norms and mask-wearing behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan from two distinct normative perspectives: injunctive norms (governmental recommendations) and descriptive norms (observed behavior in others). Data were collected from a panel survey of Japanese residents from February to October 2023. Contrary to the study’s hypothesis, which was based on system justification theory, no significant relationship was found between system justification motivation and individual mask-wearing rates, either before or after the relaxation of governmental rules in March 2023. Additionally, a cross-lagged panel model analysis conducted after the rule relaxation indicated a relationship between descriptive norms (societal estimates of mask-wearing rates) and individual behavior. However, the influence of descriptive norms on individual mask-wearing behavior was not as pronounced as was anticipated. The study highlights the complexities in the interplay between societal norms and individual behavior in public health crises, underscoring the importance of considering various factors, including cultural predispositions.


Nakata, S. , Masumi, A., & Toya, G. (2024)

Nakata, S. (中田星矢), Masumi, A., & Toya, G. (2024). 
Formalising prestige bias: Differences between models with first-order and second-order cues.
名声バイアスの定式化: 一次手がかりモデルと二次手がかりモデルにおける文化進化の違い
Evolutionary Human Sciences. Published online 2024:1-28.

Knowledge and behaviour are transmitted from one individual to another through social learning and eventually disseminated across the population. People often learn useful behaviours socially through selective bias rather than random selection of targets. Prestige bias, or the tendency to selectively imitate prestigious individuals, has been considered an important factor in influencing human behaviour. Although its importance in human society and culture has been recognised, the formulation of prestige bias is less developed than that of other social learning biases. To examine the effects of prestige bias on cultural evolution theoretically, it is imperative to formulate prestige and investigate its basic properties. We reviewed two definitions: one based on first-order cues, such as the demonstrator’s appearance and job title, and the other based on second-order cues, such as people’s behaviour towards the demonstrator (e.g. people increasingly pay attention to prestigious individuals). This study builds a computational model of prestige bias based on these two definitions and compares the cultural evolutionary dynamics they generate. Our models demonstrate the importance of distinguishing between the two types of formalisation, because they can have different influences on cultural evolution.

Ioku, T., & Watamura, E. (2024)

Ioku, T.(井奥智大), & Watamura, E(綿村英一郎). (2024).
Cultural invariance and ideological variance of collective ownership threat in intergroup relations.
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Advance online publication.

We fear losing control over what we perceive to be ours. This fear is called the collective ownership threat (COT). According to the concept of COT, territorial infringements pose collective ownership threats, which are linked to adverse intergroup relations. Given the distinct features of ethnic homogeneity and collectivism, we examine whether COT can be applied to an East Asian context, Japan. Additionally, the reactive liberal model proposes that liberals are more prone than conservatives to feel threatened by the infringements of an out-group. Integrating COT and reactive liberal models, this study conducted an online experiment with Japanese adults. In the experiment, when the participants were shown an article about a territorial infringement by China, they felt COT and resisted Japan’s support of China’s policies. Furthermore, liberals were more inclined than conservatives to see the infringements as COT and therefore strongly resisted Japan’s support of China’s policies. These results indicate cultural invariance and ideological variance in COT.


Tanibe, T., Watanabe, T., Oguchi, M., Iijima, K., & Ota, K. (2024).

Tanibe, T. (谷辺哲史), Watanabe, T. (渡辺匠), Oguchi, M. (小口峰樹), Iijima, K., & Ota, K. (2024). 
The psychological process underlying attitudes toward human-animal chimeric brain research: An empirical investigation. 
Neuroethics, 17, 15.

This study adopted an empirical method to investigate lay people’s attitudes toward the bioethical issues of human-animal chimeric brains. The results of online surveys showed that (1) people did not entirely reject chimeric brain research, but showed slightly more negative responses than ordinary animal testing; and that (2) their ethical concerns arose in connection with the perception that chimerism in the brain would humanize the animal. This means that people’s psychology was consistent with the ethical argument that crossing the human-animal boundary would bring moral confusion to our society. Meanwhile, it was not in line with another argument that moral status depended on having high capacities, and that chimerism would cause a problem if it enhanced animals’ capacities. Furthermore, this study analyzed additional psychological factors related to people’s moral judgment and the relationship among those factors. Several psychological factors, such as the perception that chimeric brain research is unnatural, were identified as mediating the relationship between perception of animal humanization and ethical concerns about creating and using chimeric brains. Introducing an empirical approach to the ethics of human-animal chimeric brains brought two findings: (1) this study informed us of socially shared intuition regarding this novel technology; and (2) it unveiled the psychological processes behind people’s ethical concerns in more detail than they spontaneously mentioned. These findings will help to build normative arguments and future policies that are understandable and acceptable to society.

Shimizu, Y., Sato, K., Ogawa, S., Cho, D., Takahashi, Y., Yamashiro, D., Li, Y., Takahashi, T., Hinakura, K., Iizuka, A., Furuya, T., & Suzuki, H. (2024).

Shimizu, Y.(清水佑輔), Sato, K., Ogawa, S., Cho, D., Takahashi, Y., Yamashiro, D., Li, Y., Takahashi, T., Hinakura, K., Iizuka, A., Furuya, T., & Suzuki, H. (2024). 
Subjective well-being and implicit anti-old attitudes held by Japanese older adults,
Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 24(S1), 402-404. 

While ageism in younger people has been examined in many gerontological studies, how older adults perceive older people has not been well examined. We examined the relationship between older adults’ subjective well-being and implicit anti-old attitudes. This study included 56 older Japanese participants (49 women and 7 men; mean age = 71.39 ± 4.38 years; range = 65–82 years). Multiple regression analysis was conducted with implicit anti-old attitudes as the dependent variable, and subjective well-being, cognitive function, higher-level functional capacity, and demographics as the independent variables. Results showed that higher subjective well-being had a marginally significant relationship with fewer implicit anti-old attitudes (β = -.26, p = .08). In future studies, we should improve anti-old attitudes held by older adults.