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Miura, & Kobayashi (2016)

Miura, A.(三浦麻子), & Kobayashi, T.(小林哲郎) (2016).
Survey satisficing inflates stereotypical responses in online experiment: The case of immigration study.
Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1563.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01563
Though survey satisficing, grudging cognitive efforts required to provide optimal answers in the survey response process, poses a serious threat to the validity of online experiments, a detailed explanation of the mechanism has yet to be established. Focusing on attitudes toward immigrants, we examined the mechanism by which survey satisficing distorts treatment effect estimates in online experiments. We hypothesized that satisficers would display more stereotypical responses than non-satisficers would when presented with stereotype-disconfirming information about an immigrant. Results of two experiments largely supported our hypotheses. Satisficers, whom we identified through an instructional manipulation check (IMC), processed information about immigrants’ personality traits congruently with the stereotype activated by information provided about nationality. The significantly shorter vignette reading time of satisficers corroborates their time-efficient impression formation based on stereotyping. However, the shallow information processing of satisficers can be rectified by alerting them to their inattentiveness through use of a repeated IMC. オンライン調査に回答する際に協力者が応分の注意資源を割こうとしない行動(努力の最小限化;Satisfice)が心理学の研究結果に及ぼす影響について検討しました。調査冒頭で努力の最小限化をした協力者は、事後の人物イメージ評価において、その人が他国民の場合は、その人の性格に関する情報よりも、その人の国籍に応じたステレオタイプにひきずられた回答をする傾向がありました。しかし、こうした傾向は、努力の最小限化に警告を与え、回答者の行動を修正することである程度解消されることがわかりました。

Kawamoto et al. (2017)

Kawamoto, T. (川本 大史), Ura, M. (浦 光博), & Hiraki, K. (2017). 
Curious people are less affected by social rejection. 
Personality and Individual Differences, 105, 264-267. 
doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.10.006
Recent studies have revealed that curiosity—seeking new information and experiences—can improve psychological and social functioning. However, the social nature of curiosity remains poorly understood. We tested whether curious people show better psychological adaptation because (1) they have less rejection sensitivity, and (2) they are less susceptible to daily social rejection experiences. These two hypotheses were supported by a cross-sectional study (N = 500, 20–39 years old). We found that rejection sensitivity partially mediates the relationship between curiosity and psychological adaptation (life satisfaction and depression). Furthermore, curiosity moderated the relationships between perceived daily social rejection experiences and life satisfaction: Curious people are buffered against such aversive effects, relative to less curious people. Our findings suggest one possible explanation for why curious people experience better psychological functioning: They appear to be less affected by social rejection. 

Suzuki et al. (2016)

Suzuki, T.(鈴木貴久), Kobayashi, T.(小林哲郎), & Boase, J. (2016).
Political Conversations as Civic Engagement: Examining Patterns from Mobile Communication Logs in Japan.
Mobile Media, Political Participation, and Civic Activism in Asia, Part of the series Mobile Communication in Asia: Local Insights, Global Implications, pp 57-79.
doi: 10.1007/978-94-024-0917-8_4
Political conversation is regarded as an important form of political participation and civic engagement. Although significant differences have been found in the level of political conversation between countries, studies on political conversation in Japan are scarce. In this study, we investigated political conversation between people, considering the kinds of dyads in personal networks in Japan and how partners are selected. We pursued an exploratory analysis of the features of dyads in political conversation through mobile communication logs, comparing those in Japan and the US. For both countries, the results show that discussion of important topics and the number of voice calls in the afternoon was significant predictors of political conversations. In Japan, discussing with other people and family were more significant predictors than for the US. These results may have important implications for clarifying the extent to which political conversations take place, with whom, and how they occur as a by-product of other topics.

Kameda et al. (2016)

Kameda, T.(亀田達也), Inukai, K.(犬飼佳吾), Higuchi, S., Ogawa, A., Kim, H., Matsuda, T., & Sakagami, M. (2016).
Rawlsian maximin rule operates as a common cognitive anchor in distributive justice and risky decisions.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Published online before print September 29, 2016.
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1602641113
Distributive justice concerns the moral principles by which we seek to allocate resources fairly among diverse members of a society. Although the concept of fair allocation is one of the fundamental building blocks for societies, there is no clear consensus on how to achieve “socially just” allocations. Here, we examine neurocognitive commonalities of distributive judgments and risky decisions. We explore the hypothesis that people’s allocation decisions for others are closely related to economic decisions for oneself at behavioral, cognitive, and neural levels, via a concern about the minimum, worst-off position. In a series of experiments using attention-monitoring and brain-imaging techniques, we investigated this “maximin” concern (maximizing the minimum possible payoff) via responses in two seemingly disparate tasks: third-party distribution of rewards for others, and choosing gambles for self. The experiments revealed three robust results: (i) participants’ distributive choices closely matched their risk preferences—“Rawlsians,” who maximized the worst-off position in distributions for others, avoided riskier gambles for themselves, whereas “utilitarians,” who favored the largest-total distributions, preferred riskier but more profitable gambles; (ii) across such individual choice preferences, however, participants generally showed the greatest spontaneous attention to information about the worst possible outcomes in both tasks; and (iii) this robust concern about the minimum outcomes was correlated with activation of the right temporoparietal junction (RTPJ), the region associated with perspective taking. The results provide convergent evidence that social distribution for others is psychologically linked to risky decision making for self, drawing on common cognitive–neural processes with spontaneous perspective taking of the worst-off position.

Nakayachi, & Nagaya(2016)

Nakayachi, K. (中谷内一也), & Nagaya, K. (長谷和久). (2016). 
The Effects of the Passage of Time from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake on the Public’s Anxiety about a Variety of Hazards. 
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(9), 866. 
This research investigated whether the Japanese people’s anxiety about a variety of hazards, including earthquakes and nuclear accidents, has changed over time since the Tohoku Earthquake in 2011. Data fromthree nationwide surveys conducted in 2008, 2012, and 2015 were compared to see the change in societal levels of anxiety toward 51 types of hazards. The same two-phase stratified random sampling method was used to create the list of participants in each survey. The results showed that anxiety about earthquakes and nuclear accidents had increased for a time after the Tohoku Earthquake, and then decreased after a four-year time frame with no severe earthquakes and nuclear accidents. It was also revealed that the anxiety level for some hazards other than earthquakes and nuclear accidents had decreased at ten months after the Earthquake, and then remained unchanged after the four years. Therefore, ironically, a major disaster might decrease the public anxiety in general at least for several years.

Ogihara et al. (2016)

Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二), Uchida, Y. (内田由紀子), & Kusumi, T. (楠見孝) (2016). 
Losing confidence over time: Temporal changes in self-esteem among older children and early adolescents in Japan, 1999-2006. 
SAGE Open, 6(3), 1-8.

We examined temporal changes in self-esteem among elementary and middle school students in Japan. Previous research has shown that self-esteem decreased among various sectors of the population, from middle school students to adults between 1984 and 2010 in Japan. However, it was unclear whether such temporal changes are also present at earlier stages of development (e.g., in elementary school) and in individual subgroups (e.g., each gender and developmental stage). Identifying such boundary conditions of temporal change will contribute to a better understanding of how cultures change over time. We analyzed representative and large-sample time-series data collected by the Japanese government in 1999 and 2006. Results showed that self-esteem decreased among elementary and middle school students regardless of gender and developmental stage. We suggest that from an early stage of development and among a broad range of the population in Japan, people’s general self-evaluations became more negative between 1999 and 2006.

関連論文: Ogihara (2016)

Eom, K. (2016)

Eom, K., Kim, H. S., Sherman, D. K., & Ishii, K. (石井敬子) (2016).
Cultural variability in the link between environmental concern and support for environmental action. 
Psychological Science.
doi: 10.1177/0956797616660078
Research on sustainability behaviors has been based on the assumption that increasing personal concerns about the environment will increase proenvironmental action. We tested whether this assumption is more applicable to individualistic cultures than to collectivistic cultures. In Study 1, we compared 47 countries (N = 57,268) and found that they varied considerably in the degree to which environmental concern predicted support for proenvironmental action. National-level individualism explained the between-nation variability above and beyond the effects of other cultural values and independently of person-level individualism. In Study 2, we compared individualistic and collectivistic nations (United States vs. Japan; N = 251) and found culture-specific predictors of proenvironmental behavior. Environmental concern predicted environmentally friendly consumer choice among European Americans but not Japanese. For Japanese participants, perceived norms about environmental behavior predicted proenvironmental decision making. Facilitating sustainability across nations requires an understanding of how culture determines which psychological factors drive human action. 

Takagishi et al. (2016)

Takagishi, H. (高岸治人), Fujii, T. (藤井貴之), Nishina, K. (仁科国之), Okada, H. (2016). 
Fear of Negative Evaluation Moderates the Effect of Subliminal Fear Priming on Rejection of Unfair Offers in the Ultimatum Game. 
Scientific Reports, 6, 31446.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether the tendency to fear negative evaluation moderates the effect of fear emotion on the rejection of unfair offers in the ultimatum game (UG). A photograph of a fearful face or landscape was displayed subliminally (i.e., for 10 ms) before the proposer’s offer in the UG was presented to participants. We used the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale (FNES) to measure participants’ anxiety regarding negative evaluations from others. Results showed a significant interaction between FNES and condition (fearful face vs. landscape) in relation to the rejection of an unfair offer. Furthermore, the mean rejection rate of an unfair offer was significantly higher in the fearful face condition relative to that in the landscape condition among participants whose FNES scores were higher than the median; however, this difference was not observed in participants whose FNES scores were lower than the median. These results suggest that fear of negative evaluation moderates the effect of subliminal fear priming on the rejection of unfair offers in the UG, and that negative emotion induced by unconscious stimuli enhances rejection of these unfair offers.

Sugiura et al. (2017)

Sugiura, H.(杉浦仁美), Mifune, N. (三船恒裕), Tusboi, S.(坪井翔), & Yokota, K. (横田晋大) (2017)
Gender differences in intergroup conflict: The effect of outgroup threat priming on social dominance orientation.
Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 262–265.
doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.08.013

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of outgroup threat priming on social dominance orientation (SDO). Evolutionary psychologists have proposed the adaptive psychological mechanism to intergroup conflict is specific to males. We predicted that the mechanism would function as enhancement of an orientation concerning hierarchical group relations by cueing outgroup threat. We hypothesized that male participants would demonstrate a higher level of SDO than females by outgroup threat priming in a laboratory experiment. One hundred sixty-seven undergraduate students participated in the experiment that measured SDO after an outgroup priming task. Consistent with our hypothesis, results showed that males had a higher level of SDO than females by cue of outgroup threat, while females did not reveal any significant effects of the outgroup threat cue on SDO.

Murayama, & Miura (2016)

Murayama, A. (村山綾), & Miura, A. (三浦麻子) (2016).
Two Types of Justice Reasoning About Good Fortune and Misfortune: A Replication and Beyond. 
Social Justice Research, First Online: 04 August 2016.
While research into justice reasoning has progressed extensively, the findings and implications have been mainly limited to Western cultures. This study investigated the relationship between immanent and ultimate justice reasoning about others’ misfortune and good fortune in Japanese participants. The effects of goal focus and religiosity, which previously have been found to foster justice reasoning, were also tested. Participants were randomly assigned to one condition of a 2 (goal focus: long term or short term) × 2 (target person’s moral value: respected or thief) × 2 (type of luck: misfortune or good fortune) design. For immanent justice reasoning, the results revealed that a “bad” person’s misfortune was attributed to their past misdeeds, while a “good” person’s good fortune was attributed to their past good deeds. Regarding ultimate justice reasoning, it was found that a good person’s misfortune was connected more to future compensation than their good fortune, whereas a bad person’s misfortune was not reasoned about using ultimate justice. There was no significant effect of religiosity or goal focus on justice reasoning, which is inconsistent with the findings of previous studies. The necessity of directly examining cultural differences is discussed in relation to extending and strengthening the theory of justice reasoning. 2種類の公正推論を促進させると言われる、宗教性や長期目標への焦点化は、日本人を対象とした検討では効果がみられなかったものの、道徳的価値の低い人物の不運は内在的公正推論が行われ、道徳的価値の高い人物の不運は究極的公正推論が行われるという傾向は先行研究と一貫していたという内容です。また、このような先行研究の再現性の検討に加えて、幸運に対する公正推論についても新たに検討しました。