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Otsubo, & Tamada (2016)
Otsubo, Y. (大坪庸介), & Tamada, S. (2016). Social attention promotes partner intimacy. 社会的注意はパートナーとの親密性を促進する Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 7(1), 21-24. doi: 10.5178/lebs.2016.45
Social animals develop intimate bonds with their social partners. However, bond formation entails the risk of being exploited by partners. Previous studies have shown that people monitor partner attention to themselves to assess commitment to the relationship. Accordingly, a partner’s social attention promotes the receiver’s intimacy with the partner. This study expanded previous finding by manipulating partner attention in a naturalistic manner. In particular, naïve participants were assigned to one of two roles (i.e., signal Sender and Receiver) in the laboratory. Receiver first wrote a self-instruction essay, and Sender read it under either of two instructions: to pay close attention to the content of the essay (the high attention condition) or to some peripheral aspects of the essay (the low attention condition). After reading the essay, Sender’s memory of the essay was assessed. Naturally, Sender recalled it more accurately in the high attention condition. Knowing Sender’s accuracy, Receiver reported a sense of intimacy toward Sender. Receiver’s intimacy was higher in the high attention condition than in the low attention condition. Therefore, this study confirmed that paying attention to a partner, which translates to accurate understanding of the partner, promotes the intimacy in the partner.
Fujii et al. (2016)
Fujii, T.(藤井貴之), Goto, A.(後藤晶), & Takagishi, H.(高岸治人) (2016). Does facial width-to-height ratio predict Japanese professional football players’ athletic performance? 顔の幅と高さの比率は日本人プロサッカー選手の競技成績を予測するか? Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 7(1), 37-40. doi: 10.5178/lebs.2016.49
A number of studies have shown that facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR)—the distance between the two zygomatic arches (width) compared with the distance from the top of the lip to the bottom of the eyebrows (height)—is related to aggression and is reflective of testosterone levels. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between fWHR and the athletic performance of Japanese professional football players. Photographs of 343 Japanese professional football players were measured for fWHR and compared with the number of goals scored and penalty cards (yellow and red) acquired in the 2012 season. The results showed that fWHR was not associated with the number of goals scored in any football position. However, the number of penalty cards acquired was positively associated with fWHR only in the forward offensive position. These findings showed that fWHR is not related to goals scored by Japanese football players, but is related to the penalty cards acquired in the offensive domain.
Ogihara (2016)
Ogihara, Y.(荻原祐二) (2016). Age Differences in Self-Liking in Japan: The Developmental Trajectory of Self-Esteem from Elementary School to Old Age. 日本における自己好意の年齢差:小学生から高齢者における自尊感情の発達的軌跡の検討 Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 7(1), 33-36. doi: 10.5178/lebs.2016.48
The present research examined age differences in self-liking (an important component of self-esteem) across a broad range of the population in Japan, from elementary school students to the elderly. Previous research in the U.S. has shown that self-esteem levels in childhood are high, decline during adolescence, rise gradually in adulthood and drop in old age. However, it was unclear whether this pattern holds for other cultures. As self-esteem is significantly affected by culture, it is important to reveal its developmental trajectory not only in European American cultures, but also in other cultures. Therefore, the current research analyzed a large, highly representative cross-sectional dataset from Japan. Results showed that levels of self-liking were high for elementary school students, declined among middle school and high school students, and rose gradually among adults, replicating the developmental trajectory of self-esteem found in prior research.
Hiraishi et al. (2016)
Hiraishi, K.(平石界), Murasaki, K., Okuda, H., & Yamate, M. (2016). Sexual and Romantic Overperception among a Japanese young sample: A Replication of Haselton (2003) 男は好意を過剰評価する(Haselton, 2003)の直接的追試 Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 7(1), 29-32. doi: 10.5178/lebs.2016.47
Based on Error Management Theory, Haselton (2003) argued that men would have a cognitive bias to overperceive sexual interests in women. She demonstrated that US female undergraduates had more experiences of being misperceived of their sexual interests by men whilst such biases were not existent with male undergraduates. Bendixen (2014) replicated the findings with an undergraduate sample from a more gender equal society, Norway. We conducted a direct replication of Haselton (2003) with a sample from a less gender equal society, Japan, and found the same trend. In addition, we found that Japanese women were more likely to be overperceived of their romantic interests although the effects were weaker.
Eien et al. (2016)
Eisen, C. (カリス・アイゼン), Ishii, K. (石井敬子), Miyamoto, Y. (宮本百合), Ma, X., & Hitokoto, H. (一言英文) (2016). To accept one’s fate or be its master: Culture, control, and workplace choice. 運命を受け入れる、それともその支配者になる:文化、コントロール、職場選択 Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00936
Utilizing three student (Study 1) and non-student samples (Study 2), we examined cultural differences in workplace choice for North Americans, Germans, and Japanese. We focused on the desire for control as a potential mediator (i.e., the underlying mechanism) to explain cultural differences in this important life decision. Given culturally divergent embodiments of independent vs. interdependent models of agency, we expected and found that, compared to North Americans and Germans, Japanese were more likely to prefer a workplace with a payment system that maintains social order rather than one that rewards individual achievement. Furthermore, we found that Japanese tend to give greater consideration to family opinions in their choice of workplace. As predicted, desire for control (i.e., the motivation to have control over various events) was stronger for North Americans and Germans than Japanese, and explained cultural differences in choice of workplace.
Ishii, & Eisen (2016)
Ishii, K. (石井敬子), & Eisen, C. (カリス・アイゼン) (2016). Measuring and Understanding Emotions in East Asia. 東アジアにおける感情の測定と理解 In H. Meiselman (Ed.), Emotion Measurement (Pp. 629-644). Woodhead Publishing. ISBN: 9780081005088
Emotions are understood as psychological processes in an innate and automatic system, leading people to behave adaptively in an environment, which helps them survive. However, people’s subjective experiences of emotions are not just a direct reflection of this system; rather, these are the result of how people interpret physiological responses based on implicit beliefs and norms regarding interpersonal relationships in society. These findings are documented in cumulative studies in cultural psychology. Over the last two decades, cultural psychologists have explored the relationship between culture and the mind and have reported that psychological processes, including daily emotional experiences, vary across cultures (eg, Mesquita & Frijda, 1992; Suh, Diener, Oishi, & Triandis, 1998). In this chapter, we describe the theoretical framework of emotions from a cross-cultural perspective and review a selection of related findings on the cultural dependence of emotions. We also address the core question of this book—how to measure emotions, focusing on online responses and the situational approach—as well as give advice on how to measure emotions in East Asia and propose future directions.
Masuda et al. (2016)
Masuda, T. (増田貴彦), Ishii, K. (石井敬子), & Kimura, J. (2016). When does the culturally dominant mode of attention appear or disappear? Comparing patterns of eye movement during the visual flicker task between European Canadians and Japanese. 文化的に優勢な注意様式はどんな時に生じ、または生じないか? カナダ人と日本人における視覚的フリッカー課題間の眼球運動パターンの比較 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. doi: 10.1177/0022022116653830
Previous findings in culture and attention reported mixed results. While some studies demonstrated systematic cultural variations in patterns of eye movement, other studies reported that the magnitude of the effects is minor. To further scrutinize when cultural variations in attention are attenuated or enhanced, we conducted a new series of visual flicker tasks while making changes in focal figures more salient than those in the background. European Canadian and Japanese participants searched for a change in a pair of quickly alternating still images. The task consisted of two parts: In the majority of trials, we set a change in part of either the focal object or the background (change trials), while in some trials, a pair of identical images was presented unbeknownst to participants (no-change trials), which resulted in forcing participants to search for a nonexistent change for 1 min. We then measured patterns of eye movement during each type of trial. The results of the change trials indicated that there were no cultural variations in change detection styles, nor were there cultural variations in eye movement patterns except for the total fixation duration, suggesting in general that both groups exhibited similar bottom-up patterns of attention. However, in the no-change trials, there were substantial cultural variations in eye movement patterns: European Canadians substantially attended to the focal figures longer and more frequently than to the backgrounds, whereas Japanese equally allocated their attention to both the focal figures and the backgrounds, suggesting that culturally unique top-down patterns were more evident.
Jung (2016)
Jung, K. H. (鄭珪煕) (2016). Happiness as an Additional Antecedent of Schadenfreude. シャーデンフロイデの付加的先行要因としての幸福感 Journal of Positive Psychology. doi: 10.1080/17439760.2016.1173224
The current study examined whether dispositionally happy individuals feel less happiness when another person experiences a misfortune. Happy individuals are known to be less vulnerable to upward comparison information. In addition, schadenfreude is elicited by upward comparison targets (e.g. high achievers and tall poppies). Thus, it was assumed that happiness would decrease schadenfreude. The lower level of hostile feelings in happy individuals, which are elicited by threats to one’s person and inferiority heightened when confronted with a high achiever, was hypothesized to decrease schadenfreude. Studies 1 and 2 were conducted with scenario experiments, and the hypotheses were supported in both studies. Regression analyses revealed a significant direct effect of happiness on a reduction in schadenfreude. How not feeling schadenfreude when witness another person’s misfortune helps people maintain and/or increase their happiness is discussed.
Iwai, & Shishido (2015)
Iwai, N.(岩井紀子), & Shishido, K. (2015). The Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident on People’s Perception of Disaster Risks and Attitudes Toward Nuclear Energy Policy. 東日本大震災・福島第一原子力発電所の事故が災害リスクの認知および原子力政策への態度に与えた影響 Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research, 2(3), 172-195. doi: 10.15206/ajpor.2015.2.3.172
Multiple nationwide opinion surveys, carried out by the government (cabinet office), major media (national newspapers and NHK), the National Institute for Environmental Studies, and the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, have revealed that the Fukushima nuclear accident has heightened people’s perception of disaster risks, fear of nuclear accidents, and increased recognition of pollution issues, and has changed public opinion on nuclear energy policy. The opinion gap on nuclear energy policy between specialists and lay people has widened since the disaster. The results of the Japanese General Social Survey data show that objections to the promotion of nuclear energy are strong among females, and weaker among young males and the supporters of the LDP. These findings are similar to the data collected after the Chernobyl accident. People who live in a 70km radius of nuclear plants tend to evaluate nuclear disaster risks higher. Distance from nuclear plants and the perception of earthquake risk interactively correlate with opinions on nuclear issues. Among people whose evaluation of earthquake risk is low, those who live nearer to the plants are more likely to object to the abolishment of nuclear plants. It was also found that the nuclear disaster has changed people’s behavior; they now try to save electricity. The level of commitment to energy saving is found to relate to opinions on nuclear issues.
Shikishima et al. (2015)
Shikishima, C.(敷島千鶴), Hiraishi, K.(平石界), Yamagata, S., Ando, J., & Okada, M. (2015). Genetic factors of individual differences in decision making in economic behavior: A Japanese twin study using the Allais problem. 経済行動の意思決定における個人差に寄与する遺伝要因:アレのパラドクスを用いた日本の双生児研究 Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01712
Why does decision making differ among individuals? People sometimes make seemingly inconsistent decisions with lower expected (monetary) utility even when objective information of probabilities and reward are provided. It is noteworthy, however, that a certain proportion of people do not provide anomalous responses, choosing the alternatives with higher expected utility, thus appearing to be more “rational.” We investigated the genetic and environmental influences on these types of individual differences in decision making using a classical Allais problem task. Participants were 1,199 Japanese adult twins aged 20–47. Univariate genetic analysis revealed that approximately a third of the Allais problem response variance was explained by genetic factors and the rest by environmental factors unique to individuals and measurement error. The environmental factor shared between families did not contribute to the variance. Subsequent multivariate genetic analysis clarified that decision making using the expected utility theory was associated with general intelligence and that the association was largely mediated by the same genetic factor. We approach the mechanism underlying two types of “rational” decision making from the perspective of genetic correlations with cognitive abilities.