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Shimizu et al.(2016)

Shimizu, M., Niiya, Y.(新谷優), & Shigemasu, E.(繁桝江里) (2016).
Achievement goals and improvement following failure: moderating roles of self-compassion and contingency of self-worth.
Self and Identity, 15(1), 107-115.
doi: 10.1080/15298868.2015.1084371
We examined whether mastery goals promote greater score improvement on a cognitive test than performance goals and whether self-compassion and contingency of self-worth moderated the effect. Participants received either mastery or performance goals manipulation, failed on a difficult test, and took the test again after receiving the correct answers. Those with mastery goals showed a greater score improvement than those with performance goals, although post-failure state self-esteem did not differ between the two conditions. Moreover, the goals had a greater effect among (a) those with low rather than high self-compassion and (b) those with high rather than low competition contingency of self-worth. The findings suggest that by framing the task as a challenge rather than a threat, mastery goals encourage people to learn from failure more so than performance goals, especially when under high ego-threat.

Kitamura (2016)

Kitamura, S.(北村智) (2016). 
Implications of urbanism for the use of local news media: effects of population concentration on types of news acquisition in Japan. 
Information, Communication& Society.
doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2016.1140803
The Internet, a global computer network enabling people to send and receive information anywhere in the world, also functions as a local medium of communication. This study focuses on the role of the Internet in transmitting local news and examines the effects of community population concentrations as socio-ecological environments on the use of local news media consumed online and offline. Data from 1367 respondents across 156 Japanese communities were used to analyze the relationships between type of community and type of news source. The findings suggest that people who live in highly populated communities tend more often to use the Internet to access local news, whereas those in less populated communities tend to use more traditional mass media. However, the results of this study did not show a relationship between population concentrations within communities and the acquisition of international news, nor did the social features of residents adequately explain the effects of population concentration on the acquisition of local news. These results are consistent with theoretical predictions based on network externalities, urbanism, and collective action. The findings indicate that local news consumption is embedded in local social contexts in a way that international news is not, reinforcing the importance of urbanism in the information age.

Horita et al. (2016)

Horita, Y.(堀田結孝), Takezawa, M.(竹澤正哲), Kinjo, T.(金城卓司), Nakawake, Y.(中分遥), & Masuda, N. (2016).
Transient nature of cooperation by pay-it-forward reciprocity.
Scientific Reports, 6, Article Number: 19471.
doi: 10.1038/srep19471
Humans often forward kindness received from others to strangers, a phenomenon called the upstream or pay-it-forward indirect reciprocity. Some field observations and laboratory experiments found evidence of pay-it-forward reciprocity in which chains of cooperative acts persist in social dilemma situations. Theoretically, however, cooperation based on pay-it-forward reciprocity is not sustainable. We carried out laboratory experiments of a pay-it-forward indirect reciprocity game (i.e., chained gift-giving game) on a large scale in terms of group size and time. We found that cooperation consistent with pay-it-forward reciprocity occurred only in a first few decisions per participant and that cooperation originated from inherent pro-sociality of individuals. In contrast, the same groups of participants showed persisting chains of cooperation in a different indirect reciprocity game in which participants earned reputation by cooperating. Our experimental results suggest that pay-it-forward reciprocity is transient and disappears when a person makes decisions repeatedly, whereas the reputation-based reciprocity is stable in the same situation.

Nozaki, & Koyasu (2016)

Nozaki, Y. (野崎優樹), & Koyasu, M. (2016).
Can we apply an emotional competence measure to an eastern population?: Psychometric properties of the Profile of Emotional Competence in a Japanese population.
Assessment, 23(1), 112-123.
doi: 10.1177/1073191115571124
Researchers have repeatedly argued that it is important to determine whether the psychometric properties of an emotional competence measure hold in Eastern populations because there may be cultural variability in abilities linked with emotional competence. However, few studies have examined potential differences in an emotional competence measure in Eastern cultures. To fill this gap, we investigated the applicability of the Profile of Emotional Competence to a Japanese population. Results demonstrated measurement and structural invariance across our Japanese and the original Belgian data sets. As was found in the Belgian sample, this measure showed adequate convergent and criterion validity in the Japanese sample. Furthermore, the scores on this measure were stronger predictors of subjective health and happiness in the Japanese than Belgian population. This measure also showed incremental validity. Our results suggest that the Profile of Emotional Competence is applicable to the Japanese population, an Eastern society.

Furukawa et al.(2016)

Furukawa, Y. (古川善也), Nakashima, K.(中島健一郎), & Morinaga, Y.(森永康子) (2016). 
Influence of social context on the relationship between guilt and prosocial behaviour.
Asian Journal of Social Psychology.
doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12128
While some previous researchers have found that guilt encourages prosocial behaviour towards a victim at the expense of other people, others have found the opposite, that is, people allocate resources at the expense of themselves. The present research used a hypothetical scenario method to determine which of these patterns would be replicated in the collectivistic context of Japanese society. In addition, we separated the cause of feelings of guilt into having caused harm and being at fault, and examined in more detail the effect of guilt on prosocial behaviour. Our results show that, in line with the second set of previous researchers, participants who were induced to feel guilt for having caused harm were more likely to allocate their resources to their victim at the expense of themselves than were individuals in the no-harm condition. This suggests that differences in social context influence the effect of guilt on prosocial behaviour in different ways.

Tabuchi et al. (2016)

Tabuchi, M.(田渕恵), Kamiariya, M. & Miura, A.(三浦麻子)  (2016).
Does Interpersonal Regulatory Fit Affect Intergenerational Communication? Elder Advice and Younger Gratitude. 
Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science. 
doi: 10.5178/lebs.2016.40
Old people have considerable experience and wisdom to share with young people; however, young people do not always listen to old people with gratitude. We conducted two studies to examine the effect of regulatory fit on young people’s gratitude toward old advisers. As predicted, young people felt more grateful to old advisers whose advice did not “fit” the advisees’ self-regulatory orientation, whereas young people felt more grateful to young advisers whose advice fit the advisees’ self-regulatory orientation (Web survey in Study 1, lab experiment in Study 2). Using these results, we propose an idea that may promote smoother intergenerational interaction in transmitting experience and wisdom from older to younger generations.

Loughnan et al. (2015)

Loughnan, S., Fernandez, S., Vaes, J., Anjum, G., Aziz, M., Harada, C.(原田知佳), Holland, E., Singh, I., Puvia, E., & Tsuchiya, K. (土屋耕治) (2015).
Exploring the Role of Culture in Sexual Objectification: A Seven Nations Study.
性的客体化における文化の役割の探索的検討: 7カ国を比較して
International Review of Social Psychology / Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 28(1), 125-152.
Sexual objectification – seeing or treating a person as a sexual object – has been the topic of considerable investigation. Building from a longstanding recognition of the potential importance of culture in sexual objectification, this paper focuses on the extent to which people in different parts of the world objectify themselves and others. We explored sexual objectification amongst 588 people in seven diverse nations (i.e., Australia, India, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, the UK, and the USA). Participants completed standard measures of self- and other-objectification. The results revealed that culture did affect self- and other-objectification, with objectification emerging more robustly in Australia, Italy, the UK, and the USA than it did in India, Japan, and Pakistan. These findings help support theoretical claims that culture matters for sexual objectification. Future research directions are discussed.
性的客体化 (人を性の対象として「物」のように見たり扱ったりすること) において,文化が果たす役割を探索的に検討した。7カ国のデータを分析した結果,文化による違いが認められた。具体的には,オーストラリア,イタリア,イギリス,アメリカにおいて,インド,日本,パキスタンよりも,自己や他者を物として捉える傾向 (自己対象化・他者対象化) が見られた。

Tsutsumi et al. (2015)

Tsutsumi, H., Uekami, T., & Inamasu, K.(稲増一憲) (2015).
The effects of VAAs on voter's sophistication in Japan.
Political Behavior and Technology Voting Advice Applications in East Asia.
Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9781137518972
This book chapter shows a potential effect of the VAAs in Japan by asking the following research questions: To what degree do Japanese voters recognize parties’ policy positions correctly? Can Japanese voters identify and vote for the party closest to their policy preference? Whom should VAAs target? By analyzing the internet survey data of the 2010 House of Councillors election, we show that quite a few Japanese voters could not find or incorrectly identify a party close to their policy preference, and voters who have a small amount of correct information are more likely to vote incorrectly. We also found that VAAs is likely to be effective for young, female voters and those who are not usually exposed to political information and indifferent to politics.

Yamagishi et al. (2015)

Yamagishi, T.(山岸俊男), Akutsu, S.(阿久津聡, Cho, K., Inoue, Y.(井上裕珠), & Li, Y.(李楊), & Matsumoto, Y.(松本良惠) (2015).
Two-Component Model of General Trust: Predicting Behavioral Trust from Attitudinal Trust.
Social Cognition, 33(5), 436-458.
doi: 10.1521/soco.2015.33.5.436
General trust constitutes a critical aspect of social capital that facilitates democratic governance and economic prosperity of a society. Despite its theoretical importance, attitudinal measures of general trust often fail to predict actual trusting behavior in laboratory testing. We suspected that the failure of currently available measures of trust in predicting behavioral trust stems from the overly consequentialist approach to defining trust. We proposed that measures of attitudinal trust succeed in predicting behavioral trust when they tap both the responder’s belief that his/her trust will be honored and his/her preference to be a trusting person. We constructed a new measure of general trust that includes both of these aspects. Using a nonstudent sample of trust game players (N = 470), we demonstrated that the newly constructed measure better predicts behavioral trust in a trust game and other related games, especially when the participant’s social-value orientation is controlled.

Yamagishi, & Mifune (2016)

Yamagishi, T. (山岸俊男) & Mifune, N. (三船恒裕) (2016).
Parochial altruism: does it explain modern human group psychology?
Current Opinion in Psychology, 7, 39-43.
doi: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2015.07.015
Parochial altruism — the human inclination toward costly intragroup cooperation and inter-group aggression without expectations of future returns — requires group selection logic to explain its evolution. We examined experimental evidence for three implications of the group selection account: the unconditional nature of intra-group cooperation; the noninstrumental, non-retaliatory, and costly nature of inter-group aggression; and the positive relationship between intra-group cooperation and inter-group aggression. Laboratory experiments revealed no support for the unconditional nature of intra-group cooperation, mostly negative evidence for the noninstrumental, non-retaliatory, and costly nature of inter-group aggression, and mixed evidence for the positive relationship between intra-group cooperation and inter-group aggression. Caution against premature conclusions about the role of group selection in the evolution of parochial altruism is advised.