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Ozeki (2015)

Ozeki, M.(尾関美喜) (2015).
Group-level group identity as a basis of a group.
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 19(3), 166-180.
doi: 10.1037/gdn0000030
The aim of this study was to examine group-level group identity (GGI), which is defined as group identity within a whole group and which may be an essential element for a collection of people to be a group. Multilevel structural equation modeling (ML-SEM) was used to test the prediction that GGI would have a positive effect on interaction, emotional bond, and interdependence among group members in the group-level model. If so, GGI could be considered as an essential element for a collection of people to be a group. University students (137 men, 104 women) completed a questionnaire (Study 1) and took part in an experiment in which 32 experimental groups (37 men, 55 women) were formed (Study 2). The results supported the prediction in both studies: GGI had positive influences on interactions, emotional bonds, and interdependence among group members.

Hayase, & Ura (2015)

Hayase K.(早瀬 光司) Ura M.(浦 光博) (2015).
Ownership or Taking Action: Which Is More Important for Happiness?
Psychology, 6(6).
doi: 10.4236/psych.2015.66072
In two studies (2010 and 2011), more than 2000 respondents living in Japan were asked whether they gained more happiness from ownership or from taking action. In the 2010 study, many more individuals preferred taking action to ownership; this preference was greater in women than in men and in older people than in younger people. Reasons for this preference were plainly expressed in respondents’ free writing, and a categorical distinction between ownership and taking action was readily recognized and widely shared. Social desirability concerns probably did not play a role in responses. In the 2011 study, many individuals valued action more than ownership as like as the 2010 study. The preference for taking action over ownership was greater in women than in men, in older people than in younger people, and in people with higher levels of education than in people with lower levels of education. There was no relationship with annual income. The correlations with gender and level of education were similar to results of comparable studies conducted in the USA, although in the US studies, experiential purchases were evaluated, rather than taking action; however, the correlation with age was uncertain in the US studies. Further studies with US respondents will be necessary to examine this correlation. Possible reasons why many more people preferred happiness gained from taking action to happiness experienced from ownership were discussed.
 今から40年前に、ジョン・レノンが “考えてごらん、所有なんて実在しないんだ、架空のものなんだよ。君にもそれが理解できるかな?” と唄っているように、人間の真の幸福は、“所有”に囚われずに「どう考えて何を行うか」を基軸とした、主体的な“行動”の世界を地球上に普く(あまねく)築き上げることによって到達できるであろう。

Kato et al.(2015)

Kato, T. A(加藤隆弘)., Hashimoto, R., Hayakawa, K., Kubo, H., Shimokawa, N.,Watabe, M.(渡部 幹), Teo, A, R.,Kanba, S. (2015).
The multidimensional anatomy of “modern type depression” in Japan: A proposal for a different diagnostic approach to depression beyond the DSM-5.
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences.
doi: 10.1111/pcn.12360
Japan’s prototype of depression had traditionally been a melancholic depression based on the premorbid personality “shūchaku-kishitsu” proposed by Mitsuzo Shimoda in the 1930s. However since around 2000, a novel form of depression has emerged among youth. Called ‘modern type depression (MTD)’ by mass media, the term has quickly gained popularity among the general public, though it has not been regarded as an official medical term. Likewise, lack of consensus guidelines for its diagnosis and treatment, and a dearth of scientific literature on MTD has led to confusion when dealing with it in clinical practice in Japan. In this review article, we summarize and discuss the present situation and issues regarding MTD by focusing on historical, diagnostic, psychosocial, and cultural perspectives. We also draw on international perspectives (Kato TA et al. J Affect Dis 2011) that begin to suggest that MTD is a phenomenon that MTD may exist not only in Japan but also in many other countries with different socio-cultural and historical backgrounds. It is therefore of interest to establish whether MTD is a culture-specific phenomenon in Japan or a syndrome that can be classified using international diagnostic criteria as contained in ICD or DSM. We propose a novel diagnostic approach for depression that addresses MTD in order to combat the current confusion about depression under the present diagnostic systems.

Kawamoto et al. (2015)

Kawamoto, T.(川本大史), Nittono, H., & Ura, M.(浦光博) (2015).
Trait rejection sensitivity is associated with vigilance and defensive response rather than detection of social rejection cues.
Frontiers in Psychology.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01516
Prior studies suggest that psychological difficulties arise from higher trait rejection sensitivity (RS)—heightened vigilance and differential detection of social rejection cues and defensive response to. On the other hand, from an evolutionary perspective, rapid and efficient detection of social rejection cues can be considered beneficial. We conducted a survey and an electrophysiological experiment to reconcile this seeming contradiction. We compared the effects of RS and rejection detection capability (RDC) on perceived interpersonal experiences (Study 1) and on neurocognitive processes in response to cues of social rejection (disgusted faces; Study 2). We found that RS and RDC were not significantly related, although RS was positively related to perceived social rejection experiences and RDC was positively related to perceived social inclusion experiences. Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) revealed that higher RS was related to cognitive avoidance (i.e., P1) and heightened motivated attention (i.e., late positive potential: LPP), but not to facial expression encoding (i.e., N170) toward disgusted faces. On the other hand, higher RDC was related to heightened N170 amplitude, but not to P1 and LPP amplitudes. These findings imply that sensitivity to rejection is apparently distinct from the ability to detect social rejection cues and instead reflects intense vigilance and defensive response to those cues. We discussed an alternative explanation of the relationship between RS and RDC from a signal detection perspective.

Yamagishi & Mifune (2016)

Yamagishi, T.(山岸俊男), & Mifune, N.(三船恒裕) (2016).
Parochial altruism: does it explain modern human group psychology?
Current Opinion in Psychology, 7, 39-43.
doi: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2015.07.015
Parochial altruism — the human inclination toward costly intra-group cooperation and inter-group aggression without expectations of future returns — requires group selection logic to explain its evolution. We examined experimental evidence for three implications of the group selection account: the unconditional nature of intra-group cooperation; the non-instrumental, non-retaliatory, and costly nature of inter-group aggression; and the positive relationship between intra-group cooperation and inter-group aggression. Laboratory experiments revealed no support for the unconditional nature of intra-group cooperation, mostly negative evidence for the non-instrumental, non-retaliatory, and costly nature of inter-group aggression, and mixed evidence for the positive relationship between intra-group cooperation and inter-group aggression. Caution against premature conclusions about the role of group selection in the evolution of parochial altruism is advised.

Nagaya & Nakayachi (2015)

Nagaya, K. (長谷和久) & Nakayachi, K. (中谷内一也) (2015).
Hazard Perception and Anchoring: A Comparison of the Three Models Explaining the Anchoring Effect.
Journal of Disaster Research, 10(4), 678-686.
When individuals estimate something numerically, their estimation tends to be close to a value perceived beforehand, called an anchor. This tendency is called “the anchoring effect.” We introduce three hypotheses – the numeric priming hypothesis, the semantic priming hypothesis, and the magnitude priming hypothesis – that explain the anchoring effect. We apply them to participants\’ estimation of the number of sufferers in order to examine which model explains the anchoring effect best. Experimental results support the numeric priming hypothesis, indicating that the anchoring effect occurs even when no semantic relatedness exists between the number presented as the prime and the successive numerical estimation. Implications for disaster risk communication are discussed based on the results we obtained.
アンカリング効果とは,人がある対象に対して数的な評価を下すとき,それに先行して認知した値 (アンカー) に牽引され,後続する数的な推定がそのアンカーに近くなる傾向をさす.本論文はアンカリング効果を説明する3つのモデル−−数字プライミング説,意味プライミング説,規模概念プライミング説−−を紹介し,災害による被害推定に適用して,どのモデルが最もアンカリング効果を説明するのか検討した.実験の結果は数字プライミング説を支持するものであり,先行刺激として提示される数字と,後続の被害推定に意味的関連がないときでさえアンカリング効果が生じることが示された.得られた結果から,災害リスクコミュニケーションへのインプリケーションを議論した.

Betsch et al. (2015)

Betsch, C., Böhm, R., (remaining authors in alphabetical order) Airhihenbuwa, C., Butler, R., Chapman, G., Haase, N., Herrmann, B., Igarashi, T.(五十嵐祐), Kitayama, S.(北山忍), Korn, L., Nurm, Ü-K., Rohrmann, B., Rothman, A., Shavitt, S., Updegraff, J. A., & Uskul, A. (2015).
Improving medical decision making and health promotion through culture-sensitive health communication: An agenda for science and practice.
Medical Decision Making.
doi: 10.1177/0272989X15600434
This review introduces the concept of culture-sensitive health communication. The basic premise is that congruency between the recipient’s cultural characteristics and the respective message will increase the communication’s effectiveness. Culture-sensitive health communication is therefore defined as the deliberate and evidence-informed adaptation of health communication to the recipients’ cultural background in order to increase knowledge and improve preparation for medical decision making and to enhance the persuasiveness of messages in health promotion. To achieve effective health communication in varying cultural contexts, an empirically and theoretically based understanding of culture will be indispensable. We therefore define culture, discuss which evolutionary and structural factors contribute to the development of cultural diversity, and examine how differences are conceptualized as scientific constructs in current models of cultural differences. In addition, we will explicate the implications of cultural differences for psychological theorizing, because common constructs of health behavior theories and decision making, such as attitudes or risk perception, are subject to cultural variation. In terms of communication, we will review both communication strategies and channels that are used to disseminate health messages, and we will discuss the implications of cultural differences for their effectiveness. Finally, we propose an agenda both for science and for practice to advance and apply the evidence base for culture-sensitive health communication. This calls for more interdisciplinary research between science and practice but also between scientific disciplines and between basic and applied research.

Takagi et al. (2015)

Takagi, D.(高木大資), Ikeda, K.(池田謙一), Kobayashi, T.(小林哲郎), Harihara, M., & Kawachi, I. (2015). 
The impact of crime on social ties and civic participation. 
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology.
The present study examined associations of neighbourhood crime with residents’ social ties and civic participation using multilevel models. We hypothesized that crime is indirectly associated with residents’ low civic participation by negatively relating to their acquaintanceship ties because of fear of neighbours. By contrast, we predicted that crime is indirectly related to frequent civic participation by positively associating with more intimate friendship ties as a response to combat external threats. Additionally, we hypothesized that high crime rates in the neighbourhood increases the importance of generalized trust towards others. Therefore, we examined the interaction effects of neighbourhood crime and trust on social ties and participation. The study is based on a postal questionnaire mailed to residents aged between 20 and 69 years, residing in Musashino City and Kiyose City, in Tokyo. Rates of larceny reported by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department were used as indices of neighbourhood crime. As hypothesized, our results showed that crime is positively associated with friendship ties and is negatively related to acquaintanceship ties. Through these opposing relationships, crime showed both positive and negative associations with civic participation. Moreover, we found that generalized trust buffered the adverse relationships between crime, broader social ties and participation. 

Majima (2015)

Majima, Y. (眞嶋良全) (2015).
Belief in Pseudoscience, Cognitive Style and Science Literacy.
Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29(4), 552-559.
doi: 10.1002/acp.3136
Most studies of superstitious belief have focused on paranormal phenomena, but this study extended existing findings to non-paranormal pseudoscience by exploring links between belief and dual-process thought (cognitive ability and intuitive analytical thinking styles). In the present study, Japanese participants (N =264; 188 women, 76 men; mean age= 25.0; range=18–81) completed questionnaires on cognitive style and ability and level of beliefs and science literacy. Results showed that belief in paranormal and non-paranormal pseudoscience correlated positively; after controlling for demographic variables, level of science literacy and cognitive ability, both analytic and intuitive cognitive styles positively predicted paranormal belief. Belief in non-paranormal pseudoscience associated positively with analytic, but not intuitive style. These results follow the dual-process view of belief perseverance; however, analytic style affected beliefs oppositely from previous studies. This discrepancy might emerge from Western and Eastern cultural differences in reasoning.

Yamaguchi et al. (2015)

Yamaguchi, M.(山口真奈), Smith, A.(スミス アダム), & Ohtsubo, Y.(大坪庸介) (2015).
Commitment signals in friendship and romantic relationships.
Evolution and Human Behavior.
doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2015.05.002
Due to the ever-present allure of potentially more appealing or attractive partners, people in mutually committed relationships face a commitment problem (i.e., uncertainty about partner fidelity). This problem exists for both friendship and romantic relationships. In an exploratory pilot study, participants described real-life commitment-confirming incidents in either friendship or romantic relationships. The results revealed that the same types of pro-relationship acts (e.g., throwing a surprise party) were used to communicate commitment to one’s partner in both types of relationship. Using signaling theory, we predicted that costly commitment signals would be more effective than non-costly commitment signals (Hypothesis 1). Also, we predicted that failure to engage in such behaviors would communicate non-commitment, and that such failures would have a more detrimental effect on romantic relationships than friendship (Hypothesis 2). Two scenario experiments (study 1 in Japan and study 2 in the U.S.)were conducted to test these hypotheses. The results showed that costly commitment signals were more effective than non-costly commitment signals in both Japan and the U.S. In addition, the absence of situationally appropriate commitment signals (e.g., forgetting a special occasion) was substantially more damaging to romantic relationships than to friendship.