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Nishina et al. (2015)

Nishina, K.(仁科国之), Takagishi, H.(高岸治人), Inoue-Murayama, M., Takahashi, H., & Yamagishi, T.(山岸俊男) (2015).
Polymorphism of the Oxytocin Receptor Gene Modulates Behavioral and Attitudinal Trust among Men but Not Women.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137089
A relationship between the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) and behavioral and attitudinal trust has been suggested, but the nature of this relationship has not yet been established. We obtained behavioral trust data from 470 Japanese participants (242 women) aged 20–59 years, together with their levels of general trust and personality traits (NEO-FFI). Saliva buccal swabs were collected from 411 of these 470 participants and used for genotyping of OXTR rs53576. Our participants were found to have more AA alleles (40%) than GG alleles (12%). The GG men were more trusting and also rated higher on attitudinal trust than AA men, and this difference did not diminish when personality traits were controlled for. However, this pattern was not observed among women. In addition, controlling for attitudinal trust reduced the difference in behavioral trust among men to a non-significant level, but the difference in attitudinal trust remained significant when behavioral trust was controlled. These results indicate that the OXTR genotype affects attitudinal trust as part of an individual’s relatively stable disposition, and further affects behavioral trust through changes in attitudinal trust.

Takemura & Suzuki (2015)

Takemura, K.(竹村幸祐), & Suzuki, S (2015).
Self-expression and relationship formation in high relational mobility environments: A study of dual users of American and Japanese social networking sites.
International Journal of Psychology.
doi: 10.1002/ijop.12208
This study proposes that self-expression motivation, an aspect of independent/individualistic psychological tendencies, aids in the formation of social relationships when social relationships are open and mobile. In societies characterised by high relational mobility (e.g., North America), which creates market-like competition in social relationships, individuals must express their uniqueness and worthiness to form new social relationships. Self-expression motivation has a relatively weak effect on relationship formation in low relational mobility societies (e.g., Japan), where social relationships are generally predetermined. This hypothesis was examined and supported through a study on dual users of two social networking sites—Facebook and Mixi (the “Facebook of Japan”). As expected, relational mobility was higher on Facebook than on Mixi. Moreover, the association between self-expression motivation and the number of new friends met on Facebook/Mixi was more positive for Facebook than it was for Mixi. The social functionality of independent tendencies is then discussed.

Falk et al. (2015)

Falk, C. F., Heine, S. J., Takemura, K.(竹村幸祐), Zhang, C. X. J., & Hsu, C.-W. (2015).
Are implicit self-esteem measures valid for assessing individual and cultural differences?
Journal of Personality, 83, 56-68.
doi: 10.1111/jopy.12082
Our research utilized two popular theoretical conceptualizations of implicit self-esteem: 1) implicit self-esteem as a global automatic reaction to the self; and 2) implicit self-esteem as a context/domain specific construct. Under this framework, we present an extensive search for implicit self-esteem measure validity among different cultural groups (Study 1) and under several experimental manipulations (Study 2).
In Study 1, Euro-Canadians (N = 107), Asian-Canadians (N = 187), and Japanese (N = 112) completed a battery of implicit self-esteem, explicit self-esteem, and criterion measures. Included implicit self-esteem measures were either popular or provided methodological improvements upon older methods. Criterion measures were sampled from previous research on implicit self-esteem and included self-report and independent ratings. In Study 2, Americans (N = 582) completed a shorter battery of these same types of measures under either a control condition, an explicit prime meant to activate the self-concept in a particular context, or prime meant to activate self-competence related implicit attitudes.
Across both studies, explicit self-esteem measures far outperformed implicit self-esteem measures in all cultural groups and under all experimental manipulations.
Implicit self-esteem measures are not valid for individual or cross-cultural comparisons. We speculate that individuals may not form implicit associations with the self as an attitudinal object.

Ida et al. (2015)

Ida, T., Takemura, K.(竹村幸祐), & Sato, M. (2015).
Inner conflict between nuclear power generation and electricity rates: A Japanese case study.
Energy Economics, 48, 61-69.
doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2014.11.019 
Since the March 11 earthquake, Japanese households have been facing a trade-off problem between decreasing dependency on nuclear power generation and avoiding an increase in electricity rates. We analyze this inner conflict quantitatively, adopting two economic–psychological approaches: First, we note that the trade-off causes cognitive dissonance after making a choice that results in a wider desirability gap between the chosen and rejected alternatives. Second, the consumer surplus improves by 11.2% with a no-choice option for suspending judgment in the presence of cognitive dissonance. Third, individual characteristics such as gender and annual household income are significantly correlated with both cognitive dissonance and a preference for the no-choice option.

Takemura et al. (2014)

Takemura, K.(竹村幸祐), Uchida, Y.(内田由紀子), & Fujino, M.(藤野正寛) (2014).
Extension officers as social coordinators: Comparisons between agricultural and fishing communities in Japan.
Psychologia, 57(4), 245-258.
Literature suggests that social capital, which often promotes human welfare, requires sensitive handling to build and maintain. The current study investigated the role of extension officers (fukyu-shidoin) in Japanese agricultural and fishing communities, who help farmers/fishers in both technical and social matters. Past research found that in Japanese agricultural communities, extension officers’ activities, social skills, and relationships with their colleagues had effects on social capital and problem solving in communities. We conducted a nation-wide survey of fishery extension officers and found that the findings in agricultural communities were largely replicated in fishing communities with only one difference: Officers’ activities to provide a future vision had a positive effect for problem solving in agricultural communities. For fisheries, however, such activities were more effective when the officer had worked for the community for a longer period of time. This could be explained by the higher level of uncertainty in fishing than farming.

Omi, Y. (2015)

Omi, Y.(尾見康博 (2015).
The potential of the globalization of education in Japan: The Japanese style of school sports activities (Bukatsu).
Educational contexts and borders through a cultural lens.
ISBN: 978-3-319-18764-8
A series of culturally shocking events have happened around me since I returned to Japan after a two-and-a-half year experience in the United States with my family. I have readjusted to the size of dishes and drinks, the driving lane, the punctuality, and the working styles. The school environment surrounding my children, however is still frustrating me,although it appears that their education is proceeding well. 
This chapter will introduce bukatsu, which is a unique school sport activity in Japan and one of the most frustrating things for me, along with a junior high school environment, to show an aspect of Japanese culture. It does not adopt a style of cross-cultural studies on physicaI education  (e.g.,Pühse and Gerber 2005) to avoid a superficial comparison of different societies.  On the basis of an autoethnographic study (Ellis et al. 2012) on bukatsu, some tasks of the globalization of education in Japan wiII be discussed. Another study of educational  settings in the United States from a parent ‘s perspective (Omi 2012) will be reflected in the discussion.

Matsugasaki et al.(2015)

Matsugasaki, K.(松ヶ崎渓介), Tsukamoto, W., & Ohtsubo, Y.(大坪庸介) (2015).
 Two failed replications of the watching eyes effect.
Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science.
 doi: 10.5178/lebs.2015.36
The watching eyes effect refers to the phenomenon that people behave more altruistically than usual when an eye-image is present in their environment. In this paper, we report two failed replications of the watching eyes effect. In both Studies 1 and 2, participants decided how many coins out of a seven coin endowment (each coin worth 100 Japanese yen) to allocate to a subsequent participant, under the assumption that the prior participant may have left them some coins. In Study 1, participants anonymously made their allocation decision while seated in front of a poster depicting either an eye-image or a geometric pattern. In Study 2, to increase the saliency of the watching eyes, participants were instructed to place the coins in envelopes (one for self and one for the subsequent participant) printed with either an eye-image or a geometric pattern. In both Studies 1 and 2, the number of coins that participants allocated to subsequent participants did not significantly differ between the eye-image and control conditions. Moreover, the proportion of participants who allocated at least one coin to subsequent participants was not significantly different across the two conditions. In our studies, altruism was not increased by watching eyes.

Sakakibara & Endo (2015)

Sakakibara, R. (榊原良太) & Endo, T. (2015).
 Cognitive appraisal as a predictor of cognitive emotion regulation choice.
 Japanese Psychological Research.
More attention has recently been focused on how a person may choose their emotion regulation strategies depending on the situation. The present research exploratorily examined that how people cognitively appraised a situation, which they actually encountered in their life, affects following use tendency of cognitive emotion regulation strategies. Three hundred and twenty-four participants were instructed to recall the most stressful situation in the last month, and to rate how they cognitively appraised the situation (threat, centrality, controllability, commitment, injustice/unfairness, expectedness, expectancy) and how they cognitively regulated their emotion (self-blame, blaming others, acceptance, refocus on planning, positive refocusing, rumination, positive reappraisal, putting into perspective, catastrophizing). Multiple regression analysis revealed that even after control for other variables, such as age, sex, personality, the time when the situation occurred and the intensity of negative emotion, all criteria of cognitive appraisal except for expectedness predicted cognitive emotion regulation choice. Implications and limitations of this research were discussed.

Ozeki (2015)

Ozeki, M.(尾関美喜) (2015).
Group-level group identity as a basis of a group.
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 19(3), 166-180.
doi: 10.1037/gdn0000030
The aim of this study was to examine group-level group identity (GGI), which is defined as group identity within a whole group and which may be an essential element for a collection of people to be a group. Multilevel structural equation modeling (ML-SEM) was used to test the prediction that GGI would have a positive effect on interaction, emotional bond, and interdependence among group members in the group-level model. If so, GGI could be considered as an essential element for a collection of people to be a group. University students (137 men, 104 women) completed a questionnaire (Study 1) and took part in an experiment in which 32 experimental groups (37 men, 55 women) were formed (Study 2). The results supported the prediction in both studies: GGI had positive influences on interactions, emotional bonds, and interdependence among group members.

Hayase, & Ura (2015)

Hayase K.(早瀬 光司) Ura M.(浦 光博) (2015).
Ownership or Taking Action: Which Is More Important for Happiness?
Psychology, 6(6).
doi: 10.4236/psych.2015.66072
In two studies (2010 and 2011), more than 2000 respondents living in Japan were asked whether they gained more happiness from ownership or from taking action. In the 2010 study, many more individuals preferred taking action to ownership; this preference was greater in women than in men and in older people than in younger people. Reasons for this preference were plainly expressed in respondents’ free writing, and a categorical distinction between ownership and taking action was readily recognized and widely shared. Social desirability concerns probably did not play a role in responses. In the 2011 study, many individuals valued action more than ownership as like as the 2010 study. The preference for taking action over ownership was greater in women than in men, in older people than in younger people, and in people with higher levels of education than in people with lower levels of education. There was no relationship with annual income. The correlations with gender and level of education were similar to results of comparable studies conducted in the USA, although in the US studies, experiential purchases were evaluated, rather than taking action; however, the correlation with age was uncertain in the US studies. Further studies with US respondents will be necessary to examine this correlation. Possible reasons why many more people preferred happiness gained from taking action to happiness experienced from ownership were discussed.
 今から40年前に、ジョン・レノンが “考えてごらん、所有なんて実在しないんだ、架空のものなんだよ。君にもそれが理解できるかな?” と唄っているように、人間の真の幸福は、“所有”に囚われずに「どう考えて何を行うか」を基軸とした、主体的な“行動”の世界を地球上に普く(あまねく)築き上げることによって到達できるであろう。