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Konishi & Ohtsubo (2015)

Konishi, N.(小西直喜) & Ohtsubo, Y.(大坪庸介) (2015).
Does dishonesty really invite third-party punishment? Results of a more stringent test.
Biology Letters, 11(5).
doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2015.0172
Many experiments have demonstrated that people are willing to incur cost to punish norm violators even when they are not directly harmed by the violation. Such altruistic third-party punishment is often considered an evolutionary underpinning of large-scale human cooperation. However, some scholars argue that previously demonstrated altruistic third-party punishment against fairness-norm violations may be an experimental artefact. For example, envy-driven retaliatory behaviour (i.e. spite) towards better-off unfair game players may be misidentified as altruistic punishment. Indeed, a recent experiment demonstrated that participants ceased to inflict third-party punishment against an unfair player once a series of key methodological problems were systematically controlled for. Noticing that a previous finding regarding apparently altruistic third-party punishment against honesty-norm violations may have been subject to methodological issues, we used a different and what we consider to be a more sound design to evaluate these findings. Third-party punishment against dishonest players withstood this more stringent test.

Ishii, & Watanabe (2015)

Ishii, K. (石井健一) & Watanabe, S. (渡邉聡) (2015).
Nation brand personality and product evaluation among Japanese people: Implications for nation branding.
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 11, 51-64.
doi: 10.1057/pb.2014.25
This study explores the association between nation brand personality and product evaluation. Conducting an online questionnaire survey in Japan that used the quota sampling method (N=880), the product evaluation of various products (leather shoes, smartphones, movies, automobiles, shirts, mineral water and tour preference) was measured for seven countries (China, Germany, India, Italy, the United States, South Korea and Vietnam). A factor analysis yielded three nation brand personality dimensions (sincerity, competence and warmth), two of which are predicted by the stereotype content model. China was evaluated the lowest on all three dimensions, and China’s brand personality was most negatively correlated with consumer ethnocentrism among seven countries. The contact hypothesis was only partially supported for nation brand personalities. Nation brand personalities were associated with product evaluations in different ways depending on product category. Competence was positively correlated with the evaluation of all the products, while the warmth was positively correlated with the evaluation of fashion-related products and movies. Sincerity was positively correlated with the evaluation of high-tech products and mineral water. Tour preference was most strongly correlated with nation liking. The article discusses implications for nation branding strategies on the basis of these findings.

Jin et al. (2015)

Jin, Z., Shiomura, K.(潮村公弘), & Jiang, L. (2015).
Assessing implicit mate preferences among Chinese and Japanese women by providing love, sex, or money cues.
Psychological Reports, 116(1), 195-206.
doi: 10.2466/21.PR0.116k11w6
Love, sex, and money are the most direct cues involved in the fundamental forms of mate preferences. These fundamental forms are not mutually exclusive but are interrelated. As a result, humans base their mate choices on multiple cues. In this study, 62 undergraduate women (M age = 20.4 yr., SD = 1.4) from China and Japan served as the participants. They performed a variation of the semantic priming task, in which they were instructed to decide by means of a key-press whether the target was human or non-human. The primes were images that portrayed potent evolutionary factors for mate preference (i.e., love, sex, and money), and the manipulation was based on whether the prime and target matched regarding gender, independent of the target decision task (human vs non-human). Participants gave faster responses to male targets than to female targets under priming. The results generally supported the evolutionary premises that assume mate preference is determined by fundamental forms of providing emotional (love), material (money), and fertility support (sex). The money priming effect was stronger in the Chinese women than in the Japanese women, suggesting that social context may influence mate preferences.

Tabuchi, & Miura (2015)

Tabuchi, M.(田渕恵), & Miura, A.(三浦麻子) (2015).
Young people’s reactions change elderly people’s generativity and narratives: The effect of intergenerational interaction on the elderly. 
Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 13(2), 118-133.
doi: 10.1080/15350770.2015.1026298
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the young listener’s reaction on the development of generativity and narratives of elderly people. Thirty-four males between the ages of 60 and 82 participated in this experiment in which the listener generations (young/elderly) and listener reactions (empathic/neutral) were controlled. The participants shared and taught their wisdom gained from their past experiences through narratives. Results showed that many elderly people spoke about “lessons from experiences of failure” when there was an empathic reaction from young people, and such narratives were promoted by an increase of generativity. These results suggested the impact of the younger people’s reaction on the elderly people’s psychological development and behavior.

Yoshimura et al. (2015)

Yoshimura, A., Lebowitz, A., Bun, S., Aiba, M.(相羽美幸), Ikejima, C., & Asada, T. (2015).
A comparative analysis of dementia inpatient characteristics: Results from a nationwide survey of different care facilities in Japan.
doi: 10.1111/psyg.12117
In Japan, the number of dementia patients admitted to hospitals and other care facilities has been increasing and their hospital stays prolonged. Until now, there has been no study examining the differences between patients in psychiatric hospitals and other care facilities. Here we attempt a comparative analysis of characteristics of dementia patients in psychiatric hospitals and other types of facilities based on a nationwide survey.
A nationwide, cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2009–2011. Questionnaires were sent to randomly selected facilities and asked about each facility’s status as of September 2009 and about individuals with dementia residing in each facility during the 2008 fiscal year. The portion about individuals consisted of items to assess eligibility for the Long-Term Care Insurance programme. Based on data from 6121 patients residing in seven different types of facilities, features of dementia patients in psychiatric hospitals and differences among facilities were analyzed.
There was a significant difference in average age, activities of daily living level, and dementia severity level among the seven types of facilities. The average age in all types of facilities, except for psychiatric hospitals, was higher than the national average life expectancy of 82.59 years. The results of the study revealed that in psychiatric hospitals the proportion of men, those aged <75 years, demented patients with severe behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, and those with frontotemporal dementia was significantly greater than in other types of facilities. In other Long-Term Care Insurance care facilities, dementia patients >80 years and women accounted for 80% of all patients.
Result showed that dementia patients in psychiatric hospitals had a higher proportion of men, younger age groups, and severe dementia than other types of facilities. These features contrast markedly with status of dementia patients in other Long-Term Care Insurance care facilities. In order to facilitate dementia patients’ early discharge from psychiatric hospitals to other care facilities or to home, further fulfilment care services corresponding to severe dementia and early-onset dementia may be needed.

Muto et al. (2015)

Muto, M. (武藤麻美), Kugihara, N. (釘原直樹), & Kohara, Y.  (2015).
Psychological distance and likeability of in- or out-group targets who hold different opinions.
Psychologia, 58, 36-48.
This study investigated whether the extension of psychological distance from in- or out-group targets that hold different opinions covaried with increased negative impressions about such targets. A between-participants 2 (matching opinion vs. non-matching opinion presentations) x 2 (Japanese in-group presenter vs. American out-group presenter) factorial design was used. The results indicated the following: (1) in the matching opinion condition, participants reduced the psychological distance from out-group targets and increased their likeability: whereas (2) in the non-matching opinion condition, participants maintained the psychological distance from in-group targets and disliked them. These results indicate that the difference between actual and expected opinions that people have about targets affected the increase, or decrease of psychological distance and the likability of targets.
本研究は,異なる価値観を有する内・外集団成員への心理的距離 (社会的距離) の延伸と好意度の低下が,認知者が保有するターゲットに対する期待値と,現実値との乖離が大きい場合に,顕著に出現することの検証を目的とした。また,心理的距離と好意度の関連も検討した。実験デザインは,2 (意見一致条件: 戦争反対意見・意見不一致条件: 戦争賛成意見) × 2 (内集団: 日本人・外集団: 米国人) の参加者間計画とした。結果は次の通りである。(1) 意見一致条件で,現実値と期待値の乖離が大きい,外集団成員に対する心理的距離の短縮化と好意度の上昇が見られた,(2) 意見不一致条件では,現実値と期待値の乖離が大きい,内集団成員に対する心理的距離の延伸と好意度の低下が見られた。現実値と期待値の乖離の大小が,内・外集団成員に対する心理的距離や好意度に影響することが示された。

Thomson, & Yuki (2015)

Thomson, R., & Yuki, M.(結城雅樹) (2015).
How to win (and lose) friendships across cultures: Why relational mobility matters.
In-Mind Magazine.
In this article, we have reviewed research which suggests that to understand which relational strategies work in what social context, it is important to understand the characteristics of external social environments which surround individuals, in particular relational mobility. This is called the socio-ecological approach to cultural and regional differences in mind and behavior, an approach which complements previous cross-cultural research. North American societies, as well as urban areas, are high in relational mobility, which means there are an abundance of options for interpersonal relationships. In such a social ecology, people tend to be more confident in their abilities, trust strangers, and be more open about sensitive personal matters. Behaving this way helps them in their goals of acquiring and keeping beneficial friendships. The social environments in East Asia and rural areas, however, tend to be low in relational mobility. Interpersonal relationships are generally pre-determined, and there are fewer options to meet new people. In a social ecology like this, it appears wise to avoid offending others. Doing so will help to maintain harmony in those long-lasting, hard to replace relationships. To put it in a nutshell: Sure, friendships can be tough, but they’re easier to manage if you’re aware of the rules of the game.

Takagishi et al. (2015)

Takagishi, H.(高岸治人), Fujii, T.(藤井貴之), Koizumi, M.,  Schug, J., Nakamura, F., & Kameshima, S. (2015).
The development of the effect of peer monitoring on generosity differs among elementary school-age boys and girls.
Frontiers in Psychology.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00895
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of peer monitoring on generosity in boys and girls aged 6 – 12 years. A total of 120 elementary school students played a one-shot dictator game (DG) with and without peer monitoring by classmates. Children decided how to divide 10 chocolates between themselves and a classmate either in a condition in which their allocations were visible to their peers, or in private. While the effect of peer monitoring on the allocation amount in the DG was clearly present in boys, it was not observed in girls. Furthermore, the effect of peer monitoring in boys appeared at the age of 9 years. These results suggest that the motivation to draw peers’ attention plays a stronger role for older boys than for girls or younger boys. The potential roles of higher-order theory of mind, social roles, and emergence of secondary sex characteristics on the influence of peer monitoring on generosity shown by boys are discussed.

Kobayashi, & Ichifuji (2015)

Kobayashi, T.(小林哲郎), & Ichifuji, Y. (2015).
Tweets that matter: Evidence from a randomized field experiment in Japan.
Political Communication.
doi: 10.1080/10584609.2014.986696
Although election campaigns are increasingly utilizing social media, only a few studies have investigated their effects experimentally. To fill this gap in the literature, we conducted a field experiment to examine the effects of a campaign that used Twitter during the 2013 House of Councillors election in Japan. The treatment was exposure to tweets from Tōru Hashimoto, the mayor of Osaka and co-leader of the Japan Restoration Party, who has the largest number of Twitter followers among Japanese politicians. Participants assigned to the treatment group followed Hashimoto and the two placebos, whereas those assigned to the control condition followed only the two placebos. They followed the politicians continuously for approximately one month. Pre- and posttreatment measures were collected using online surveys, and treatment compliance was continuously checked via Twitter application programming interface (API). Following Hashimoto on Twitter during the election campaign had a positive impact on feelings toward Hashimoto. This effect was not mediated by issue knowledge or the evaluation of Hashimoto’s personal traits, and no effects were observed on voting. These findings suggest that repeated exposure to a politician’s messages on Twitter may only result in a mere exposure effect, which nevertheless generates favorable overall attitudes about the politician.

Boase et al.(2015)

Boase, J., Kobayashi, T.(小林哲郎), Schrock, A., Suzuki, T., & Suzuki, T.(鈴木貴久)(2015).
Reconnecting here and there: The reactivation of dormant ties in the US and Japan.
American Behavioral Scientist.
This article examines the reactivation of dormant ties in Japan and the United States. Using the institutional approach to culture developed by Yamagishi et al., it is hypothesized that respondents living in Japan will be less likely to reconnect with dormant ties when prompted than respondents living in the United States. It is further hypothesized that interaction with kin and work ties will help to explain lower levels of reconnection in Japan than in the United States. To examine these hypotheses, we developed a field experiment in which 95 adults living in Japan and 68 adults living in the United States were prompted by a smartphone application to reconnect with dormant ties. The results of this study show strong support for the hypothesis that respondents living in Japan are less likely to reconnect with dormant ties than respondents living in the United States when prompted. There is also mixed support for the hypothesis that interaction with kin and work ties helps to explain lower levels of reconnection in Japan than in the United States.