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Miyata et al. (2015)
Miyata, K.(宮田加久子), Yamamoto, H.(山本仁志), & Ogawa, Y.(小川祐樹) (2015) What Affects the Spiral of Silence and the Hard Core on Twitter? An Analysis of the Nuclear Power Issue in Japan. ツイッターにおける「沈黙の螺旋」と「ハードコア」:日本の原発問題の分析 American Behavioral Scientist, 1-13. doi: 10.1177/0002764215580618
We test the Spiral of Silence theory about Internet use in Japanese Internet society. We looked at Twitter and analyzed whether the Spiral of Silence theory would hold for it. Twitter’s speed and scope of information dissemination is fast and extremely wide ranging. For these reasons, Twitter is an appropriate field for analyzing the influences of the Internet on the formation of public opinion. By integrating social investigation and behavioral log analysis, we test a model that incorporates an individual’s attitudes (measured via a questionnaire) and an individual’s communication network structure and actual communication behavior (measured via behavior log analysis). The results from our analysis show a positive correlation between individuals’ perception that their opinion represents the majority view and the number of times they have spoken out. Moreover, while homogeneity of opinions of a personal network on Twitter influenced speaking out by a majority group, homogeneity of opinions does not influence speaking out by a minority group.
Watabe et al.(2015)
Motoki Watabe (渡部 幹) , Takahiro A. Kato (加藤隆弘), Alan R. Teo, Hideki Horikawa, Masaru Tateno, Kohei Hayakawa, Norihiro Shimokawa, Shigenobu Kanba (2015). Relationship between Trusting Behaviors and Psychometrics Associated with Social Network and Depression among Young Generation: A Pilot Study. 若年世代における、社会ネットワークおよび鬱傾向と信頼行動との関係:パイロット研究 PLoS ONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120183
Maladaptive social interaction and its related psychopathology have been highlighted in psychiatry especially among younger generations. In Japan, novel expressive forms of psychiatric phenomena such as “modern-type depression” and “hikikomori” (a syndrome of severe social withdrawal lasting for at least six months) have been reported especially among young people. Economic games such as the trust game have been utilized to evaluate real-world interpersonal relationships as a novel candidate for psychiatric evaluations. To investigate the relationship between trusting behaviors and various psychometric scales, we conducted a trust game experiment with eighty-one Japanese university students as a pilot study. Participants made a risky financial decision about whether to trust each of 40 photographed partners. Participants then answered a set of questionnaires with seven scales including the Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS)-6 and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9. Consistent with previous research, male participants trusted partners more than female participants. Regression analysis revealed that LSNS-family (perceived support from family) for male participants, and item 8 of PHQ-9 (subjective agitation and/or retardation) for female participants were associated with participants’ trusting behaviors. Consistent with claims by social scientists, our data suggest that, for males, support from family was negatively associated with cooperative behavior toward non-family members. Females with higher subjective agitation (and/or retardation) gave less money toward males and high attractive females, but not toward low attractive females in interpersonal relationships. We believe that our data indicate the possible impact of economic games in psychiatric research and clinical practice, and validation in clinical samples including modern-type depression and hikikomori should be investigated.
Nakashima et al. (2015)
Nakashima, S. F.(中嶋智史), Ukezono, M(請園正敏), Nishida, H., Sudo, R.(須藤竜之介) , Takano, Y. (2015). Receiving of emotional signal of pain from conspecifics in laboratory rats. 実験室ラットにおける同種個体の痛みの情動的シグナル知覚 Royal Society Open Science. doi: 10.1098/rsos.140381
Though recent studies have shown that rodents express emotions with their face, whether emotional expression in rodents has a communicative function between conspecifics is still unclear. Here, we demonstrate the ability of visual recognition of emotional expressions in laboratory rats. We found that Long-Evans rats avoid images of pain expressions of conspecifics but not those of neutral expressions. The results indicate that rats use visual emotional signals from conspecifics to adjust their behaviour in an environment to avoid a potentially dangerous place. Therefore, emotional expression in rodents, rather than just a mere ‘expression’ of emotional states, might have a communicative function.
Kawakami & Yoshida (2015)
Kawakami, N.(川上直秋), & Yoshida, F.(吉田富二雄) (2015). Perceiving a story outside of conscious awareness: When we infer narrative attributes from subliminal sequential stimuli. 閾下呈示されたストーリーの知覚 Consciousness and cognition, 33, 53-66.
Perceiving a story behind successive movements plays an important role in our lives. From a general perspective, such higher mental activity would seem to depend on conscious processes. Using a subliminal priming paradigm, we demonstrated that such story perception occurs without conscious awareness. In the experiments, participants were subliminally presented with sequential pictures that represented a story in which one geometrical figure was chased by the other figure, and in which one fictitious character defeated the other character in a tug-of-war. Although the participants could not report having seen the pictures, their automatic mental associations (i.e., associations that are activated unintentionally, difficult to control, and not necessarily endorsed at a conscious level) were shifted to line up with the story. The results suggest that story perception operates outside of conscious awareness. Implications for research on the unconscious were also briefly discussed.
Fujii et al. (2015)
Fujii, T.(藤井貴之), Takagishi, H.(高岸治人), Koizumi, M. & Okada, H. (2015). The Effect of Direct and Indirect Monitoring on Generosity Among Preschoolers. 未就学児の寛容さに対する直接/間接モニタリングの効果 Scientific Reports. doi: 10.1038/srep09025
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of direct and indirect monitoring on generosity among five-year-old preschoolers and to reveal the primary motivation for their generosity. Forty-two preschoolers completed one-shot dictator games in Condition 1 while being monitored by the experimenter (the direct monitoring condition). In Condition 2, an image of staring eyes was displayed on the computer monitor (the indirect monitoring condition). In Condition 3, the computer monitor showed a picture of flowers (the non-monitoring condition). The results showed that while there was no difference between the mean levels of allocation in the indirect and non-monitoring conditions, the mean level of allocation in the direct monitoring condition was significantly higher than in the non-monitoring condition. These results showed that five-year-old preschoolers concerned with being monitored by, and receiving direct responses from, others tend to be more generous.
Kobayashi et al. (2015)
Kobayashi, T.(小林哲郎), Collet, C., Iyengar, S., & Hahn, K. S. (2015). Who Deserves Citizenship? An Experimental Study of Japanese Attitudes Toward Immigrant Workers. 市民権付与にふさわしいのは誰?-移民労働者に対する日本人の態度に関する実験的研究 Social Science Japan Journal, 18(1), 3-22. doi: 10.1093/ssjj/jyu035
Citizenship eligibility has emerged as a salient issue in Japan as population diversity has increased and the political system has aligned around debates over regional security and tabunka kyōsei (‘multicultural co-existence’). A predominantly Western literature suggests that sentiments toward immigrants are driven by economic self-interest and/or cultural identity. Such approaches, we argue, privilege groups as units of analysis when it is the personal attributes of immigrants that have a bearing on critical outcomes, like naturalization. This is particularly the case in Japan, where officials maintain considerable discretionary powers in assessing the worthiness of candidates for naturalization. Drawing upon a nationally representative sample of Japanese adults, we use an experimental design to assess the average citizen’s willingness to grant citizenship to hypothetical applicants. The results indicate that individual applicants are viewed more favorably than their groups or nations of origin, indicating a person-positivity bias. Korean workers are, ceteris paribus, viewed more favorably than workers from China. We also find that socioeconomic status and willingness to assimilate contribute equally to the decision to award citizenship. Yet as there is general support for high-status applicants, affluent Japanese evaluate lower status applicants more negatively, undermining the expectation of labor market competition.
Kobayashi et al.(2015)
Kobayashi, T.(小林哲郎), Boase, J., Suzuki, T., & Suzuki, T.(鈴木貴久) (2015).
Emerging from the cocoon? Revisiting the tele-cocooning hypothesis in the smartphone era.
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.
doi: 10.1111/jcc4.12116
The tele-cocooning hypothesis posits that mobile communication increases interaction with communication rich ties, while simultaneously weakening interaction with communication weak ties. In this study, we demonstrate how smartphones can be used to mitigate tele-cocooning behavior by stimulating interaction with communication weak ties. Using a smartphone application to collect non-identifying mobile communication log data, we conducted a field experiment with 193 Japanese participants. The treatment consisted of onscreen reminders designed to stimulate interaction with communication weak ties. The results indicate that the treatment promoted the activation of communication weak ties and the acquisition of information through those ties, suggesting that smartphones can be utilized to promote access to social capital.
Thomson, & Ito (2014)
Thomson, R., & Ito, N. (2014). Facebook advertisements for survey participant recruitment: Considerations from a multi-country study. 調査参加者募集のためのフェイスブック広告:20カ国調査による考察 International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 5(2), 199-218. doi: 10.7903/ijecs.1175Facebook’s global reach suggests good potential for recruiting research participants and collecting objective behavioral data for cross-cultural research. Previous literature suggests the usefulness of Facebook advertisements to recruit participants in single-country studies. However, Facebook advert use in multi-country studies has not yet been reported. Nor are there any reports about soliciting Facebook user data (via Facebook applications) using Facebook advertisements. This paper contributes to this gap in Internet research, reporting on the effectiveness of Facebook advertisements to recruit participants, and for soliciting anonymized Facebook user data, in a 20-country study about privacy concerns on Facebook. Over seven days, 399 Facebook users from 18 countries responded to country-targeted advertisements in 13 languages. Response rates (ratio of advert clicks to valid responses) per country varied from 0% up to 14%. Overall, two-thirds of the country response rates were below 5%, and many country samples were gender-biased due to confounding societal factors. We conclude that for multi-national studies, Facebook advertisements may have potential for simple participant recruitment for surveys, but has limitations for soliciting Facebook user data. For user data collection, methods such as Amazon Mechanical Turk and snowball sampling may be more effective, but can be limited in their international reach.
Kawamoto et al. (2015)
Kawamoto, T.(川本大史), Ura, M.(浦光博), & Nittono, H. (2015). Intrapersonal and interpersonal processes of social exclusion. 社会的排除の個人内/対人過程 Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience, 9:62. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00062
People have a fundamental need to belong with others. Social exclusion impairs this need and has various effects on cognition, affect, and the behavior of excluded individuals. We have previously reported that activity in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) and right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (rVLPFC) could be a neurocognitive index of social exclusion (Kawamoto et al., 2012, Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience, 4, 11). In this article, we provide an integrative framework for understanding occurrences during and after social exclusion, by reviewing neuroimaging, electrophysiological, and behavioral studies of dACC and rVLPFC, within the framework of intrapersonal and interpersonal processes of social exclusion. As a result, we have indicated directions for future studies to further clarify the phenomenon of social exclusion from the following perspectives: (1) constructional elements of social exclusion, (2) detection sensitivity and interpretation bias in social exclusion, (3) development of new methods to assess the reactivity to social exclusion and (4) sources of social exclusion.
Hashimoto & Yamagishi (2014)
Hashimoto, H.(橋本博文), & Yamagishi, T.(山岸俊男) (2014). Preference-expectation reversal in the ratings of independent and interdependent individuals: A USA–Japan comparison.独立的/相互依存的個人の評定における選好-期待の逆転:日米比較 Asian Journal of Social Psychology, Article first published online: 29 DEC 2014 doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12094We predicted and supported the prediction that a ‘preference-expectation reversal’ would occur among Japanese but not among Americans. American and Japanese participants evaluated ideal-typical independent and interdependent persons on the negative–positive dimension, and estimated how others would evaluate these persons. They also indicated their preference for acting like each of the target persons; that is, which of the two target persons they would prefer to act like. Both the American and Japanese participants wanted to act like the typical independent person rather than the typical interdependent person. However, the Japanese participants expected that others would evaluate the interdependent person more positively than the independent person. This preference-expectation reversal was not observed among the American participants. Further analysis demonstrated that the American participants’ personal evaluations of the two targets were consistent with their preferences. The Japanese participants’ personal evaluation represented a compromise between their preferences and the expected responses of others. These results suggest that the culturally shared belief in Japan that interdependent persons would receive more positive evaluations than independent persons created an incentive for them to behave interdependently despite their preferences.