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Uchida et al.(2015)
Uchida, Y.(内田由紀子), Kanagawa, C.(金川智恵), Takenishi, A.(竹西亜古), Harada, A., Okawa, K., Yabuno, H. (2015). How Did the Media Report on the Great East Japan Earthquake? Objectivity and Emotionality Seeking in Japanese Media Coverage. 東日本大震災をメディアはどう伝えたか PLoS ONE, 10(5): e0125966. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125966
The Great East Japan Earthquake was a tragic event requiring critical media involvement. Since the media played an important role in conveying factual information, journalists expressed feeling that it was difficult to guarantee the objectivity of their coverage. As media coverage constructs a socio-culturally shared reality among its audience, an examination of the objectivity and emotionality of the contents of the news coverage is needed. In Study 1, we conducted an exploratory content analysis of TV and newspaper coverage from the six month period following the March 11, 2011 disaster, finding that the news media generally reported neutral and objective factual information about the event, with emotionality shown only in the commentary. In order to examine how media coverage was constructed and evaluated by journalists, in Study 2 we conducted an online survey of 115 journalists working for mass media organizations. We found that that the journalists’ orientations tended to be more objective than emotional, which is consistent with the findings of Study 1. However, their evaluations of the objectivity of the published articles were low, especially for the coverage of the nuclear power plant accident, which was an accident of an unprecedented nature. The negative emotions that journalists experienced during their investigations negatively affected subsequent evaluations of the objectivity of their reporting.
Ukezono et al. (2015)
Ukezono, M.(請園正敏), Nakashima, S. F.(中嶋智史), Sudo, R.(須藤竜之介), Yamazaki, A. & Takano, Y. (2015). The combination of perception of other individuals and exogenous manipulation of arousal enhances social facilitation as an aftereffect: re-examination of Zajonc’s drive theory. 他者の知覚と喚起の外的操作の組み合わせによる社会的促進の増進:ザイエンスの動因理論の再検証 Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00601
Zajonc’s drive theory postulates that arousal enhanced through the perception of the presence of other individuals plays a crucial role in social facilitation (Zajonc, 1965). Here, we conducted two experiments to examine whether the elevation of arousal through a stepping exercise performed in front of others as an exogenous factor causes social facilitation of a cognitive task in a condition where the presence of others does not elevate the arousal level. In the main experiment, as an “aftereffect of social stimulus,” we manipulated the presence or absence of others and arousal enhancement before participants conducted the primary cognitive task. The results showed that the strongest social facilitation was induced by the combination of the perception of others and arousal enhancement. In a supplementary experiment, we manipulated these factors by adding the presence of another person during the task. The results showed that the effect of the presence of the other during the primary task is enough on its own to produce facilitation of task performance regardless of the arousal enhancement as an aftereffect of social stimulus. Our study therefore extends the framework of Zajonc’s drive theory in that the combination of the perception of others and enhanced arousal as an “aftereffect” was found to induce social facilitation especially when participants did not experience the presence of others while conducting the primary task.
Kondo et al. (2014)
Kondo, N., Saito, M., Hikichi, H.(引地博之), Aida, J., Ojima, T., Kondo, K., & Kawachi, I. (2014). Relative deprivation in income and mortality by leading causes AMONG older Japanese men and women: AGES cohort study. 収入と道徳性の相対的剥奪:日本人高齢者におけるコホート研究 Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. doi: 10.1136/jech-2014-205103
Background Relative deprivation of income is hypothesised to generate frustration and stress through upward social comparison with one’s peers. If psychosocial stress is the mechanism, relative deprivation should be more strongly associated with specific health outcomes, such as cardiovascular disease (compared with other health outcomes, eg, non-tobacco-related cancer).
Methods We evaluated the association between relative income deprivation and mortality by leading causes, using a cohort of 21 031 community-dwelling adults aged 65 years or older. A baseline mail-in survey was conducted in 2003. Information on cause-specific mortality was obtained from death certificates. Our relative deprivation measure was the Yitzhaki Index, derived from the aggregate income shortfall for each person, relative to individuals with higher incomes in that person’s reference group. Reference groups were defined according to gender, age group and same municipality of residence.
Results We identified 1682 deaths during the 4.5 years of follow-up. A Cox regression demonstrated that, after controlling for demographic, health and socioeconomic factors including income, the HR for death from cardiovascular diseases per SD increase in relative deprivation was 1.50 (95% CI 1.09 to 2.08) in men, whereas HRs for mortality by cancer and other diseases were close to the null value. Additional adjustment for depressive symptoms and health behaviours (eg, smoking and preventive care utilisation) attenuated the excess risks for mortality from cardiovascular disease by 9%. Relative deprivation was not associated with mortality for women.
Conclusions The results partially support our hypothesised mechanism: relative deprivation increases health risks via psychosocial stress among men.
Hikichi et al. (2015)
Hikichi, H.(引地博之), Kondo, N., Kondo, K., Aida, J., Takeda, T., & Kawachi, I. (2015). Effect of a community intervention programme promoting social interactions on functional disability prevention for older adults: propensity score matching and instrumental variable analyses, JAGES Taketoyo study. 高齢者の機能障害予防に向けた社会的相互作用促進のためのコミュニティ介入プログラムの効果 Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. doi: 10.1136/jech-2014-205345.
Background The efficacy of promoting social interactions to improve the health of older adults is not fully established due to residual confounding and selection bias.
Methods The government of Taketoyo town, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, developed a resident-centred community intervention programme called ‘community salons’, providing opportunities for social interactions among local older residents. To evaluate the impact of the programme, we conducted questionnaire surveys for all older residents of Taketoyo. We carried out a baseline survey in July 2006 (prior to the introduction of the programme) and assessed the onset of functional disability during March 2012. We analysed the data of 2421 older people. In addition to the standard Cox proportional hazard regression, we conducted Cox regression with propensity score matching (PSM) and an instrumental variable (IV) analysis, using the number of community salons within a radius of 350 m from the participant’s home as an instrument.
Results In the 5 years after the first salon was launched, the salon participants showed a 6.3% lower incidence of functional disability compared with non-participants. Even adjusting for sex, age, equivalent income, educational attainment, higher level activities of daily living and depression, the Cox adjusted HR for becoming disabled was 0.49 (95% CI 0.33 to 0.72). Similar results were observed using PSM (HR 0.52, 95% CI 0.33 to 0.83) and IV-Cox analysis (HR 0.50, 95% CI 0.34 to 0.74).
Conclusions A community health promotion programme focused on increasing social interactions among older adults may be effective in preventing the onset of disability.
Hiraishi et al.(2015)
Hiraishi, K. (平石界) , Shikishima, C. (敷島千鶴) , Yamagata, S. (山形伸二), & Ando, J. (2015). Heritability of decisions and outcomes of public goods games. 公共財ゲームでの決定と帰結に対する遺伝の影響 Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00373
Prosociality is one of the most distinctive features of human beings but there are individual differences in cooperative behavior. Employing the twin method, we examined the heritability of cooperativeness and its outcomes on public goods games using a strategy method. In two experiments (Study 1 and Study 2), twin participants were asked to indicate (1) how much they would contribute to a group when they did not know how much the other group members were contributing, and (2) how much they would contribute if they knew the contributions of others. Overall, the heritability estimates were relatively small for each type of decision, but heritability was greater when participants knew that the others had made larger contributions. Using registered decisions in Study 2, we conducted seven Monte Carlo simulations to examine genetic and environmental influences on the expected game payoffs. For the simulated one-shot game, the heritability estimates were small, comparable to those of game decisions. For the simulated iterated games, we found that the genetic influences first decreased, then increased as the numbers of iterations grew. The implication for the evolution of individual differences in prosociality is discussed.
Komiya, & Mifune (2015)
Komiya, A.(小宮あすか), & Mifune, N.(三船恒裕) (2015). An individual difference in betrayal aversion: Prosociality predicts more risky choices in social but not natural domains. 裏切り回避傾向の個人差:向社会性は社会的なリスク選択をしやすくさせる Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 6(1), 5-8. doi: 10.5178/lebs.2015.33
The present study investigated the relationship between betrayal aversion, i.e., the tendency to avoid specifically social risks (and not non-social, or “natural” risks), and social value orientation using economic games. Participants engaged in the Faith Game, which requires social trust, and a standard gambling game. Individuals denoted as “proself” were less likely to choose the risky option during the Faith Game as compared to individuals noted as “prosocial”; there was no difference between the groups during the gambling game. We discuss these results in terms of individual differences in betrayal aversion.
Miyata et al. (2015)
Miyata, K.(宮田加久子), Yamamoto, H.(山本仁志), & Ogawa, Y.(小川祐樹) (2015) What Affects the Spiral of Silence and the Hard Core on Twitter? An Analysis of the Nuclear Power Issue in Japan. ツイッターにおける「沈黙の螺旋」と「ハードコア」:日本の原発問題の分析 American Behavioral Scientist, 1-13. doi: 10.1177/0002764215580618
We test the Spiral of Silence theory about Internet use in Japanese Internet society. We looked at Twitter and analyzed whether the Spiral of Silence theory would hold for it. Twitter’s speed and scope of information dissemination is fast and extremely wide ranging. For these reasons, Twitter is an appropriate field for analyzing the influences of the Internet on the formation of public opinion. By integrating social investigation and behavioral log analysis, we test a model that incorporates an individual’s attitudes (measured via a questionnaire) and an individual’s communication network structure and actual communication behavior (measured via behavior log analysis). The results from our analysis show a positive correlation between individuals’ perception that their opinion represents the majority view and the number of times they have spoken out. Moreover, while homogeneity of opinions of a personal network on Twitter influenced speaking out by a majority group, homogeneity of opinions does not influence speaking out by a minority group.
Watabe et al.(2015)
Motoki Watabe (渡部 幹) , Takahiro A. Kato (加藤隆弘), Alan R. Teo, Hideki Horikawa, Masaru Tateno, Kohei Hayakawa, Norihiro Shimokawa, Shigenobu Kanba (2015). Relationship between Trusting Behaviors and Psychometrics Associated with Social Network and Depression among Young Generation: A Pilot Study. 若年世代における、社会ネットワークおよび鬱傾向と信頼行動との関係:パイロット研究 PLoS ONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120183
Maladaptive social interaction and its related psychopathology have been highlighted in psychiatry especially among younger generations. In Japan, novel expressive forms of psychiatric phenomena such as “modern-type depression” and “hikikomori” (a syndrome of severe social withdrawal lasting for at least six months) have been reported especially among young people. Economic games such as the trust game have been utilized to evaluate real-world interpersonal relationships as a novel candidate for psychiatric evaluations. To investigate the relationship between trusting behaviors and various psychometric scales, we conducted a trust game experiment with eighty-one Japanese university students as a pilot study. Participants made a risky financial decision about whether to trust each of 40 photographed partners. Participants then answered a set of questionnaires with seven scales including the Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS)-6 and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9. Consistent with previous research, male participants trusted partners more than female participants. Regression analysis revealed that LSNS-family (perceived support from family) for male participants, and item 8 of PHQ-9 (subjective agitation and/or retardation) for female participants were associated with participants’ trusting behaviors. Consistent with claims by social scientists, our data suggest that, for males, support from family was negatively associated with cooperative behavior toward non-family members. Females with higher subjective agitation (and/or retardation) gave less money toward males and high attractive females, but not toward low attractive females in interpersonal relationships. We believe that our data indicate the possible impact of economic games in psychiatric research and clinical practice, and validation in clinical samples including modern-type depression and hikikomori should be investigated.
Nakashima et al. (2015)
Nakashima, S. F.(中嶋智史), Ukezono, M(請園正敏), Nishida, H., Sudo, R.(須藤竜之介) , Takano, Y. (2015). Receiving of emotional signal of pain from conspecifics in laboratory rats. 実験室ラットにおける同種個体の痛みの情動的シグナル知覚 Royal Society Open Science. doi: 10.1098/rsos.140381
Though recent studies have shown that rodents express emotions with their face, whether emotional expression in rodents has a communicative function between conspecifics is still unclear. Here, we demonstrate the ability of visual recognition of emotional expressions in laboratory rats. We found that Long-Evans rats avoid images of pain expressions of conspecifics but not those of neutral expressions. The results indicate that rats use visual emotional signals from conspecifics to adjust their behaviour in an environment to avoid a potentially dangerous place. Therefore, emotional expression in rodents, rather than just a mere ‘expression’ of emotional states, might have a communicative function.
Kawakami & Yoshida (2015)
Kawakami, N.(川上直秋), & Yoshida, F.(吉田富二雄) (2015). Perceiving a story outside of conscious awareness: When we infer narrative attributes from subliminal sequential stimuli. 閾下呈示されたストーリーの知覚 Consciousness and cognition, 33, 53-66.
Perceiving a story behind successive movements plays an important role in our lives. From a general perspective, such higher mental activity would seem to depend on conscious processes. Using a subliminal priming paradigm, we demonstrated that such story perception occurs without conscious awareness. In the experiments, participants were subliminally presented with sequential pictures that represented a story in which one geometrical figure was chased by the other figure, and in which one fictitious character defeated the other character in a tug-of-war. Although the participants could not report having seen the pictures, their automatic mental associations (i.e., associations that are activated unintentionally, difficult to control, and not necessarily endorsed at a conscious level) were shifted to line up with the story. The results suggest that story perception operates outside of conscious awareness. Implications for research on the unconscious were also briefly discussed.