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Ishii et al. (2014)

Ishii, K. (石井敬子), Kitayama, S. (北山忍), & Uchida, Y. (内田由紀子) (2014).
Voluntary settlement and its consequences on predictors of happiness: The influence of initial cultural context.
Frontiers in Psychology5:1311.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01311
Hokkaido—a northern island of Japan that was settled by ethnic Japanese during the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century—may remain to be a hybrid of interdependent culture of the mainland Japan and independent culture associated with frontier settlement. We thus anticipated that contemporary Hokkaido residents would exhibit either independent or interdependent psychological profiles depending on the types of behaviors that were required in a given situation. As expected, happiness was associated with positive disengaging emotions (e.g., pride in the self)—an independent profile—in situations that required personal goal pursuit and interpersonal influence; however, happiness was associated with positive engaging emotions (e.g., feelings of closeness)—an interdependent profile—in situations that required interpersonal harmony and adjustment. In contrast, such situational dependency was not observed for either mainland Japanese or Americans. For mainland Japanese happiness was associated with positive engaging emotions whereas for Americans happiness was associated with positive disengaging emotions.

Ishii (2014)

Ishii, K. (石井敬子) (2014).
Consequences of voluntary settlement: Normative beliefs related to independence in Hokkaido.
Journal of Cognition and Culture, 14(3-4), 159–169.
doi: 10.1163/15685373-12342118
Voluntary settlement is linked to the ethos of independence. However, it is unclear whether initial cultural contexts in frontier areas influence this ethos. The present study focused on Hokkaido, a Japanese island with a history of voluntary settlement, and predicted that while the predominant mainland-Japanese ethos of interdependence is prevalent in Hokkaido, the idea of independence fostered by settlement emerges mainly in the normative beliefs of people living there. The study examined the degree of interdependence measured by attention to vocal affect. Participants listened to emotional utterances and judged the verbal meaning while ignoring the vocal affect. During the process, about half of the participants were presented with schematic faces that activate normative beliefs. Overall, Japanese were more sensitive to vocal affect than were North Americans. Nevertheless, consistent with the prediction, the interference effect in the face condition was less in both North Americans and Hokkaido-born Hokkaido Japanese than in mainland Japanese.

Nand et al. (2014)

Nand, K., Masuda, T. (増田貴彦), Senzaki, S., & Ishii, K. (石井敬子) (2014).
Examining cultural drifts in artworks through development and history: Cultural comparisons between Japanese and Western landscape paintings and drawings.
Frontiers in Psychology5:1041.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01041
Research on cultural products suggest that there are substantial cultural variations between East Asian and European landscape masterpieces and contemporary members’ landscape artwork (Masuda et al., 2008c), and that these cultural differences in drawing styles emerge around the age of 8 (Senzaki et al., 2014b). However, culture is not static. To explore the dynamics of historical and ontogenetic influence on artistic expressions, we examined (1) 17–20th century Japanese and Western landscape masterpieces, and (2) cross-sectional adolescent data in landscape artworks alongside previous findings of elementary school-aged children, and undergraduates. The results showed cultural variations in artworks and masterpieces as well as substantial “cultural drifts” (Herskovits, 1948) where at certain time periods in history and in development, people’s expressions deviated from culturally default patterns but occasionally returned to its previous state. The bidirectional influence of culture and implications for furthering the discipline of cultural psychology will be discussed.

Ando et al. (2014)

Ando, K.(安藤香織), Yorifuji, K.(依藤佳世), Ohnuma, S.(大沼進), Matthies, E., & Kanbara, A.(神原歩) (2014)
Transmitting pro-environmental behaviours to the next generation: A comparison between Germany and Japan.
Asian Journal of Social Psychology.
doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12078
The present study examined the processes by which children acquire pro-environmental behaviours in different cultures. Our focus was on parental influence. Several studies have been conducted on adults’ environmental behaviours; however, we know little about how children’s environmental attitudes and behaviours are formed. We conducted a questionnaire survey with elementary school children and one of their parents in Germany and Japan. Two hundred and twenty-one pairs participated in Germany and 365 in Japan. The results of structural equation modelling showed that parents’ behaviours affected children’s environmental behaviours directly and also via the subjective norm (the children’s experienced expectations of their parents). A comparison of the two countries revealed that hypothesized cultural differences between the impact of personal norms and subjective norms were clearer for adults. The results also showed that the effects of subjective norms were stronger for children, indicating that children are more likely to be influenced by expectations of others. The results of the study suggest that for promoting children’s environmental behaviours, showing the behaviours in daily life would be most effective.

Murakami (2014)

Murakami, K.(村上幸史) (2014).
Absolute and relative judgments in relation to strength of belief in good luck.
Social Behavior and Personality, 42(7), 1105-1115.
doi: 10.2224/sbp.2014.42.7.1105
Belief in Good Luck (BIGL) is a scale for belief in “strength of luck” and is perceived as a personal ability. However, this scale ignored those who recognized individual differences but perceived their own strength of luck as weak (“weak group”). In this study, I defined the weak group in terms of social comparison. Respondents answered questionnaires regarding “possibility” in two types of scenario, one in which the objective probability was the same, but the probability assigned to others differed, and for the occurrence of an uncertain event. The results indicated that, compared with those in the strong group, the weak group tended to elevate the likelihood of success by the assigned probability of others. Differences were also found in assessments for the occurrence of an uncertain event. The results point to the difficulty in measuring the idea of strength of luck as only one factor linked to strength or weakness.
「運の強さ」の信念の測定には”Belief in Good Luck”という尺度が広く用いられているが、この尺度には「個人差を認識する」ことと「自分の運が強いと認識する」こと」が一次元に仮定されており、「自分の運が弱いと認識する」者は無視されているという欠点がある。この両者を区別する意義として、本研究では「運が弱い」と認識する者は「運が強い」と認識する者と異なり、相対的な判断をしやすいという仮定を置いて、自己の確率は変わらないが、他者の確率が変化するようなシナリオを作成し、その予測を回答してもらった。その結果、ポジティブな結果を得ることの予測に関しては仮説を支持する結果が得られた。

Yamagishi (2014)

Yamagishi, T.(山岸俊男) (2014).
From a measurement model to a dynamic causal model: Commentary on Schwartz. 
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(1), 30-36.
doi: 10.1177/0022022113513105
Schwartz (2013) uses the measurement model of latent aptitudes to explain why the large variance in individuals’ values does not pose a problem for the use of the country mean as a proxy of the societal culture as a macro property. I propose that the multi-level causal model provides a more appropriate view of societal culture as a macro property, according to which individuals in each country are like students in a class who are taught by an instructor. The instructor’s teaching effectiveness is a macro property, affecting all students’ learning levels and the average test score. Within-class variance in students’ test scores generated by factors independent of the instructor’s teaching qualities is irrelevant to the assessment of the instructor’s teaching effectiveness. Social institutions such as democratic legal systems affect all individuals under the institutions and would generate between-institution differences in people’s behavior indendeptly of factors ideosyncratic to individuals.

Shinada & Yamagishi (2014)

Shinada, M.(品田瑞穂), & Yamagishi, T.(山岸俊男) (2014).
Attractiveness and cooperation in a prisoner’s dilemma game.
Evolution and Human Behavior, 35(6), 451-455.
doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2014.06.003
The modulating role of age on the relationship between physical attractiveness and cooperativeness in a prisoner’s dilemma game (PDG) was investigated. Previous studies have shown that physical attractiveness is negatively related to cooperative choices among young men but not young women. Following the argument that the negative relationship between physical attractiveness and cooperation is a product of short-term mating strategies among attractive men, we predicted that this relationship is unique to young men and absent among women and older men. We tested this hypothesis with 175 participants (aged 22–69 years). The results showed that physical attractiveness was negatively related to cooperative behavior among young men but not among women or older men. We further observed that the negative relationship between physical attractiveness and cooperation among young men was particularly strong when attractiveness was judged by women.

Hashimoto et al. (2014)

Hashimoto, H.(橋本博文), Mifune, N.(三船恒裕), & Yamagishi, T.(山岸俊男) (2014).
To be perceived as altruistic: Strategic considerations that support fair behavior in the dictator game.
Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 5(2), 17-20.
We successfully replicated Dana, Cain, and Dawes’ study (2006) using a dictator game with an exit option with a Japanese sample. The exit option allowed the dictator to leave the recipient with nothing by paying a small fee, while also ensuring that the recipient never noticed that the dictator game was being played. If the dictator was motivated by fairness, or even self-interest, there would be no reason to choose the exit option. However, our study, as well as the original study, demonstrated that approximately 40% of participants chose the exit option. Based on these results, we argue that the altruistic behavior exhibited during the standard dictator game represents a default strategy for reputation management.

Van Lange et al. (2014)

Van Lange, P., Rockenbach, B. & Yamagishi, T.(山岸俊男) (2014).
Reward and punishment in social dilemmas.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN: 9780199300747
Book Description
    One of the key scientific challenges is the puzzle of human cooperation. Why do people cooperate? Why do people help strangers, even sometimes at a major cost to themselves? Why do people want to punish others who violate norms and undermine collective interests?     Reward and punishment is a classic theme in research on social dilemmas. More recently, it has received considerable attention from scientists working in various disciplines such as economics, neuroscience, and psychology. We know now that reward and punishment can promote cooperation in so-called public good dilemmas, where people need to decide how much from their personal resources to contribute to the public good. Clearly, enjoying the contributions of others while not contributing is tempting. Punishment (and reward) are effective in reducing free-riding. Yet the recent explosion of research has also triggered many questions. For example, who can reward and punish most effectively? Is punishment effective in any culture? What are the emotions that accompany reward and punishment? Even if reward and punishment are effective, are they also efficient — knowing that rewards and punishment are costly to administer? How can sanctioning systems best organized to be reduce free-riding? The chapters in this book, the first in a series on human cooperation, explore the workings of reward and punishment, how they should be organized, and their functions in society, thereby providing a synthesis of the psychology, economics, and neuroscience of human cooperation.

Ohtsubo & Yagi (2015)

Ohtsubo, Y. (大坪庸介), & Yagi, A.(八木彩乃) (2015).
Relationship Value Promotes Costly Apology-Making: Testing the Valuable Relationships Hypothesis from the Perpetrator’s Perspective.
Evolution and Human Behavior.
doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2014.11.008
The valuable relationships hypothesis posits that people are inclined to reconcile with their valuable-relationship partners. Focusing on a particular type of credible conciliatory signal (i.e., costly apology), the present study tested this hypothesis from the perpetrator’s perspective. In Studies 1 and 2, after imagining that they had committed an interpersonal transgression against one of their real friends, participants (N = 529 and 311 in Studies 1 and 2, respectively) rated their willingness to incur a cost in order to apologize to the victim. Apology cost was operationalized as “canceling plans to make an apology as soon as possible” in Study 1, and as “offering compensation” in Study 2. The results showed that the instrumentality of the partner to achieving the participants’ goals would increase their willingness to make a costly apology, after controlling for the participants’ sex, version of the transgression scenario, closeness to the victim, and expected forgiveness of the victim. To ensure the external validity of this finding, Studies 3 and 4 asked participants to recall one of their interpersonal transgression experiences, and to report whether they had offered compensation for it (N = 190 and 224 in Studies 3 and 4, respectively). Study 3 confirmed the hypothesis, while Study 4 did not directly support it. However, Study 4 did show that participants were more willing to reconcile with their valuable partners. Taken together, these results indicate that the valuable relationships hypothesis applies not only to victims, but also their perpetrators as well.