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Takagi et al. (2014)
Takagi, D. (高木大資), Kondo, N., Takada, M., & Hashimoto, H. (2014). Differences in spousal influence on smoking cessation by gender and education among Japanese couples. 日本人夫婦における、性別と学歴による禁煙への配偶者効果の違い BMC Public Health, 14:1184 doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-1184
Previous studies have reported that spousal non-smoking has a spillover effect on the partner’s cessation. However, discussion is lacking on the factors modifying that association. We examined whether the spillover effect of spousal non-smoking was associated with the couple’s educational attainment.
We used paired marital data from the Japanese Study on Stratification, Health, Income, and Neighborhood (J-SHINE), which targeted residents aged 25–50 years in four Japanese municipalities. We selected a spouse smoker at the time of marriage (target respondent), and set his/her smoking status change (continued or quit smoking after marriage) as an outcome, regressed on the counterpart’s smoking status (continued smoking or non-smoking) and combinations of each couple’s educational attainment as explanatory variables using log-binomial regression models (n =1001 targets; 708 men and 293 women).
Regression results showed that a counterpart who previously quit smoking or was a never-smoker was associated with the target male spouse’s subsequent cessation. However, for women, the association between husband’s non-smoking and their own cessation was significant only for couples in which both spouses were highly educated.
Our findings suggest that a spouse’s smoking status is important for smoking cessation interventions in men. For women, however, a couple’s combined educational attainment may matter in the interventions.
Takahashi et al. (2014)
Takahashi, T., Takagishi, H.(高岸治人), Nishinaka, H., Makino, T., & Fukui, H. (2014). Neuroeconomics of psychopathy: risk taking in probability discounting of gain and loss predicts psychopathy. サイコパシーの神経経済学 Neuro Endocrinology Letters, 36(6), 510-517
This study investigated the relationships between psychopathy and impulsive and risky decision making, by utilizing intertemporal and probabilistic choices for both gain and loss, in addition to the Iowa gambling task.
The Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised – a 154-item measure that assesses psychopathic traits by self-report – was used with a 4-point response scale to assess 113 undergraduate students from three Japanese universities. Participants’ performance on the Iowa Gambling Task and four behavioral neuroeconomic tasks of discounting – delayed gain, delayed loss, uncertain gain, and uncertain loss – were estimated.
Risky decisions in probability discounting of gain and loss were associated with psychopathy. Psychopathic traits had no relationship with performance on the Iowa Gambling and were not significantly related to delay discounting.
Psychopathy is predicted by risky decision in probability discounting of gain and loss, but not strongly associated with future myopia. Implications of the present findings for neuroeconomics and neurolaw are discussed.
Goto & Kusumi (2015)
Goto, T. (後藤崇志) & Kusumi, T. (楠見 孝) (2015). The effects of regret on internalization of academic motivation: A longitudinal study. 学業動機づけの内在化に後悔が及ぼす効果: 縦断的研究 Learning and Individual Differences. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2014.11.013
We examined whether and how regret contributes to acquiring autonomous motivation with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of the intrapersonal process of the internalization of academic motivation. We conducted a longitudinal survey to examine the longitudinal relationship between motivation and regret in academic situations. Results of a path analysis showed that regret about neglecting study, experienced immediately after an end-of-term examination, mediated the conversion of controlled (especially, introjected) motivation into autonomous (i.e., intrinsic and identified) motivation. In contrast, participants’ regret about not having enjoyed themselves in the long term negatively predicted autonomous motivation in a subsequent examination. These results indicated that participants’ regret about neglecting their studies contributed to internalization, but regret about not having enjoyed themselves interfered with this. We discussed new insights for both educational practices and psychological theories.
県立高校の高校1年生を対象に、2度の定期考査を挟んで複数回の質問紙調査を行い、定期考査の前の勉強への動機づ けと、定期考査の直後や時間が経った後に感じていた「もっと勉強しておけばよかった」「もっと自分の楽しめることをしておけばよかった」という異なる種類の後悔との関連を検討しました。定期考査の直後に「もっと勉強しておけばよかった」と強く後悔していたほど、次の定期考査で自律的な動機づけが高く、時間が経ってから生じた「もっと自分の楽しめることをしておけばよかった」という後悔が強いほど、後の試験の際に自律的な動機づけが低いという結果が得られました。
Kuwabara et al. (2014)
Kuwabara, K., Vogt, S., Watabe, M.(渡部幹), & Komiya, A.(小宮あすか) (2014). Trust, Cohesion, and Cooperation After Early Versus Late Trust Violations in Two-Person Exchange: The Role of Generalized Trust in the United States and Japan 二者間の交換における信頼違反後の信頼・凝集性・協力 Social Psychology Quarterly. doi: 10.1177/0190272514546757We examine how the timing of trust violations affects cooperation and solidarity, including trust and relational cohesion. Past studies that used repeated Prisoner’s Dilemmas suggest that trust violations are more harmful when they occur in early rather than later interactions. We argue that this effect of early trust violations depends on cultural and individual differences in generalized trust. A laboratory study from high- and low-trust cultures (the United States vs. Japan) supported our claim. First, early trust violations were more harmful than late trust violations, but only for Americans; the pattern reversed for Japanese. Second, these patterns were mediated by individual differences in generalized trust. Finally, generalized trust also moderated the effect of trust violations in the United States but not Japan. By demonstrating that generalized trust is not only lower but also less important in low-trust cultures, our research advances our understanding of how culture affects the development of solidarity in exchange relations.
Tanaka & Ikegami (2015)
Tanaka, H.(田中宏明)& Ikegami, T.(池上知子) (2015). Fear of negative evaluation moderates effects of social exclusion on selective attention to social signs. Cognition & Emotion. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2014.977848Previous studies demonstrated that fear of negative evaluation (FNE) moderates responses to exclusion in late-stage social outcomes (e.g., social judgements and behaviours). People with low levels of FNE show affiliative responses, feeling compelled to recover their sense of belonging, whereas people with high levels of FNE do not. This study examined whether FNE also moderates responses to exclusion in early-stage interpersonal perception, manifested in selective attention. The experiment using a dot-probe task revealed that exclusion led participants with low levels of FNE to increase attention to signs of social acceptance (i.e., smiling faces). It also revealed that exclusion led those with high levels of FNE to pay more attention to signs of social threat (i.e., angry faces) relative to those of social acceptance. Thus, exclusion makes the motivation to protect oneself from social threats dominant over the motivation to reestablish social bonds among those who fear negative evaluation.
Takano & Ukezono (2014)
Takano, Y. & Ukezono, U. (請園正敏) (2014). An experimental task to examine the mirror system in rats. Scientific Reports 4, Article number: 6652. doi: 10.1038/srep06652
The mirror system in the brain is considered to be a neural basis of sociality, but previous studies have been limited to primates. Here we report an experimental task to examine the mirror system in rats. We show that a rat could reach to a pellet and grasp and eat it in front of another rat that was observing the reaching, which indicates that the task will enable us to start exploring the rat mirror system.
Kusumi et al. (2014)
Kusumi, T. (楠見孝), Ogura, K. (小倉加奈代), & Miura, A. (三浦麻子) (2014). Development of a support group using a virtual space for cancer patients. がん患者のオンラインサポートグループの発展過程 International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC), 10(4).
Ikeda et al. (2014)
Ikeda, K., Fujimoto, S., Morling, B., Takahara-Ayano, S., Carroll, A. E., Harashima, S.,Uchida, Y. (内田由紀子), & Inagaki, N. (2014). Social Orientation and Diabetes-Related Distress in Japanese and American Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. 糖尿病患者の心の負担に日本人特有の要因の存在-協調性を重視する文化の影響- PloS one, 9(10): e109323. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0109323
Recent evidence in cultural and social psychology suggests Eastern cultures’ emphasis on harmony and connection with others and Western cultures’ emphasis on self-direction and autonomy. In Eastern society, relational harmony is closely linked to people’s well-being. The impact of this cultural and social orientation on diabetes-related distress was investigated.
Research Design and Methods
Japanese and American patients with type 2 diabetes were surveyed by well-established questionnaire in Japan and in the United States, respectively. The association of personal values for interdependence, perceived emotional support, and the Problem Areas in Diabetes scale (PAID) were analyzed.
A positive correlation between interdependence and PAID (r = 0.18; P = 0.025) and a negative correlation between perceived emotional support and PAID (r = − 0.24; P = 0.004) were observed after adjustments for other factors in Japanese data (n = 149), but not in American data (r = 0.00; P = 0.990, r = 0.02; P = 0.917, respectively, n = 50). In Japanese data, the three-factor structure of PAID (negative feelings about total life with diabetes, about living conditions with diabetes, and about treatment of diabetes) was identified, and interdependence showed significant positive correlations with the first and second factors and perceived emotional support showed significant negative correlations with all three factors of PAID.
These results suggest that personal values for interdependence may be linked to the level of diabetes-related distress and that the distress may be relieved by perception of emotional support, especially in an interdependent cultural context.
プレスリリース(京都大学):糖尿病患者の心の負担に日本人特有の要因の存在 -協調性を重視する文化の影響-
Takemura et al. (2014)
Takemura, K. (竹村幸祐), Uchida, Y. (内田由紀子), & Yoshikawa, S. (2014). Roles of Extension Officers to Promote Social Capital in Japanese Agricultural Communities. 日本の農業コミュニティにおける社会関係資本の醸成:農業普及員の役割 PloS one, 9(3), e91975. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091975
Social capital has been found to be correlated with community welfare, but it is not easy to build and maintain it. The purpose of the current study is to investigate the role of professional coordinators of social relationships to create and maintain social capital in a community. We focused on extension officers in Japanese agricultural communities, who help farmers in both technical and social matters. A large nation-wide survey of extension officers as well as two supplementary surveys were conducted. We found that (1) social capital-related activities (e.g., assistance for building organizations among farmers) were particularly effective for solving problems; (2) social capital (trust relationships) among community residents increased their life quality; (3) social capital in local communities was correlated with extension officers’ own communication skills and harmonious relationships among their colleagues. In sum, social capital in local communities is maintained by coordinators with professional social skills.
Tsukamoto et al. (2015)
Tsukamoto, S.(塚本早織), Holland, E., Haslam, N., Karasawa, M.(唐沢穣), & Kashima, Y. (2015).
Cultural Differences in Perceived Coherence of the Self and In-group: A Japan-Australia Comparison.
Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 18(1), 83–89.
doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12090
Past studies have found that East Asians ascribe less consistency to individual selves than Westerners, but ascribe more consistency to social groups than Westerners. Using the concepts of naive dialecticism (i.e. the tendency to tolerate contradiction) and psychological essentialism (i.e. the tendency to attribute a fixed essence to something) as different aspects of consistency perception, we examined patterns of perceived consistency of the self and national ingroup among Japanese and Australians. Compared to Australians, Japanese showed more naive dialecticism and less psychological essentialism for the self; however, this cultural difference was not found for their national ingroups. These findings suggest that lay theories are applied in a domain-specific manner, and the domains to which they are applied depend on culture.