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Murayama et al. (2015)

Murayama, A.(村山綾, Ryan, C. S., Shimizu, H.(清水裕士), Kurebayashi, K., & Miura, A.(三浦麻子) (2015).
Cultural Differences in Perceptions of Intragroup Conflict and Preferred Conflict-Management Behavior: A Scenario Experiment.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46, 88-100.
doi: 10.1177/0022022114551051
This study focused on cultural differences in perceived relationship and task conflict within groups and preferences for active and agreeable conflict-management behavior. Task conflict (low vs. high) and relationship conflict (low vs. high) were manipulated within subjects in a 2 x 2 x 2 (culture) mixed design. Japanese (n = 100) and American (n = 121) undergraduate students rated each scenario with respect to task conflict, relationship conflict, and preferred conflict-management behavior. Results showed that task and relationship conflict were mistaken for each other in both cultures; however, Americans misattributed strong task conflict to relationship conflict more than Japanese. Cultural differences in preferred conflict-management also emerged. Japanese preferred active conflict-management more than Americans in the strong (vs. weak) task conflict situation when relationship conflict was low (vs. high), whereas Americans preferred active conflict management more than Japanese when relationship conflict was high—regardless of task conflict. Finally, Americans preferred agreeable conflict-management behavior more than Japanese when both types of conflict were low.

Hepper et al.(2014)

Nostalgia is a frequently experienced complex emotion, understood by laypersons in the United Kingdom and United States of America to (a) refer prototypically to fond, self-relevant, social memories and (b) be more pleasant (e.g., happy, warm) than unpleasant (e.g., sad, regretful). This research examined whether people across cultures conceive of nostalgia in the same way. Students in 18 countries across 5 continents (N = 1,704) rated the prototypicality of 35 features of nostalgia. The samples showed high levels of agreement on the rank-order of features. In all countries, participants rated previously identified central (vs. peripheral) features as more prototypical of nostalgia, and showed greater interindividual agreement regarding central (vs. peripheral) features. Cluster analyses revealed subtle variation among groups of countries with respect to the strength of these pancultural patterns. All except African countries manifested the same factor structure of nostalgia features. Additional exemplars generated by participants in an open-ended format did not entail elaboration of the existing set of 35 features. Findings identified key points of cross-cultural agreement regarding conceptions of nostalgia, supporting the notion that nostalgia is a pancultural emotion.

Nakashima & Yanagisawa (2015)

Nakashima, K.(中島健一郎) & Yanagisawa, K.(柳澤邦昭) (2015).
Subjective socioeconomic status and departmental identity interact to reduce depressive tendencies and negative affective responding for female undergraduates.
Japanese Psychological Research, 57(2).
How do subjective socioeconomic status and departmental identity promote the mental health of female undergraduates? We conducted a questionnaire study (Study 1) and an experimental study (Study 2) with undergraduates enrolled in a women’s junior college to examine whether subjective socioeconomic status and group identity have an interactive effect on mental health. Results indicated that in participants with high subjective socioeconomic status, increased identification with their reference in-group (the academic department) was associated with a decreased tendency for depression (Study 1). These individuals also showed reduced negative affect when responding in situations of social exclusion (Study 2). These effects were absent, or had a reduced intensity in participants with low subjective socioeconomic status. In sum, subjective socioeconomic status and departmental identity interact to reduce depressive tendencies and negative affective responding for female undergraduates. Individuals with higher subjective socioeconomic status may gain more benefits from group identity. We have discussed the implications of these findings.

Nakayachi & Ozaki (2014)

Nakayachi, K. (中谷内一也) & Ozaki, T. (尾崎拓) (2014).
A method to improve trust in disaster risk managers: Voluntary action to share a common fate. 
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 10(A), 59-66.
doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2014.07.003
In this study, the effect of voluntary action to share a common fate on trust was empirically examined. Voluntary actions to share a common fate involve decisions by risk managers that place them at an equal risk as the public during times of disaster. Participants included 118 housewives who were randomly assigned to one of the three conditions: voluntary sharing of a common fate, passive sharing of a common fate, and non-sharing of a common fate. The results of the analysis indicated that trust ratings of risk managers in the voluntary condition were greater than were the ratings in the other two conditions; moreover, the trust ratings in the passive and non-sharing conditions were at equally low levels. Furthermore, the results indicated that perceived value similarity for trust had a high explanatory power in both the passive and non-sharing conditions. These results suggested that risk managers can improve their trust by voluntarily sharing the fate of the general public. The results also indicated that when trust level is low, individual differences in trust are explained by the perception that the values are shared between risk managers and the public. Finally, the relationship between trust in risk managers and the forecast of risk reduction was discussed.

Yamagishi et al. (2014)

Yamagishi, T. (山岸俊男)Yang Li, Y. (李楊), Takagishi, H. (高岸治人), Matsumoto, Y. (松本良恵), & Kiyonari, T. (清成透子)  (2014).
In Search of Homo economicus.
Psychological Science, 5(9), 1699-1711.
doi: 10.1177/0956797614538065
Homo economicus, a model for humans in neoclassical economics, is a rational maximizer of self-interest. However, many social scientists regard such a person as a mere imaginary creature. We found that 31 of 446 residents of relatively wealthy Tokyo suburbs met the behavioral definition of Homo economicus. In several rounds of economic games, participants whose behavior was consistent with this model always apportioned the money endowed by the experimenter to themselves, leaving no share for their partners. These participants had high IQs and a deliberative decision style. An additional 39 participants showed a similar disregard for other people’s welfare, although they were slightly more altruistic than those in the Homo economicus group. The psychological composition of these quasi–Homo economicus participants was distinct from that of participants in the Homo economicus group. Although participants in the latter group behaved selfishly on the basis of rational calculations, those in the former group made selfish choices impulsively. The implications of these findings concerning the two types of extreme noncooperators are discussed.

Karasawa et al. (2014)

Karasawa, M.(唐沢穣), Maass, A., Rakić, T., & Kato, A. (2014).
The Emergent Nature of Culturally Meaningful Categorization and Language Use: A Japanese–Italian Comparison of Age Categories.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(3), 431-451.
doi: 10.1177/0022022113509882
Although the phenomenon of social categorization is universal, we argue that different cultures promote different types of categorization and that this is associated with differential language practice. We predicted that, among Japanese (but not among Italian) participants, even a small age difference would be sufficient to trigger spontaneous categorization of other people. We hypothesized that the categorization process would be reflected on a particular pattern of memory bias (i.e., within-category assimilation and between-category contrast). We further tested the hypothesis that specific language styles (i.e., polite vs. intimate) would accompany the age-based categorization effect. In Study 1, we applied the “Who said what?” paradigm, finding the expected pattern of differential memory bias only among Japanese, but not Italians. There was also an indication of selective language use corresponding to the age-based categorization. Study 2 replicated the age-based categorization among Japanese participants and provided visible evidence that the sensitivity in choosing appropriate language styles co-occur with memory bias. We discuss implications of these findings for understanding the complex interplay between culture, language, and social cognition.

Takagi & Kawachi (2014)

Takagi, D.(高木大資) & Kawachi, I. (2014).
Neighborhood social heterogeneity and crime victimization in Japan: Moderating effects of social networks.
Asian Journal of Criminology, 9, 271-284.
doi: 10.1007/s11417-014-9191-9
We sought to apply social disorganization/social capital theory to the prediction of larceny victimization among community-dwelling residents. Based on social disorganization theory, we empirically derived an index of “social distance” by calculating averaged differences in sociodemographic characteristics (social class, stage of life course, size of hometown of origin) between residents. Our study was based on a postal questionnaire mailed to 1,000 residents of Arakawa Ward, Tokyo, Japan. Based on social capital theory, we also tested if neighborhood-level social ties could buffer the association between social distance and larceny victimization. Using multilevel analyses, we found that higher neighborhood-level social distance was associated with increased larceny victimization, independently of the respondents’ own background sociodemographic characteristics. Additionally, area-level supportive networks buffered the adverse effect of social distance on larceny victimization. By contrast, we also found that network size magnified the probability of victimization in neighborhoods characterized by large social distances between residents.

Takagi (2013)

Takagi, D.(高木大資) (2013).
Neighborhood social capital and crime
I. Kawachi, S. Takao, & S. V. Subramanian (Eds.), Global perspectives on social capital and health, pp. 143-166. New York: Springer.
ISBN 978-1-4614-7464-7
The focus of this chapter is on empirical studies that examined the relationship between social capital and crime. In particular, the chapter emphasizes the problem of the unit of analysis in neighborhood social capital studies and attempts to empirically examine this problem using spatial data and spatial analyses. This chapter is divided into three sections. The first section introduces several studies that have explored the relationship between social capital and crime and the possible mediating factors. The second section addresses the Modifiable Area Unit Problem that is inherent in multilevel models, which are commonly used in public health. The chapter discusses how the effect of social capital on crime varies depending on the spatial scale adopted to define neighborhood boundaries. The third section describes an empirical investigation of the link between community social capital and crime using an innovative tool for spatial analysis – the spatial Durbin model.
本章では近隣のソーシャル・キャピタルと犯罪の関係についての研究を紹介する。とくに,ソーシャル・キャピタル研究における分析単位(集計単位)の問題に焦点を当て,空間分析手法を用いて検討を試みる。6.2では,ソーシャル・キャピタルと犯罪の関係についての先行研究を紹介し,想定されるメカニズムについて,主に犯罪社会学的理論の観点から議論する。6.3では,公衆衛生学分野の研究で一般的に用いられているマルチレベルモデルに内在する可変単位地区問題(Modifiable Areal Unit Problem;MAUP)について議論し,分析で用いる地域の空間的範囲に依存してソーシャル・キャピタルの犯罪抑制効果がどのように変動するかを,日本のデータを用いて示す。6.4では,空間Durbin モデルと呼ばれる空間統計学の手法を用いた,地域のソーシャル・キャピタルと犯罪の関係についての実証研究を紹介する。

Saeki et al. (2014)

Saeki, M.(佐伯政男), Oishi, S., Maeno, T., & Gilbert, E. (2014).
Self-Informant Agreement for Subjective Well-being among Japanese.
Personality and Individual Differences, 69, 124–128.
doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2014.05.018
The present study examined the convergence between self- and informant-ratings for well-being among Japanese students. A total of 202 same-sex friend pairs completed self-reports and informant reports of life satisfaction, domain satisfaction, positive and negative affect, extraversion, and neuroticism. Life satisfaction and other variables showed significant self–informant agreement correlations, thereby establishing their convergent validity. However, the size of agreement on life satisfaction was lower than the previous findings conducted in the United States, whereas other variables did not differ from previous results. Furthermore, there was a significant difference in the size of agreement between life satisfaction and extraversion; that is, life satisfaction produced lower agreement than extraversion.

Saeki et al. (2013)

Saeki, M.(佐伯政男), Oishi, S., Lee, M., & Maeno, T. (2013).
Life satisfaction judgments and item-order effects across cultures.
Social Indicators Research.
doi: 10.1007/s11205-013-0463-z
We conducted two studies to investigate the item-order effect on life satisfaction judgments. In Study 1, Japanese and American participants completed various life-domain satisfaction items either before or after completing general life satisfaction items. American respondents weighed the best life domains more strongly than Japanese respondents, in particular when they answered domain satisfaction items before making life satisfaction judgments. Overall, Japanese tended to weigh the worst life domains more heavily when making life satisfaction judgments than Americans. We hypothesized that the Japanese patterns of life satisfaction judgments come from the chronic attention to others’ perspective. To examine this hypothesis in Study 2, Japanese participants were exposed to either the “other are not watching” or the “other are watching” manipulation. As expected, when Japanese participants were led to believe that “others are not watching,” they judged their overall life satisfaction based more heavily on the best life domains (like Americans in Study 1).