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Ito et al.(2014)
Ito, K., Masuda, T. (増田貴彦), Komiya, A. (小宮あすか), & Hioki, K. (日置孝一) (2014). Seeking help from close, same-sex friends: Relational costs for Japanese and personal costs for European Canadians. 親密な同性友人からの援助を求める際のコスト:日加比較 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. doi: 10.1177/0265407514539780
Seeking help from close friends is beneficial for help seekers but also entails costs. Past research on social support suggested that East Asians were more likely than their North American counterparts to perceive relational costs (e.g., causing trouble for close friends), whereas North Americans tended to selectively perceive personal costs (e.g., admitting incompetence). We first collected European Canadian and Japanese people’s everyday experiences of help-seeking behaviors. We then examined whether norms would mediate the relationship between perceptions of costs and expected closeness in friendship. For European Canadians, we found such meditating relationships only for personal costs; whereas for the Japanese, the relationships were observed for both personal and relational costs. Implications for social cognitive research and clinical research are discussed.
Nakayachi (2015)
Nakayachi, K. (中谷内一也) (2015). Examining Public Trust in Risk-managing Organizations After a Major Disaster. 大災害後のリスク管理組織に対する信頼 Risk Analysis, 35(1), 57-67. doi: 10.1111/risa.12243
This research investigates the public’s trust in risk-managing organizations after suffering serious damage from a major disaster. It is natural for public trust to decrease in organizations responsible for mitigating the damage. However, what about trust in organizations that address hazards not directly related to the disaster? Based on the results of surveys conducted by a national institute, the Japanese government concluded, in a White Paper on Science and Technology, that the public’s trust in scientists declined overall after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. Because scientists play a key role in risk assessment and risk management in most areas, one could predict that trust in risk-managing organizations overall would decrease after a major disaster. The methodology of that survey, however, had limitations that prevented such conclusions. For this research, two surveys were conducted to measure the public’s trust in risk-managing organizations regarding various hazards, before and after the Tohoku Earthquake (n = 1,192 in 2008 and n = 1,138 in 2012). The results showed that trust decreased in risk-managing organizations that deal with earthquakes and nuclear accidents, whereas trust levels related to many other hazards, especially in areas not touched by the Tohoku Earthquake, remained steady or even increased. These results reject the assertion that distrust rippled through all risk-managing organizations. The implications of this research are discussed, with the observation that this result is not necessarily gratifying for risk managers because high trust sometimes reduces public preparedness for disasters.
Ohtsubo et al. (2014)
Ohtsubo, Y.(大坪庸介), Matsunaga, M., Komiya, A.(小宮あすか), Tanaka, H.(田中大貴), Mifune, N.(三船恒裕), & Yagi, A.(八木彩乃) (2014). Oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) polymorphism and self-punishment after an unintentional transgression. 無意図的違反後の自己罰とオキシトシン受容体遺伝子多型 Personality and Individual Differences, 69, 182-186. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2014.05.033
The present study investigated a genetic underpinning of human reconciliation. Recent research has shown that people tend to inflict self-punishment as part of a repertoire of reparative acts. Since empathy generally facilitates reparative acts, we hypothesized that there exists an association between an empathy-related genetic variation, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene (rs53576 A vs. G), and the tendency toward self-punishment. Participants played a modified version of the dictator game, in which they made an unfair allocation unintentionally. They then had the opportunity to punish themselves by reducing some portion of their monetary reward. The results showed that the participants with the GA or GG genotype, compared to the participants with the AA genotype, were more likely to engage in self-punishment after making the unfair allocation unintentionally. This effect was not mediated by self-critical feelings (guilt and shame) associated with the unfair allocation. The present study suggests that the OXTR polymorphism is associated with a human reconciliatory tendency.
Takeshita et al. (2014)
Takeshita, T. (竹下俊郎), Saito, S. (斉藤慎一), & Inaba, T. (稲葉哲郎) (2014). Social media and political participation in Japan. 日本におけるソーシャルメディアと政治参加 Social media, culture and politics in Asia (Eds by L. Willnat & A. Aw). New York: Peter Lang, pp. 127-142 ISBN: 978-1-4331-1877-7 (pbk)
The Internet’s explosive growth over the past decade is nowhere more visible than in Asia. Fueled by an expanding middle class, thousands of people connect to the Internet for the first time each day to explore and discuss issues that are relevant to them and their lives.
This book provides an in-depth look at the impact of social media on political engagement among young citizens in this rapidly changing region of the world. Leading media scholars from nine Asian nations focus on three main questions:
- How frequently do Asians use social media to access and discuss political information?
- Does the use of social media increase political participation?
- What political, social and cultural factors influence the impact of social media on political engagement in each nation?
To answer these questions, contributors first analyze the current state of social media in their nations and then present the findings of a cross-national survey on social media use that was conducted with over 3,500 Asian respondents. By employing a comparative approach, they analyze how social media function and interact with the cultural and political systems in each country – and how they might affect political engagement among individual citizens.
Sato, K. et al. (2014)
Sato, K.(佐藤剛介), Yuki, M.(結城雅樹)& Norasakkunkit, V. (2014).
A Socio-Ecological Approach to Cross-Cultural Differences in the Sensitivity to Social Rejection: The Partially Mediating Role of Relational Mobility.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
doi: 10.1177/0022022114544320
The authors propose that cross-cultural differences in sensitivity to social rejection, or the extent to which one is alert to potential rejection from significant others, can be understood as an adaptation to different social ecological contexts varying in the degrees of relational mobility. In societies low in relational mobility, such as East Asia, relationships and group memberships are stable and exclusive, and thus it is difficult for individuals to recover once rejected from current relationships or groups. In these contexts, one would expect people to be continuously paying attention to negative feedback from others in order to avoid potential rejection. In contrast, this type of anxiety will be less pronounced in societies high in relational mobility, such as North America, because there are a greater number of relationship alternatives available, even if individuals were to be excluded from a particular relationship. Results from two cross-national studies showed that, as expected, individuals’ perceptions of relational mobility partially mediated rejection sensitivity (Study 1) and Taijin Kyofusho, an allocentric subtype of social anxiety (Study 2).
Dohi (2014)
Dohi,I. (土肥伊都子) (2014). Gender Personality in Japanese Society: The determinants of femininity/masculinity, mental health, female-male relationships, and cultural factors. 日本社会のジェンダー・パーソナリティ Union Press. ISBN 978-4-946428-68-5This book consists of the following four parts and thirteen chapters in the parts. Part I presents the concepts of Gender Personality and the determinant model of femininity/masculinity. In chapter1 the abstracts of concepts of Gender Personality, mainly femininity/masculinity are commented. It is hypothesized that femininity, which contains communion mainly, and masculinity, which contains agency mainly, consist of the following two factors; firstly Gender Schema, a kind of frame of cognition about gender, secondly Gender Identity, a kind of ego-identity, orientation for individuality of one’s own life style as females/males by managing needs of self and social expectations. Chapter2 describes about the development of Communion-Agency Scale(CAS) to measure both of positive and negative aspects of femininity/masculinity. In Chapter2 and Chapter3, the validity of the determinant model of femininity/masculinity is also examined. In Chapter4, the hypothesis about development of psychological androgyny, which is supposed to increase in elder people, is tested based on the research. Part II is described about the relationships between Gender Personality and mental health or social adaptability. In Chapter5, it is clarified that masculinity facilitates Type A behavior pattern, in contrast, that femininity moderates the relationship between masculinity and the Type A behavior pattern in the case of both of females and males. In Chapter6, it is shown that femininity/ masculinity of both positive and negative aspects are severally related to getting social support, self-esteem, depression, etc. These results suggest that various sex differences of broader domains of mental disorder and syndromes can be explained from the viewpoints of Gender Personality. In Chapter7, it is clarified that psychological androgyny can make communication between females and males smoother, and decrease interpersonal stress. In Part III, Gender Personality is discussed in relation with Japanese culture. In Chapter8, it is proposed that married couples or families are supposed to be minimum units socially, and it is expected that once peoples get married, they should be “one body, one mind”, and they should engage in their own given social roles whether their roles suit for them or not in Japanese society. Such culture may maintain and strengthen Japanese gender society, accordingly may make individuals to be gendered. These hypotheses are discussed and tested. And it is described that particularly in daily and privately situations such as married couple or family life, where socially invisible Shadow Works are executed, gender is easily maintained and strengthened. Concretely, intergenerational gender-related socialization within the family in Chapter9, the influences of Ie (a kind of Japanese traditional family system) and collectivism in Chapter10, the way to share payment for drinking between young females and males in Chapter11, and customs or attitudes toward sleeping behavior in Chapter12 are examined empirically. Part IV consists in only one Chapter13, in which conclusions for the total book and preview for further studies are shown. Concretely, as distinctive features of Japanese society in related with Gender Personality, family is supposed to be a minimum unit for living in Japanese society. In fact, this normative idea has not already fit for the real society, but many social systems still follow it. Indirectly, Ie (Japanese traditional family system) consciousness and priorities for motherhood are inevitable to understand Japanese culture. By these Japanese cultural features, family-unit orientations, which make intimate male-female relationships such as married couples dependent each other, must become popular. In this chapter these social problems are discussed. In addition, the hypothesized model about the process, in which Japanese culture makes individuals gendered, and facilitates their orientation for family-unit relationships. Concretely, the orientation for family-unit relationships are influenced by social system such as social security, tax systems, marriage, and family resister, which make people dependent mutually. Furthermore, these social systems are previously from Japanese culture (gendered role involvement culture in workplace, accept for power distance, collectivism, etc.). Consequently, influenced by these cultural factors, family-unit orientation makes females feminine/ males masculine.
Sueda (2014)
Sueda, K. (末田清子) (2014). Negotiating multiple identities: Shame and pride among Japanese returnees. Springer. ISBN: 978-9812870070
The purpose of this book is to explore: 1) the relationship between face and identities; and 2) the role of shame and pride in negotiating multiple identities. In reviewing the literature on face and identity/identities, there is a scarcity of research in at least three areas: 1) Few researchers have attempted to explore a possible relationship between the two terms ‘face’ and ‘identities’; 2) The issue of the emotions behind face has not been fully addressed; and 3) Although the multiplicity of identities is suggested theoretically, the dynamics of identity negotiation has not been studied much empirically. By looking at the emotions behind face, such as shame and pride, I intend to explore a possible relationship between face and identities and the affective aspects of identity negotiation.
Japanese returnee students (kikokushijo), who spent a considerable amount of time overseas because of their parent’s overseas assignment, were chosen as research participants for the first phase of research (from February 2000 to July 2001). Through interaction with at least 300 returnees for more than 15 years, I have found that some returnees identify strongly with the category of ‘returnees,’ and some do not. For the second phase of research (from March 2010 to October 2011) participants, former Japanese returnees, who work in Japanese industry and commerce, were chosen. Three methods (The ‘Who am I?’ test, the PAC method, and participant observation) are used for the same participants. Methodological triangulation, utilizing multiple methods for the same research participants, is considered to lead me to the participants’ inner perception of face, their emotional state, and the dynamics of negotiating their multiple-layering of identities in the real world.
The following conclusions are drawn: 1) Face is an indicator of one’s emotional state and the degree of how much one identifies with a particular kind of identity; 2) When one’s face is threatened or lost within a particular kind of identity, whether or not the pertinent identity can be strengthened depends on how one goes about managing shame; and 3) When one has lost one’s face within a particular kind of identity, one has to restore a sense of pride within the same kind of identity. The present study has possible educational, social and political implications, and makes a theoretical as well as methodological contribution. Particularly, by looking at how Japanese returnees and former returnees exhibit or hide their English ability at school and workplace, Japanese people’s ideas on globalisation can be explored.
理論的枠組みのひとつは、フェイス(face)の情動的側面に着目したScheff(1997)のshame (以降シェイム)とpride[以降、プライド(自尊心)]である。ここでいうシェイムとは、自分が拒否されたり否定されたりしたときに伴う感情で、人と人あるいは人と社会の絆を脅かすものである。一方、プライドは自分の置かれた状況や自分自身を心地よく受け入れるという自尊心を指し、人と人あるいは人と社会の絆を強化するものである。
本研究では、1)解釈主義的アプローチに基づき、調査参加者の視点から社会的現実を探索し、2)同じ調査参加者を3つの手法( The “Who am I?” test, PAC分析、参与観察)によって調査し、そのデータの共通項、矛盾点、補完部分等を総合的に解釈するトライアンギュレーションを行い、3)調査参加者すべてが、「帰国子女」というアイデンティティに思い入れをもつという前提を崩して調査を行った。
Miyamoto et al. (2013)
Miyamoto, Y.(宮本百合), Boylan, J. M., Coe, C. L., Curhan, K., Levine, C. S., Markus, H. R., et al. (2013). Negative emotions predict elevated interleukin-6 in the United States but not in Japan. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 34, 79-85.
Previous studies conducted in Western cultures have shown that negative emotions predict higher levels of pro-inflammatory biomarkers, specifically interleukin-6 (IL-6). This link between negative emotions and IL-6 may be specific to Western cultures where negative emotions are perceived to be problematic and thus may not extend to Eastern cultures where negative emotions are seen as acceptable and normal. Using samples of 1044 American and 382 Japanese middle-aged and older adults, we investigated whether the relationship between negative emotions and IL-6 varies by cultural context. Negative emotions predicted higher IL-6 among American adults, whereas no association was evident among Japanese adults. Furthermore, the interaction between culture and negative emotions remained even after controlling for demographic variables, psychological factors (positive emotions, neuroticism, extraversion), health behaviors (smoking status, alcohol consumption), and health status (chronic conditions, BMI). These findings highlight the role of cultural context in shaping how negative emotions affect inflammatory physiology and underscore the importance of cultural ideas and practices relevant to negative emotions for understanding of the interplay between psychology, physiology, and health.
Miyamoto et al. (2014)
Miyamoto, Y.(宮本百合), Ma, X., & Petermann, A. G. (2014). Cultural differences in hedonic emotion regulation after a negative event. [Final Draft] Emotion.
Beliefs about emotions can influence how people regulate their emotions. The present research examined whether Eastern dialectical beliefs about negative emotions lead to cultural differences in how people regulate their emotions after experiencing a negative event. We hypothesized that, because of dialectical beliefs about negative emotions prevalent in Eastern culture, Easterners are less motivated than Westerners to engage in hedonic emotion regulation—up-regulation of positive emotions and down-regulation of negative emotions. By assessing online reactions to a recent negative event, Study 1 found that European Americans are more motivated to engage in hedonic emotion regulation. Furthermore, consistent with the reported motivation to regulate emotion hedonically, European Americans show a steeper decline in negative emotions 1 day later than do Asians. By examining retrospective memory of reactions to a past negative event, Study 2 further showed that cultural differences in hedonic emotion regulation are mediated by cultural differences in dialectical beliefs about motivational and cognitive utility of negative emotions, but not by personal deservingness or self-efficacy beliefs. These findings demonstrate the role of cultural beliefs in shaping emotion regulation and emotional experiences.
Yanagisawa et al. (2013)
Yanagisawa, K.(柳澤邦昭), Kashima. E. S., Moriya. H., Masui, K.(増井啓太), Furutani, K.(古谷嘉一郎), Nomura, M.(野村理朗), Yoshida, H., & Ura, M.(浦光博) (2013). Non-conscious neural regulation against mortality concerns. Neuroscience Letters, 552(27), 35-39. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2013.07.027
Social psychological studies have shown that an experience of threat such as an encounter with death-related stimuli and social exclusion results in tuning toward positive emotional information. Neuroimaging studies have also begun to uncover the neural basis of threat coping, and in this literature, the activity of the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (rVLPFC) has been suggested to play a key role in detection and regulation of threats. Using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), we examined the activity of rVLPFC while participants were subliminally primed with the concept of “death” or the control concept “pain”. We found greater rVLPFC activities relative to the prior baseline in the death prime condition, and furthermore, these activities negatively correlated with the evaluation of the positive (but not negative) essay. These data provide initial evidence to suggest that lesser neuronal regulation of threat, when it is first encountered, may lead to subsequent regulation by affect tuning.