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Kamijo, Y., & Nakama, D. (2023).

Kamijo, Y., & Nakama, D. (仲間大輔) (2023).
Designing division of labor with strategic uncertainty within organizations: Model analysis and a behavioral experiment.
社会的不確実性がある組織内の分業の設計: ゲーム理論モデル分析と行動実験
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 32(2), 257-272.

For managers who are responsible for designing the division of labor, there are prototypes such as the divisional and functional designs, but insufficient knowledge of what to consider when selecting them. To address this shortfall, we developed a multiple economic game model with a two-step structure to examine the strategic interdependence between the two prototypes. We analyzed the model from three different perspectives: a traditional analysis, an equilibrium analysis, and a behavioral analysis followed by a laboratory experiment. While the first analysis revealed that the functional design would outperform divisional design when individual decisions are exogenous, the game theoretic equilibrium analysis demonstrated that the two prototype designs have similar equilibria when individuals are rational. However, assuming that individuals made autonomous decisions with accessible information under given organizational structures, behavioral analysis derived predictions that the divisional design was more likely to produce favorable consequences than the functional design. This prediction was confirmed by the economic experiment in the laboratory. These results imply that the strategic uncertainty within organizations differs according to the designs and affects organizational consequences.


Shimizu, Y., Suzuki, M., Hata, Y., & Sakaki, T. (2023).

Shimizu, Y.(清水佑輔), Suzuki, M., Hata, Y., & Sakaki, T. (2023). 
The relationship between frailty and social participation: Focus on subjective health. 
BMC Research Notes, 16, 123. 

Active participation of the older adults in the society is crucial; however, frailty prevents social participation. Meanwhile, many older adults participate daily in social activities, even with frailty. This study aims to examine whether older adults with frailty have lower social participation than those without frailty in Japan. We also investigated whether older adults with frailty and higher subjective health participate in society to the same extent as the general older population. This study included 1,082 Japanese individuals aged 65 years and older participating in the online survey. Participants answered questions on social participation, frailty, subjective health, and demographics.

Participants in the robust group had higher social participation rates than those in the frailty and pre-frailty groups. Meanwhile, frail older participants with higher subjective health had similar social participation as the robust participants. Many older adults acquire frailty despite their individual effort. Meanwhile, improving subjective health may be effective, even with frailty. The relationship between subjective health, frailty, and social participation is primitive and further studies are needed.

Tanaka, H., Nishina, K., Shou, Q., Takahashi, H., Sakagami, M., Matsuda, T., Inoue-Murayama, M., Takagishi, H. (2023).

Tanaka, H.(田中大貴), Nishina, K.(仁科国之), Shou, Q.(寿秋露), Takahashi, H., Sakagami, M., Matsuda, T., Inoue-Murayama, M., Takagishi, H.(高岸治人) (2023). 
Association between arginine vasopressin receptor 1A ( AVPR1A) polymorphism and inequity aversion.
アルギニン・バソプレシン受容体1A ( AVPR1A ) 多型と不公平感回避の関連性
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290(2000), 20230378.

Although numerous studies have focused on brain functions related to inequity aversion, few have examined its genetic basis. Here, we show the association between estimated inequity aversion and polymorphisms in three genes associated with human sociality. Non-student adult participants took part in five economic game experiments on different days. Disadvantageous inequity aversion (DIA) and advantageous inequity aversion (AIA) were calculated from behavioural responses using Bayesian estimation. We investigated the association between genetic polymorphisms in the oxytocin receptor (OXTR rs53576), arginine vasopressin receptor 1A (AVPR1A RS3) and opioid receptor mu 1 (OPRM1 rs1799971) and inequity aversion. Regarding AVPR1A RS3, participants with the SS genotype had higher AIA than those with the SL or LL genotypes, but no association was found for DIA. Moreover, we observed no aversion associations for OXTR rs53576 or OPRM1 rs1799971. The results suggest that AVPR1A plays an important role in aversion when one’s own gain is greater than that of others. Our findings may provide a solid theoretical basis for future studies on the relationship between genetic polymorphisms and inequity aversion.

Tanaka, H., Shou, Q., Kiyonari, T., Matsuda, T., Sakagami, M., & Takagishi, H. (2023).

Tanaka, H.(田中大貴), Shou, Q.(寿秋露), Kiyonari, T.(清成透子), Matsuda, T., Sakagami, M., & Takagishi, H(高岸治人). (2023). 
Right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex regulates default prosociality preference. 
Cerebral Cortex, 33(9), 5420-5425.

The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex has been shown to be associated with prosocial behavior. However, the direction of this relationship remains controversial. To resolve inconsistencies in the existing literature, we introduced the concept of default prosociality preference and hypothesized that this preference moderates the relationship between gray matter volume in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and prosocial behavior. This study analyzed the data of 168 participants obtained from voxel-based morphometry, 4 types of economic games, and 3 different measures of social value orientation that represent default prosociality preference. Here we show that, in individuals who were consistently classified as proself on the 3 social value orientation measures, gray matter volume in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was positively associated with prosocial behavior. However, in individuals who were consistently classified as prosocial, the direction of this association was vice versa. These results indicate that the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex regulates default prosociality preference.

Miyajima, T., Nakawake, Y., Meng, X., & Sudo, R. (2023).

Miyajima, T.(宮島 健), Nakawake, Y.(中分 遥), Meng, X., & Sudo, R.(須藤 竜之介) (2023). 
Ordinance influences individuals' perceptions towards prospects of social circumstance but not the status quo: An experimental field study on sexual minorities issues in Japan. 
Asian Journal of Social Psychology.

Scientific evidence shows that institutional decisions can change individuals’ private attitudes towards relevant issues. However, little is known about their effect on individuals’ perceptions of social norms. This intriguing question has gained the attention of scholars. Nonetheless, the findings are primarily observed only in samples of the Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, and Democratic countries, leading to doubts about their generalisability. This study experimentally tested residents’ (N = 411) reactions to the new Tokyo ordinance prohibiting discrimination against sexual minorities enacted on October 5, 2018, and tested whether it dispelled self–other discrepancies regarding tolerance towards sexual minorities (i.e., pluralistic ignorance). The results showed that exposure to information about enactment increased future perceptions of support and understanding of sexual minorities. By contrast, private attitudes, perceptions of current social norms, and willingness to speak out did not change. Willingness to speak out was indirectly enhanced through increased perceptions of gaining future support. Furthermore, Tokyo residents overestimated other residents’ negative attitudes towards sexual minorities. However, even when informed of the new ordinance, this self–other discrepancy in intolerance towards sexual minorities was not corrected. These findings suggest that institutional decisions can shape the perception of social norm change in the future beyond Western countries.



【論文のread-only version(本文の全文が読めます)】https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/share/author/BF3G5SSX6GAYRHW2VXHV?target=10.1111/ajsp.12568

Kawamura, Y., & Inaba, M. (2023).

Kawamura, Y. (河村悠太), & Inaba, M. (稲葉美里) (2023). 
Trivial giving as a signal of trustworthiness.
Evolution and Human Behavior.

Trivial giving—the small-stakes giving that does not produce any further benefit, such as sharing food with neighbors and exchanging gifts with friends—has been widely observed in societies ranging from hunter-gatherers to modern communities. However, previous studies have not examined the adaptive value of trivial giving. The present study proposes that trivial giving functions as a signal of an actor’s cooperative traits or intentions (i.e., trustworthiness). To test this hypothesis, we designed a modified version of the prisoner’s dilemma game experiment with two types of payoff matrics: trivial giving trials featured by a benefit/cost (b/c) ratio of 1 and cooperation trials featured by a b/c ratio of 3. The experiment (N = 82; University students) demonstrated that participants engage in trivial giving when there are future opportunities to cooperate with their partners, that is, when there is a need to signal their trustworthiness. Moreover, the alternative possibility that trivial giving in the experimental condition is a product of the spillover effect from nontrivial cooperation was rejected. Therefore, the present study suggests that seemingly useless trivial giving, widespread in human society, functions as a signal of trustworthiness.

【プレスリリース】 https://www.omu.ac.jp/info/research_news/entry-06102.html

Miyagawa, Y., & Neff, K.D. (2023).

Miyagawa, Y.(宮川裕基), & Neff, K.D. (2023).
How self-compassion operates within individuals: An examination of latent profiles of state self-compassion in the U.S. and Japan. Mindfulness.

Self-compassion is theorized to be a state of mind representing the balance of compassionate self-responding (CS; kindness, common humanity and mindfulness) and uncompassionate self-responding (UCS; self-judgment, isolation and over-identification) in times of distress. However, there is an on-going debate about this conceptualization, with some arguing that CS and UCS operate separately and independently. A variation on this view is that the operation of self-compassion differs by culture: In Eastern dialectic cultures like China and Japan, individuals are thought to experience CS and UCS simultaneously but not in Western non-dialectic cultures like the U.S. Our research investigated this issue by examining how state self-compassion operates within individuals in both the U.S. and Japan. We conducted latent profile analyses of state self-compassion both before (n = 855) and after (n = 455) a self-compassion mood induction designed to increase CS. In both cultures, individuals were classified into one of three latent profiles only: Low State Self-Compassion (low CS and high UCS), Moderate State Self-Compassion (moderate CS and UCS), and High State Self-Compassion (high CS and low UCS). We did not find any individuals with a profile characterized by simultaneously high levels of CS and UCS. This was true even after a self-compassion mood induction, although the distribution of people in the three profiles changed reflecting a simultaneous increase in CS and decrease in UCS. Results suggest that CS and UCS operate holistically and not independently within individuals in both dialectical and nondialectical cultures. This study is not pre-registered.

Atherton, G., Morimoto, Y., Nakashima, S.F., & Cross, L. (2023).

Atherton, G., Morimoto, Y.(森本裕子), Nakashima, S.F.(中嶋智史), & Cross, L. (2023).
Does the Study of Culture Enrich Our Understanding of Autism? A Cross-Cultural Exploration of Life on the Spectrum in Japan and the West.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 00220221231169945.

Autism spectrum condition is a neurodevelopmental condition in which people are characterized by their social differences. As such, autistic behaviors are often identified as deviating from what is considered normal or neurotypical ways of interacting with the world as dictated by a particular culture. This theoretical article explores a cultural model of disability concerning autism spectrum condition and how Western ideals of “normality” dominate autism-related discourses. To illustrate this point, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association [APA]) descriptors are discussed concerning Western and, in contrast, Japanese cultural practices. Cross-cultural research from several domains reveals the subjectivity inherent to what is considered “normal” across cultures. In addition, research into the prevalence and lived experiences of autistic people and their families in Japan reveals the complexity of understanding neurodevelopmental conditions in non-Western countries. The article discusses autism in the context of culture and suggests further areas for cross-cultural research that can further build on the cultural model of disability.


Shimizu, Y. (2023).

Shimizu, Y.(清水佑輔) (2023).
The effects of seeing an older person who violated or observed prescriptive stereotypes on ageism.
International Journal of Gerontology, 17(2), 144-145.

People generally exhibit ageism toward older adults that adversely affects the older adults’ health status. The prescriptive stereotypes held by younger individuals, such as succession (i.e., older adults should not accumulate wealth and pass it on to the younger generation), consumption (i.e., older adults should not receive more social security than they need), and identity (i.e., older adults should behave in an age-appropriate manner without trying to look young), account for the ageism. Moreover, if younger people see an older person violating such stereotypes, their ageism toward them will increase. We conducted an online experiment with young Japanese participants (N = 931). Each participant read one of the six vignettes about an older person who violated/observed the succession/consumption/identity aspect of prescriptive stereotypes. Results reveal that except for a single case involving the succession stereotype, other participants who read the vignettes of an older person violating prescriptive stereotypes did not exhibit more ageism than those who read the vignettes of an older person who observed the stereotypes. However, this result might be due to the inadequate sample size, and further research is required.

Park, J., Joshanloo, M., & Utsugi, A. (2023).

Park, J. (パクジュナ), Joshanloo, M., & Utsugi, A. (2023). 
Acculturation attitudes and adaptation among South Korean residents in Japan: The mediating role of coping strategies. 
日本の韓国人ニューカマーにおける文化受容態度と適応: 対処戦略の媒介的役割
International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 

Acculturation processes and intergroup experiences of minority groups have been little studied in East Asian societies, including Japan. The number of migrants in Japanese society is steadily increasing, suggesting that the country is a new immigration destination in the 21st century. Therefore, further research on the acculturation processes of immigrants in Japan is warranted. This study examined the relationships among acculturation attitudes, coping strategies, and psychological adjustment in a sample of South Korean newcomers living in Japan. The results of this study support the integration hypothesis, which states that balanced acculturation attitudes that favor engagement in both the host and home cultures lead to higher levels of psychological and sociocultural adaptation. Assimilation attitudes did not contribute significantly to adaptation. Different coping strategies employed by individuals during interethnic discrimination mediated the links between individual acculturation attitudes and the two aspects of adaptation. By linking acculturation attitudes and relevant social behaviors, this study sheds light on the role of coping strategies as mediators of the relationships between acculturation attitudes and psychological and sociocultural adjustment in ethnic minority groups.
