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Kimura et al. (2013)

Kimura, K., Murayama, A.(村山綾), Miura, A.(三浦麻子), & Katayama, J. (2013).
Effect of Decision Confidence on the Evaluation of Conflicting Decisions in a Social Context.
Neuroscience Letters, 556, 176-180.
Conflicts with others about decisions are reflected in the medial frontal negativity (MFN), which is a component of the event-related brain potential (ERP). The present study examined how decision confidence in a perceptual decision task modulated the ERP components elicited by decision conflicts with others. In a motion discrimination task, participants were randomly assigned to an easy or a difficult group that differed in coherence levels of the moving dots. Participants were paired with a confederate and presented the confederate’s decision about the motion direction of the moving dots, which was either congruent or incongruent with the participants’ decision. MFN was elicited by the incongruent confederate’s decision and its amplitude did not differ between groups. A larger P300 amplitude was elicited by incongruent decisions in the easy group, whereas the P300 amplitude did not differ between congruent and incongruent decisions in the difficult group. These results indicate the functional dissociation between MFN and P300 in the evaluation of social feedback. It is suggested that MFN might reflect automatic detection of conflicts about decisions,whereas the P300 might detect the deviation from internal expectations regarding other’s decisions.
近年,個人の意見と集団の意見との不一致が生じたときには,失敗行動の処理やエラー検出を反映する事象関連脳電位(ERP)である内側前頭陰性電位(Medial Frontal Negativity:MFN)および注意の配分を反映するP300が生起することが報告されている。本研究では,対人状況において知覚的意思決定を行う課題を用いることで,対人葛藤を生起するとともに実験的に判断の確信度を操作し,確信度が対人葛藤の処理に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることを目的とした。難易度高群もしくは低群にランダムに割り当てられた男子大学生26名が他者(サクラ)とペアを組み、ランダムドット刺激の運動方向を判断する知覚的意思決定課題を行った。両者の正答数の合算が実験後に与えられる金銭報酬になるため、できる限り正確に課題を遂行するように教示された。他者の判断は,参加者の反応に関わらず等頻度で一致あるいは不一致するよう操作した。他者の判断が提示された時点を刺激オンセットとして算出したERPを対象に分析を行った結果、両群においてMFNが観察され,対人葛藤が失敗やエラーとして処理されることが示された。また,判断の確信度はMFNに影響しておらず,対人葛藤の処理は自動的であることが示唆された。最後に,難易度低群のP300においてのみ一致条件と不一致条件に条件差が観察されたことから,判断の確信度は,対人葛藤が自動的に検出された後の処理段階を調整することが明らかになった。

Senzaki et al. (2014)

Senzaki, S., Masuda, T.(増田貴彦), & Ishii, K.(石井敬子) (in press).
When is perception top-down and when is it not? Culture, narrative, and attention.
Cognitive ScienceArticle first published online: 19 MAR 2014
doi: 10.1111/cogs.12118
Previous findings in cultural psychology indicated that East Asians are more likely than North Americans to be attentive to contextual information (e.g., Nisbett &Masuda, 2003). However, to what extent and in which conditions culture influences patterns of attention has not been fully examined. As a result, universal patterns of attention may be obscured, and culturally unique patterns may be wrongly assumed to be constant across situations. By carrying out two cross-cultural studies, we demonstrated that (a) both European Canadians and Japanese attended to moving objects similarly when the task was to simply observe the visual information; however, (b) there were cultural variations in patterns of attention when participants actively engaged in the task by constructing narratives of their observation (narrative construction). These findings suggest that cultural effects are most pronounced in narrative construction conditions, where the need to act in accordance with a culturally shared meaning system is elicited.
過去の文化心理学研究では、北米文化圏の人々に比べ、東アジア文化圏の人々は、事象の背景要因にまで注意を向ける傾向があることが報告されている(たとえば、Masuda & Nisbett, 2001; Nisbett & Masuda, 2003)。しかし、一方で、人間が文化普遍的にもつ注意のパターンの存在(たとえば目立ったものに目がいきがちである、など)があることも確実である。本研究では、日本人とヨーロッパ系カナダ人を対象に、魚のアニメーションのビデオを用いた視覚課題に従事してもらい、どのような場合に文化普遍的な傾向が見られ、どのような場合に文化特有の注意のパターンが見られるのかを検討した。その結果、アニメーションを単に見るだけの課題では、日本人もカナダ人もアニメーション内の目立った情報(きれいな魚、など)に大方の注意の向けがちであり、文化差はなかったが、アニメーションの内容を報告する課題になると、日本人はカナダ人に比べ、背景情報により注意を向けるというパターンがみられた。文化特有の注意のパターンを作り上げる、それぞれの文化構成員間でのナラティブおよび言語コミュニケーションの役割が論じられている。

Ishii (2013)

Ishii, K.(石井敬子) (2013).
Culture and the mode of thought: A review.
Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 16, 123-132.
doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12011
This review highlights studies examining cultural differences in the mode of thought. The theoretical framework of studies from a cross-cultural perspective suggests that views of self, social norms, communication practices, and modes of thought are interconnected. The independent view of self, dominant in Western cultures, promotes low-contextual communication and corresponds to an analytic and logical mode of thought. On the other hand, the interdependent view of self, dominant in East Asian cultures, promotes high-contextual communication and corresponds to a holistic and dialectical mode of thought. The expected cultural variations of the mode of thought have been supported by empirical findings regarding causal attribution, attention, reasoning, categorization, and comprehension of utterances. Moreover, it has become clear that cultural knowledge of ideas and beliefs, which are activated by linguistic symbols and icons, guides the corresponding psychological tendencies including analytic and holistic modes of thought. Furthermore, studies of cultural neuroscience have shown cultural differences in behavioural as well as neural responses. A growing body of research supports cultural differences in the mode of thought; however, there is still much room for this research area to progress. Future directions suggesting further investigations in relation to socialization, cultural products, and gene–culture interaction are discussed.

Quintelier et al. (2013)

Quintelier, K. J. P., Ishii, K.(石井敬子), Weeden, J., Kurzban, R., & Braeckman, J. (2013).
Individual differences in reproductive strategy are related to views about recreational drug use in Belgium, the Netherlands and Japan.
Human Nature, 24, 196-217.
doi: 10.1007/s12110-013-9165-0
Individual differences in moral views are often explained as the downstream effect of ideological commitments, such as political orientation and religiosity. Recent studies in the U.S. suggest that moral views about recreational drug use are also influenced by attitudes toward sex and that this relationship cannot be explained by ideological commitments. In this study, we investigate student samples from Belgium, The Netherlands, and Japan. We find that, in all samples, sexual attitudes are strongly related to views about recreational drug use, even after controlling for various ideological variables. We discuss our results in light of reproductive strategies as determinants of moral views.

Endo et al. (2013)

Endo, G., Tachikawa, H., Fukuoka, Y. (福岡欣治), Aiba, M.(相羽美幸), Nemoto, K., Shiratori, Y., Matsui, Y. (松井豊), Doi, D., & Asada, T. (2013)
How perceived social support relates to suicaidal ideation: A Japanese social resident survey.
International Journal of Social Psychiatry, first published on June 5, 2013.
doi: 10.1177/0020764013486777
BACKGROUND: The loss of social support is one of the major risk factors for suicide. However, there are few empirical studies that have examined how a person’s suicide ideation relates to their social support.
AIMS: To examine the relationship between social support and suicidal ideation.
METHODS: Self-report questionnaires were sent to 2,200 randomly selected adults in Japan. The questionnaire inquired the participants about the severity of suicidal ideation, the details of current perceived social support and their degree of satisfaction with this social support. Social support and related indicators were compared among three groups of participants that varied in severity of suicidal ideation.
RESULTS: People in the group that had suicide ideation during their lives reported receiving significantly less support from their family and had greater feelings of dissatisfaction with that support than those in the other groups. Furthermore, people who had suicide ideation during the month immediately preceding the survey reported providing less support to their family, relatives or friends, as well as receiving less support from family than other groups, and having stronger feelings of dissatisfaction with social support.
CONCLUSION: Our study identified a strong relationship between the severity of suicidal ideation and perceived social support.

Watabe et al. (2013)

Watabe, M.(渡部 幹), Kato, T. A.(加藤隆弘), Tsuboi, S.(坪井 翔),Ishikawa, K., Hashiya, K., Monji, A, Utsumi, H., & Kanba, S. (2013).
Minocycline, a microglial inhibitor, reduces ‘honey trap’ risk in human economic exchange.
Scientific Reports, 3, 1685.
doi: 10.1038/srep01685.
Recently, minocycline, a tetracycline antibiotic, has been reported to improve symptoms of psychiatric disorders and to facilitate sober decision-making in healthy human subjects. Here we show that minocycline also reduces the risk of the ‘honey trap’ during an economic exchange. Males tend to cooperate with physically attractive females without careful evaluation of their trustworthiness, resulting in betrayal by the female. In this experiment, healthy male participants made risky choices (whether or not to trust female partners, identified only by photograph, who had decided in advance to exploit the male participants). The results show that trusting behaviour in male participants significantly increased in relation to the perceived attractiveness of the female partner, but that attractiveness did not impact trusting behaviour in the minocycline group. Animal studies have shown thatminocycline inhibits microglial activities. Therefore, this minocycline effect may shed new light on the unknown roles microglia play in human mental activities.

Nagai et al. (2013)

Nagai M.(永井聖剛), Bennett, P. J., Rutherford, M. D., Gaspar, C. M., Kumada, T., Sekuler A. B. (2013).
Comparing face processing strategies between typically-developed observers and observers with autism using sub-sampled-pixels presentation in response classification technique.
Vision Research79, 27-35.
doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2013.01.001
In the present study we modified the standard classification image method bysubsampling visual stimuli to provide us with a technique capable of examining an individual’s face-processing strategy in detail with fewer trials. Experiment 1 confirmed that one testing session (1450 trials) was sufficient to produce classification images that were qualitatively similar to those obtained previously with 10,000 trials (Sekuler et al., 2004). Experiment 2 used this method to compare classification images obtained from observers with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and typically-developing (TD) observers. As was found in Experiment 1, classification images obtained from TD observers suggested that they all discriminated faces based on information conveyed by pixels in the eyes/brow region. In contrast, classification images obtained from ASD observers suggested that they used different perceptual strategies: three out of five ASD observers used a typical strategy of making use of information in the eye/brow region, but two used an atypical strategy that relied on information in the forehead region. The advantage of using the response classification technique is that there is no restriction to specific theoretical perspectives or a priori hypotheses, which enabled us to see unexpected strategies, like ASD’s forehead strategy, and thus showed this technique is particularly useful in the examination of special populations.
Classification imageという最新の心理物理手法を用いて,自閉症者の顔認知にかかわる個人とストラテジーを探索的にかつ高解像度で可視化した。その結果,従来研究からは予想外の自閉症者特有のストラテジーを発見(額の利用)し,加えて,一部の自閉症者は定型発達者と同様ストラテジーを示すことを見出した。

Goto et al. (2013)

Goto, T. (後藤崇志) & Kusumi, T. (楠見 孝) (2013).
How can reward contribute to efficient self-control? Reinforcement of task-defined responses diminishes ego-depletion.
Motivation and Emotion, 37(4), 726-732.
We examined whether reinforcement learning of habitual actions diminishes ego depletion after a cognitive control task. Participants performed the Stroop task after a card selection task, in which one group was reinforced to respond to colors in the Stroop task (Stroop-color group) while another group was reinforced to respond to colors not in the Stroop task (non-Stroop-color group). We measured ego depletion in terms of decrement in endurance on an isometric handgrip task after the Stroop task. The Stroop-color group exhibited less decrease in their isometric handgrip endurance compared to the non-Stroop-color group. These results suggest that the former needed less effort for cognitive control during conflict processing, as reinforcement learning make task-defined response habitual. This finding provides a new perspective on the role of reward in cognitive control.

Miyamoto (2013)

Miyamoto, Y. (宮本百合) (2013).
Culture and analytic versus holistic cognition: Toward multilevel analyses of cultural influences.
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology47, 131-188.
A growing body of literature has documented cultural differences in cognitive processes and also proposed various factors underlying these cultural differences. At the same time, not much attention has been paid to proximal-level processes that connect distal-level societal factors to individuals’ cognitive processing. This chapter aims to present a framework to integrate factors at multiple levels to understand cultural influences on cognitive processes. The chapter begins by providing an overview of cultural differences in cognitive processes, including potential moderators of cultural differences. Next, factors underlying cultural differences at multiple levels are outlined, with a focus on proximal-level situational processes. Subsequently, by introducing the case of culturally contingent consequences of power, the chapter illustrates how cultural contexts can moderate the effect of a certain factor on cognitive processes, highlighting the importance of multilevel analyses. Implications of multilevel analyses and directions for future research are discussed at the end.

Miyamoto et al. (2013)

Miyamoto, Y. (宮本百合), Knoepfler, C., Ishii, K.(石井敬子), & Ji, L. J. (2013).
Cultural variation in the focus on goals versus processes of actions.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin39, 707-719.
Everyday actions (e.g., riding a bike) can be described in ways that emphasize either the goals of the action by adapting a higher level identification (e.g., getting exercise) or the processes of the action by adapting a lower level identification (e.g., pedaling). In Studies 1 and 2, we demonstrate cultural differences in focusing on the process or goal of actions at the individual level: Americans are more likely than Japanese to focus on the goal (rather than the process) of actions. Study 3 recruited Chinese participants in addition to American and Japanese participants and found that cultural differences in action identification are partly explained by cultural differences in self-consistency. Study 4 further showed cultural differences at the collective level: American media presents more goal-oriented information and less process-oriented information than does Japanese media. These findings highlight the role of culture in shaping how people attend to different aspects of actions.