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Kawamoto et al. (2013)

Kawamoto, T.(川本 大史), Michiru, A. (荒木 満瑠), & Ura, M. (浦 光博) (2013).
When a smile changes into evil: Pitfalls of smiles following social exclusion.
International Journal of Psychological Studies, 5(3), 21-27.
doi: 10.5539/ijps. v5n3p21
People have a fundamental and a critical need to belong. Social exclusion impairs this need and rejected individuals must seek to regain acceptance from others. It is known that such individuals show an increased preference for smiles. On the other hand, social exclusion sometimes leads to aggression. It is possible that this contradiction is modulated by acceptance and the level of control, such that prosocial behavior occurs in response to evidence of social affirmation, whereas aggression increases in response to reductions in the level of control. However, little is known about the impact of smiles without social affirmation, or the interaction between the effects of smiles and the level of control. In this study, we investigated the effects of such smiles by manipulating an excluder’s facial expressions (i.e., neutral and smiling faces) and similarity to the participant (i.e., level of control). We hypothesized that smiling excluders that are similar to the participant would increase aggression in the participant, presumably because being rejected by a similar partner reduces the level of control. In support of our hypothesis, results indicated that when excluders smiled, increased aggression was directed at those excluders that were similar to the participant. Our findings imply that a smile of an excluder directed at the person being excluded is one of the risk factors for aggressive behaviors in the excluded person.

Fujiwara et al. (2014)

Fujiwara, K. (藤原 健) & Daibo, I. (大坊郁夫) (2014).
The extraction of nonverbal behaviors: Using video images and speech-signal analysis in dyadic conversation.
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 1-12.
This study examined the validity and possible utility of a new procedure for the extraction of nonverbal behaviors from dyadic conversation. Three methods were used to extract nonverbal behaviors (i.e., hand gestures, adaptors, and utterances). A novel automated method employing video images and speech-signal analysis software programs was compared to the more traditional coding and behavioral rating methods. The automated and coding methods provided an objective count of how many times a target behavior occurred, while behavioral ratings were based on more subjective impressions. Although there was no difference between the automated and coding methods for hand gestures, the coding method using an event recorder yielded marginally significantly more instances of adaptors and utterances as compared to the software programs. Measures of each nonverbal behavior were positively correlated across the different methods. In addition, interpersonal impressions of each speaker were rated by both observers and conversational partners. Although R2 was lower than for the coding/behavioral rating methods, nonverbal behaviors extracted using the software programs significantly predicted familiarity and activeness ratings from both observer and partner points of view. These results support the validity and possible utility of the software-based automated extraction procedure.

Ishii (2013)

Ishii, I. (石井健一) (2013).
Nationalism and preferences for domestic and foreign animation programmes in China.
International Communication Gazette, 75(2), 225-245.
doi: 10.1177/1748048512459148
Since China implemented animation control policies in 2004, foreign animationprogrammes have almost disappeared from Chinese television. At the same time, the Chinese government has invested enormous amounts of money in developing the animation industry as a creative industry. A questionnaire survey was conducted to explore how the Chinese audience views domestic and foreign animationprogrammes. The results indicate that pirated Japanese animation is widely viewed via the Internet by adolescents; on the other hand, domestic animation is popular only among children. Preferences for domestic animation correlate positively with age and patriotism but negatively with Internet use, while preferences for Japanese animation correlate negatively with age and patriotism but positively with Internet use. These results show that nationalistic sentiments are associated with preferences for either domestic or foreign animation programmes. However, preferences for Japanese animation are not significantly associated with anti-government attitudes.

Simnovic et al. (2013)

Simunovic, D., Mifune, N.(三船恒裕), & Yamagishi, T.(山岸俊男) (2013).
Preemptive strike: An experimental study of fear-based aggression.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49(6), 1120-1123.
doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2013.08.003
The mere presence of a potential threat of attack was found to be sufficient to lead significant proportion of participants to engage in preemptive attacks toward potential threats; this response occurred even without an incentive for either party to attack the other. We developed a new experimental game—the preemptive strike game (PSG)—to demonstrate this tendency for defensive aggression. We also found that the rate at which participants attacked an individual representing a potential threat was not influenced by their minimal group membership; participants were no less likely to preemptively attack a member of their own minimal group and no more likely to use aggression against members of another minimal group. These findings indicate a need to further examine the role that fear-based defensive aggression, rather than anger-based spiteful aggression, plays in inter-individual and inter-group conflict.

Hashimoto et al. (2013)

Hashimoto, H.(橋本博文), & Yamagishi, T.(山岸俊男) (2013).
Two faces of interdependence: Harmony seeking and rejection avoidance.
Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 16(2), 142-151.
doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12022
We argue that the current concept of interdependent self-construal as ‘harmony seeking’ has overlooked a strategic aspect of interdependence, which we term ‘rejection avoidance’. Using newly constructed scales of interdependent self-construal, one for harmony seeking and one for rejection avoidance, we find that Japanese respondents showed lower independence and higher rejection avoidance than Americans, while no cultural difference was found in harmony seeking. These findings explain why past efforts to demonstrate cultural differences in interdependent self-construal using self-report measures exclusively focusing on the harmony seeking aspect have failed.

Ando et al. (2013)

Ando, J., Fujisawa, K., Shikishima, C.(敷島千鶴), Hiraishi, K.(平石界), Nozaki, M.,Yamagata, S.(山形伸二), Takahashi, Y., Ozaki, K., Suzuki, K., Deno, M., Sasaki, S., Toda, T., Kobayashi, K., Sugimoto, Y., Okada, M., Kijima, N., Ono, Y., Yoshimura, K., Kakihana, S., Maekawa, H., Kamakura, T., Nonaka, K., Kato, N., & Ooki, S. (2013).
Two Cohort and Three Independent Anonymous Twin Projects at the Keio Twin Research Center (KoTReC).
Twin Research and Human Genetics, 16, 202-216.
The Keio Twin Research Center has conducted two longitudinal twin cohort projects and has collected three independent and anonymous twin data sets for studies of phenotypes related to psychological, socio-economic, and mental health factors. The Keio Twin Study has examined adolescent and adult cohorts, with a total of over 2,400 pairs of twins and their parents. DNA samples are available for approximately 600 of these twin pairs. The Tokyo Twin Cohort Project has followed a total of 1,600 twin pairs from infancy to early childhood. The large-scale cross-sectional twin study (CROSS) has collected data from over 4,000 twin pairs, from 3 to 26 years of age, and from two high school twin cohorts containing a total of 1,000 pairs of twins. These data sets of anonymous twin studies have mainly targeted academic performance, attitude, and social environment. The present article introduces the research designs and major findings of our center, such as genetic structures of cognitive abilities, personality traits, and academic performances, developmental effects of genes and environment on attitude, socio-cognitive ability and parenting, genes x environment interaction on attitude and conduct problem, and statistical methodological challenges and so on. We discuss the challenges in conducting twin research in Japan.

Shikishima et al. (2013)

Shikishima, C.(敷島千鶴), Hiraishi, K.(平石界). Yamagata, S.(山形伸二), Neiderhiser, J.M. & Ando, J. (2013).
Culture Moderates the Genetic and Environmental Etiologies of Parenting: A Cultural Behavior Genetic Approach.
Social Psychological & Personality Science, 4(4), 434-444.
A cultural behavior genetic approach was introduced as a prospective means to describe psychological differences between cultures. We compared genetic and environmental influences on remembered parenting for samples of twins from Japan and Sweden. Data were collected from 720 pairs of young adult Japanese twins and 824 pairs of adult Swedish twins using the Parental Bonding Instrument. In both samples, a very similar phenotypic factor structure was developed for maternal and paternal parenting. However, the genetic and environmental contributions were different. Parenting in Japan showed more genetic influences, whereas parenting in Sweden showed more shared environmental influences. Moreover, covariationamong the six dimensions of parenting (i.e., maternal and paternal Warmth, Protectiveness, and Authoritarianism) was due to genetic correlations in Japan and to shared environmental correlations in Sweden. These results are consistent with the cultural psychology argument that parenting practices are child centered in Japan but parent centered in the West.

Kikuchi et al. (2013)

Kikuchi, H., Mifune, N.(三船恒裕), Niino, M., Kira, J., Kohriyama, T., Ota, K., Tanaka, M., Ochi, H., Nakane, S., & Kikuchi, S. (2013).
Structural equation modeling of factors contributing to quality of life in Japanese patients with multiple sclerosis.
BMC Neurology, 13(10), 1-9.
Background: To improve quality of life (QOL) in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), it is important to decrease disability and prevent relapse. The aim of this study was to examine the causal and mutual relationships contributing to QOL in Japanese patients with MS, develop path diagrams, and explore interventions with the potential to improve patient QOL.
Methods: Data of 163 Japanese MS patients were obtained using the Functional Assessment of MS (FAMS) and Nottingham Adjustment Scale-Japanese version (NAS-J) tests, as well as four additional factors that affect QOL (employment status, change of income, availability of disease information, and communication with medical staff). Data were then used in structural equation modeling to develop path diagrams for factors contributing to QOL.
Results: The Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score had a significant effect on the total FAMS score. Although EDSS negatively affected the FAMS symptom score, NAS-J subscale scores of anxiety/depression and acceptance were positively related to the FAMS symptom score. Changes in employment status after MS onset negatively affected all NAS-J scores. Knowledge of disease information improved the total NAS-J score, which in turn improved many FAMS subscale scores. Communication with doctors and nurses directly and positively affected some FAMSsubscale scores.
Conclusions: Disability and change in employment status decrease patient QOL. However, the present findings suggest that other factors, such as acquiring information on MS and communicating with medical staff, can compensate for the worsening of QOL.

Park et al. (2013)

Park,J., Haslam,N., Shimizu, H.(清水裕士), Kashima, Y., and Uchida, Y.(内田由紀子). (2013).
More Human Than Others, but Not Always Better: The Robustness of Self-Humanizing Across Cultures and Interpersonal Comparisons.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44, 671-683.
Research has shown that people perceive themselves as more human than the average person, independent of their tendencies to self-enhance. This self-humanizing (SHN) effect has been examined in comparisons of the self with fictional or average others, but not with actual others such as a real, though unfamiliar,classmate or a friend. In Study 1, European Australian and Japanese undergraduates compared themselves with either an unfamiliar classmate or average university students to examine their tendencies for SHN. SHN was consistently found across the two comparisons and across the two cultures. Study 2 extended the findings by examining self-other comparisons involving close friend or unfamiliar peer among Australian, Japanese, and Korean undergraduates. As predicted, SHN was obtained in every culture, and SHN effect was greater in East Asia than in Australia. In contrast, self-enhancement was weak and inconsistent across samples and comparisons. The findings extend the current theory of SHN, indicating that the effect is robust and present even in comparisons involving individuated actual others.