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Shimizu, Y., Takeuchi, M., Karasawa, K. (2023).

Shimizu, Y.(清水佑輔), Takeuchi, M.(竹内真純), Karasawa, K(唐沢かおり). (2023). 
Anti-old and anti-youth attitudes among older adults: Focusing on middle-aged and old age identity. 
The Journal of Social Psychology, 163(2), 248-255.

There is currently a lack of comprehensive scholarly information concerning the attitudes older people hold toward both older adults and the young. Using the social identity theory framework, this study investigated older identity issues including middle-aged identity and old age identity. We conducted an online survey of Japanese older participants (N = 301) and then implemented a Bayesian structural equation modeling to examine whether age and gender predicted middle-aged/old age identity in addition to whether middle-aged/old age identity predicted anti-old/anti-youth attitudes. Results showed the more strongly participants identified with being middle-aged the more positive their attitudes were toward old/young people, while they showed no significant relationship between old age identity and the attitudes. Regarding participant ages, the results found no significant relationship with middle-aged identity but a positive relationship with old age identity. These findings will contribute to psychological research aimed at reducing anti-old/anti-youth attitudes among older adults.

Kusumi, T., Miura, A., Ogura, K., & Nishikawa, K. (2023).

Kusumi, T.(楠見孝), Miura, A.(三浦麻子), Ogura, K.(小倉加奈代), & Nishikawa, K.(西川一二) (2023). 
Attitudes toward possible food radiation contamination following the Fukushima nuclear accident: A nine-year, ten-wave panel survey.
Journal of Risk Research.

After the Fukushima nuclear accident, we examined changes in risk perception regarding the radiation contamination of food and information-seeking behavior among residents of three regions progressively more distant from the disaster area, the Tokyo Metropolitan area to the Kansai area. We conducted a ten-wave panel survey and obtained data from 1,752 citizens six months to nine years after the accident. The results indicate that anxiety related to radioactive contamination, active information-seeking behavior, and avoidance of foods from affected areas decreased with time. Active information-seeking behavior and radiation-related knowledge were higher in the disaster-affected prefectures than in other areas. Conversely, avoidance of foods from affected areas was lower in affected prefectures than in the Kansai area. The credibility of government information increased from a considerably low level but did not reach the midpoint level. Multiple regression analysis, cross-lagged analysis, and structural equation modeling indicated that avoidance of foods from affected areas was promoted by anxiety related to radioactive contamination (experiential thinking/System 1) and inhibited by critical thinking attitudes (analytical thinking/System 2). Finally, we discussed the significance of risk literacy, which integrates risk-related knowledge, scientific literacy, media literacy, and critical thinking.


Horita Y. (2023).

Horita Y.(堀田結孝) (2023). 
Paranoid thinking and perceived competitive intention. 
PeerJ, 11:e15003

Paranoid thinking, that others are hostile, can be seen even in the general population. Paranoia is considered the expectation that others are competitors who aim to maximize the differences in payoffs rather than maximize their own payoffs. This study examined whether paranoia reflects the irrational belief that others have a competitive intention and is associated with avoiding perceived competition. We recruited 884 US residents via the Internet and conducted a modified Dictator Game, in which monetary allocation was carried out between the Dictator and the Recipient. The Dictator chooses either fair or competitive allocation while selecting the competitive allocation is irrelevant to increasing the Dictator’s payoffs. The Recipient decides whether to accept the Dictator’s decision or receive sure but low rewards. We found that Recipients with high-level paranoid thinking expected their opponent to select competitive allocation more than those with low levels, even when selecting it was costly for Dictators. Paranoid thinking was not associated with selecting sure rewards or competitive allocations. The results suggest that paranoia reflects the belief that others have a competitive intention but is not related to avoidance behavior against perceived threats and unilateral attacks.

Morii, D., Miura, A., & Komori, M. (2023).

Morii, D., Miura, A.(三浦麻子), & Komori, M. (2023). 
The impact of television on-air time on hand hygiene compliance behaviors during COVID-19 outbreak. 
American Journal of Infection Control.

There is limited data to support the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hand hygiene compliance among hospital visitors.

We monitored hand hygiene compliance among university hospital visitors in Osaka, Japan by direct observation, from December 2019 to March 2022. During this time, we measured the amount of coverage time dedicated to COVID-19 related news on the local public television channel and the number of confirmed cases and deaths.

Over 148 days, 111,071 visitors hand hygiene compliance was monitored. The baseline compliance was 5.3% (213 of 4026) in December 2019. From late January 2020, compliance rose significantly to almost 70% in August 2020. It remained at a level of 70% to 75% until October 2021, after which, the compliance slowly declined to the mid-60% range. The number of newly confirmed cases and deaths were not related to the change in compliance, but the association between the on-air time of COVID-19-related news and compliance was statistically significant.

Hand hygiene compliance dramatically increased following the COVID-19 pandemic. The role of television in increasing hand hygiene compliance was significant.


Ogihara, Y. (2023).

Ogihara, Y. (荻原祐二) (2023). 
Popular names are given less frequently to babies in individualistic countries: Further validation of unique names as an indicator of individualism. 
Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, 4, 100094. 

A prior study showed that popular names are given less frequently to babies in individualistic countries in European, Anglo-American (North American), and Oceanian cultures. However, the samples of the previous study were limited, and it did not examine other cultures, leaving it unclear whether the relationship is still found even when other cultures are included. It is important to confirm validity of indices cross-culturally. Thus, the present study included two unexamined cultures in the analyses: East Asian culture and Latin American culture. Following the previous study, I calculated the rates of popular baby names in Japan and Puerto Rico, and examined how the addition of these two regions affected the results. Analyses showed that the negative relationships between the rates of popular names and individualism scores were still salient. Therefore, this study further confirmed the validity of unique names as an indicator of individualism in more diverse cultural contexts. / ヨーロッパ・北アメリカ・オセアニア文化圏における個人主義的な国では、人気のある名前が新生児に与えられる頻度が低いことを、先行研究は示していた。しかし、先行研究のサンプルは限定されており、他の文化を含めてもその関係が見られるか不明であった。指標の妥当性を文化横断的に検証することが重要である。よって本研究では、これまで検討されていなかった東アジア文化(日本)とラテンアメリカ文化(プエルトリコ)を含めて分析を行った。先行研究に従い、日本とプエルトリコにおける人気のある新生児の名前の割合を算出し、その2つの地域を含めることで結果がどのように変わるのかを検討した。分析の結果、人気のある名前の割合と個人主義得点には、負の関連が依然として見られた。そのため本研究は、名前指標が個人主義指標として妥当であることを、より文化的に多様な文脈において再確認したと言える。


Buchanan, E. M. et al. (2023).

Buchanan, E. M., Lewis, S. C., Paris, B., Forscher, P. S., Pavlacic, J. M., Beshears, J. E., Drexler, S. M., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Mallik, P. R., Silan, M. A. A., Miller, J. K., IJzerman, H., Moshontz, H., Beaudry, J. L., Suchow, J. W., Chartier, C. R., Coles, N. A., Sharifian, M., Todsen, A. L., … Primbs, M. A. (2023). 
The Psychological Science Accelerator’s COVID-19 rapid-response dataset. 
The Psychological Science AcceleratorによるCOVID-19に対する行動・感情反応についての研究データセット
Scientific Data, 10(1), 87.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Psychological Science Accelerator coordinated three large-scale psychological studies to examine the effects of loss-gain framing, cognitive reappraisals, and autonomy framing manipulations on behavioral intentions and affective measures. The data collected (April to October 2020) included specific measures for each experimental study, a general questionnaire examining health prevention behaviors and COVID-19 experience, geographical and cultural context characterization, and demographic information for each participant. Each participant started the study with the same general questions and then was randomized to complete either one longer experiment or two shorter experiments. Data were provided by 73,223 participants with varying completion rates. Participants completed the survey from 111 geopolitical regions in 44 unique languages/dialects. The anonymized dataset described here is provided in both raw and processed formats to facilitate re-use and further analyses. The dataset offers secondary analytic opportunities to explore coping, framing, and self-determination across a diverse, global sample obtained at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which can be merged with other time-sampled or geographic data.

*調査票の日本語訳および日本データの収集を井隼経子(福岡工業大学)・石井辰典(日本女子大学)・国里愛彦(専修大学)・角南直幸(Erasmus University Rotterdam)・山田祐樹(九州大学)が担当しました(氏名は姓のアルファベット順)。この活動に際し、日本心理学会の「新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に関連した実践活動及び研究」の助成を受けました。

Suzuki, T., Yamamoto, H., Ogawa, Y.& Umetani, R. (2023).

Suzuki, T.(鈴木貴久), Yamamoto, H.(山本仁志), Ogawa, Y.(小川祐樹)& Umetani, R.(梅谷凌平) (2023). 
Effects of media on preventive behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Humanities and  Social Science Communications 10, 58. 

The novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic required implementation of a variety of measures. In addition to pharmaceutical measures, such as vaccines, changing individuals’ nonpharmaceutical preventive behaviour is essential to prevent the spread of infection. In uncertain situations, such as a pandemic, media sources are important for guiding individuals’ decision-making behaviour. In this study, we examined the effects of media use on preventive behaviour during COVID-19. Earlier studies have shown that social networking service (SNS) browsing promotes preventive behaviour. However, those studies only assessed a single point during the early stages of the pandemic; therefore, the effects on ongoing preventive behaviour are unclear. Thus, a two-wave panel survey was conducted in 2020 and 2021 for an exploratory analysis of changes in the effects of media on individuals’ preventive behaviour over time. The results show that the effect of SNS browsing on preventing going out was confirmed only during the early stage of the pandemic and was not observed 1 year later. It is also shown that those who shifted from self-restraint to going out within 1 year were not affected by the type of media use, but by cognitive factors. As the situation changes during a pandemic, analyses that consider time-series changes are essential for gaining insights about the effects of media on the promotion and maintenance of continuous prevention behaviours.


Inoue, Y., Mifune, N., & Saijo, T. (2023).

Inoue, Y.(井上裕香子), Mifune, N.(三船恒裕), & Saijo, T. (2023). 
Positive reputation for altruism toward future generations regardless of the cost for current others. 
Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 895619.

Recently, altruism toward future generations (future altruism) has become a hot research topic. Although future altruism has been observed in several previous experiments, it is not yet clear when and why people are more likely to engage in future altruism. Drawing upon the empirical literature of reputation and cooperation, we predicted that future altruism brings reputational disadvantages. Accordingly, we investigated whether future altruism was evaluated positively or negatively by others in the current generation in two vignette studies (total N = 1,237). Contrary to our initial prediction, we found that future altruism was positively evaluated even when it decreased the payoff of the members of the current generation. The difference in the evaluation of future altruism, as opposed to unsustainable current-generation focused behavior, was most pronounced when people do not know how a future altruist allocates rewards among individuals in the current generation. However, the positive evaluation of future altruism did not stem from the expectation that future altruists would also be altruistic toward the current generation. These results indicated that reputational benefits (i.e., positive reputation from others in the current generation) promote future altruism.

そこで本研究では、ISDG(Kamijo et al., 2017) という将来世代への利他行動を測定する経済ゲームを用い、意思決定者を評価させる場面想定法課題をオンラインで実施した。具体的には、意思決定者が将来世代に利他的な選択をすると、評価者である参加者を含めた「現世代全体」の利益が減る状況で、将来世代に利他的な選択をした意思決定者と現世代の利益を最大化する選択をした意思決定者それぞれを参加者に評価させた。その結果、将来世代に利他的な意思決定者の方がより高く評価された。ただし、意思決定者が「現世代全体」の利益をその後どう世代内で分配したかという情報を追加すると、将来世代への意思決定が評価に及ぼす効果が小さくなった。

Nagaya, K., & Shimizu, H. (2023).

Nagaya, K.(長谷 和久), & Shimizu, H. (2023). 
Effects of graphical presentation of benefits on cognitive judgments induced by affect heuristic: Focusing on the acceptance of genetically modified foods. 
感情ヒューリスティック判断における便益情報の図的提示の効果: 遺伝子組み換え品種の受容に着目して
Appetite, 182, 106450. 

Genetically modified (GM) foods have been assumed to be seen through intuitive and affective routes (i.e., affect heuristics) rather than analytical and deliberative routes. We examined the impact of the graphical presentation of benefits derived from GM or conventionally bred foods on the acceptance of these varieties. In the two experiments (n = 266 for study 1 and n = 402 for study 2), no differences emerged in the estimation of farmers’ benefits resulting from the introduction of improved varieties by the type of improvement. However, there were statistically significant differences in the magnitude of risk and the degree of acceptance of the improved varieties. Therefore, despite presenting identical benefits as a graphical figure, GM foods were consistently evaluated as providing higher risk and were less frequently accepted than conventionally bred foods. These results suggest that while the graphical presentation of benefits may promote comprehension of some advantages of the introduction of GM varieties, this may not lead to acceptance from the consumer’s point of view. Based on the current findings, as well as previous studies on trust in risk managers, we discuss the specific factors that might promote acceptance of GM products.

Ge, F., Syropoulos, S., Gensler, J., Leidner, B., Loughnan, S., Chang, J-H., Harada, C. (原田知佳), Mari, S., Paladino, M. P., Shi, J., Yeung, V. W. L., Kuo, C. Y., & Tsuchiya, K. (土屋耕治) (2022).

Ge, F., Syropoulos, S., Gensler, J., Leidner, B., Loughnan, S., Chang, J-H., Harada, C. (原田知佳), Mari, S., Paladino, M. P., Shi, J., Yeung, V. W. L., Kuo, C. Y., & Tsuchiya, K. (土屋耕治) (2022).
Constructivist Self-Construal: A Cross-Cultural Comparison.
構成主義的自己観: 異文化間比較
Cross-Cultural Research, 56 (1), 29-61.

Building on independent versus interdependent self-construal theory, three studies provide initial empirical evidence for a third way of construing the self: the constructivist self-construal. People with a constructivist view perceive the self as constantly changing (impermanence), as a collection of distinct phenomena from moment to moment (discontinuity), as lacking an essence (disentification), and as psychologically overlapping with other people and things in the universe (boundlessness/boundaries). In Study 1, we piloted a new Constructivist Self-Construal Scale and established preliminary evidence for the discriminant validity of the scale. Studies 2 and 3 found that across seven countries with diverse cultural backgrounds, the self was consistently cognitively represented on the four dimensions of constructivist self. People from collectivistic cultures where Buddhist philosophy is more prevalent tended to endorse the dimensions of the constructivist self-construal to a greater degree than people from other cultures. Implications regarding the development of the constructivist self-construal and future research recommendations are discussed.

相互独立的自己観と相互依存的自己観に対する第三の自己観 (構成論の考え方で自己を捉える構成主義的自己観) に関する実証的研究を行った。構成主義的な見方をする人は,自己を常に変化するもの (impermanence),瞬間から瞬間まで異なる現象の集まり (discontinuity),本質を持たないもの (disentification),心理的に宇宙の他の人や物と重なるもの (boundlessness / boundaries) として認識する。研究1では,新しい構成主義的自己観尺度を試験的に作成し,その尺度の妥当性を検証した。研究2と3では,多様な文化的背景を持つ7カ国において,自己は一貫して構成主義的自己の4つの次元で認知表現されていることを明らかにした。また,仏教思想が浸透している集団主義的な文化圏の人々は,他の文化圏の人々よりも構成主義的な自己の次元をより強く支持する傾向があった。構成主義的自己観の発展に関するインプリケーションと今後の研究への提言が議論された。