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Ikeda, K. (2023)
Ikeda, K. (池田謙一)(2023) Contemporary Japanese Politics & Anxiety Over Governance. 現代日本政治と統治の不安 London: Routledge. http://www.routledge.com/9781032159331
Chapters start by revealing the declining impacts of social capital on politics, the shrinking range of political parties from which to choose, and the mixing of Asian values with liberal democratic values. Then, by conceptualizing and empirically examining anxiety over governance, i.e., the perception of excessive risk for future governance, Ikeda explores the links of anxiety to Japanese political behavior. While the high regard for democratic politics lowers anxiety among the Japanese, the changes in Japanese political behavior/environment and culture contribute to a generally high level of anxiety, which also had a significant negative impact on the evaluation of countermeasures against COVID-19.
For more details, please see; https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/974690 NEWS RELEASE 16-DEC-2022
Hayashi, Y., & Sasaki, H. (2022).
Hayashi, Y(林洋一郎)., & Sasaki, H. (2022). Effect of leaders' regulatory‐fit messages on followers' motivation. リーダーの制御適合メッセージがフォロワーのモチベーションに与える効果 Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52(7), 496-510. https://doi.org/10.1111/jasp.12874
The regulatory fit between regulatory focus and framing of leaders’ messages to motivate their followers was examined in this study. Toward this end, an exploratory survey was conducted to develop messages germane to regulatory focus. These messages were employed in the following two experimental studies. Study 1 tested the regulatory-fit hypotheses from the perspective of leaders, who selected positively or negatively framed messages for promotion- and prevention-focused scenarios. The results revealed that leaders were more likely to choose positively framed messages when conveying promotion-focused messages and negatively framed messages when conveying prevention-focused messages. While leaders high in promotion focus and transformational leadership tended to choose positive framing, those high in prevention and authoritarian leadership were inclined to prefer negative framing. The effect of regulatory fit from followers’ perspective was examined in Study 2 to determine whether regulatory-fit messages increased followers’ motivation. The results revealed that participants in the regulatory-fit condition exhibited higher motivation only in the promotion and positive-framing condition. The implications of the findings for regulatory-fit theory and leadership research are discussed.
Nozaki, Y. & Mikolajczak, M. (2022).
Nozaki, Y.(野崎優樹) & Mikolajczak, M. (2022). Effectiveness of extrinsic emotion regulation strategies in text-based online communication. オンラインテキストコミュニケーションにおける他者の情動を調整する方略の有効性 Emotion. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0001186
In daily life, others play a key role in helping regulate an individual’s emotions. Such emotion regulation occurs not only in face-to-face communication but also in text-based online communication. To date, much research has examined strategies for alleviating one’s own negative emotions (intrinsic emotion regulation) based on the process model of emotion regulation (Gross, 1998, 2015a). However, little is known about the effectiveness of the full range of strategies for alleviating others’ negative emotions (extrinsic emotion regulation) derived from this model. This research aims to fill this gap. In study 1, participants wrote response letters to bogus pen pals who had recently experienced negative emotional events. Independent coders rated the effectiveness of these response letters in alleviating pen pal’s negative emotions. In study 2, participants communicated with each other on an online forum by posting about distressing events and messages that attempted to alleviate another person’s negative emotions. When participants received a reply to their posts, they rated its effectiveness in alleviating their negative emotions. The results of both studies consistently showed that strategies classified as reappraisal and empathic responding effectively alleviated others’ negative emotions. Moreover, emotional intensity moderated the effectiveness of some extrinsic emotion regulation strategies. Specifically, problem-solving and reappraisal showed positive effects on the alleviation of relatively less intense negative emotions. However, these effects were neither positive nor negative in regulating relatively intense negative emotions. The present study offers novel insights into other-focused emotion regulation research by clarifying similarities and differences between intrinsic and extrinsic emotion regulation.
情動調整において、他者は重要な役割を担っています。本研究では、情動調整のプロセスモデル(Gross, 1998, 2015a)に基づき、他者のネガティブ情動を調整する方略を分類しました。そして、オンラインテキストコミュニケーションにおける各方略の有効性を検討しました。2つの研究で一貫して、情動調整方略のうち「再評価」と「共感的応答」が相手のネガティブ情動を緩和する上で効果的に働くことが示されました。さらに、研究2では、相手のネガティブ情動の強度が、いくつかの情動調整方略の有効性を調整することが示されました。具体的には、「問題解決」と「再評価」は、比較的強度の低いネガティブ情動の緩和に対して正の効果を示すものの、この効果は比較的強いネガティブ情動の調整においては見られませんでした。本研究は、「自己の情動の調整」と「他者の情動の調整」の類似点と相違点を明らかにすることで、情動調整理論の発展に寄与するものです。
Hashimoto, H., Maeda, K., & Sato, K. (2022).
Hashimoto, H.(橋本博文), Maeda, K. (前田楓), & Sato, K.(佐藤剛介) (2022). Future-oriented thinking promotes positive attitudes toward the “Help Mark” in Japan. 未来志向のメッセージはヘルプマークに対する肯定的な理解を促す Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 3:967033. https://doi.org/10.3389/fresc.2022.967033
The “Help Mark,” created in Japan, is worn by people who need help in public settings. It is designed to induce help from others for those in need of help because of their hidden disabilities or health conditions. Several attempts have been made to publicize the meaning and implications of this wearable sign through various media. However, it is difficult to assert whether there is sufficient awareness regarding this sign in the Japanese society. The purpose of this study was to examine the type of messages that are more effective in promoting the “Help Mark” system (Study 1). Additionally, based on the data obtained in Study 1, we presented a newly designed poster to promote the “Help Mark” sign and attempted to empirically examine the effect of this poster (Study 2). The results suggest that a message that reflects that the “Help Mark” is for “everyone,” based on future-oriented thinking, is more effective. Furthermore, it was indicated that people who saw the poster containing a message implying that the “Help Mark” is “for everyone” reported increased positive attitudes toward the “Help Mark” system. These results indicate that encouraging future-oriented thinking may lead to positive attitudes regarding the “Help Mark” system.
Shimizu, Y., Suzuki, M., Hata, Y., & Sakaki, T. (2023).
Shimizu, Y.(清水佑輔), Suzuki, M., Hata, Y., & Sakaki, T. (2023). Negative attitudes of healthy older adults toward unhealthy older adults: Focus on the subjective health. 健康な高齢者が不健康な高齢者に対して抱くネガティブな態度:主観的健康度に着目して Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 105, 104850. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.archger.2022.104850
Negative attitudes toward older adults, especially those with declining physical function and/or advanced dementia (i.e., unhealthy older adults), are serious. It is important to identify psychological factors associated with such negative attitudes toward unhealthy older adults. In this study, we focused on subjective health (subjective perception of one’s own health status). We tested the hypothesis that healthy older adults with lower subjective health have more negative attitudes toward unhealthy older adults. We also examined whether this association is still pronounced after controlling for the participants’ physical health status and demographics. In this study, an online survey was conducted among Japanese older adults who were not certified as needing long-term care (N = 1,082, aged 65–88). To control for the participants’ physical health status, we focus on frailty. We conducted a factor analysis and multiple regression analysis on negative attitudes toward unhealthy older adults. As a result, healthy older participants with lower subjective health perceived unhealthy older adults negatively, and this association was still pronounced even after controlling for the participants’ frailty score and demographics. Based on our findings, it is suggested that increasing the subjective health of older adults may help them view each other more positively. Therefore, it is important to devise gerontological and psychological interventions to improve older adults’ subjective health. This study has limitations, such as the fact that we conducted only an online survey. Previous studies on how older adults perceive the social group of older adults are scarce, and further studies are expected.
Miyagawa, Y. (2022).
Miyagawa, Y. (宮川裕基) (2022). Self-compassion manipulation regulates affect and aggressive inclinations in the context of social rejection. 社会的排斥場面において、セルフコンパッションを高めることが情動および攻撃性の制御を促す Personality and Individual Differences. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2022.111954
Three studies (combined N = 1035) tested whether inducing a self-compassionate state of mind would help people regulate affect and aggressive inclinations toward rejecters. State self-compassion, negative affect, and pin counts in the voodoo doll task were assessed across all the studies, positive affect was assessed in Studies 2 and 3, and calm affect and revenge intention were assessed in Study 3. Compared with those in the control condition, participants in the self-compassion condition reported higher levels of state self-compassion (Studies 1 to 3), positive affect (Studies 2 and 3), and calm affect (Study 3), and lower levels of negative affect (Studies 1 to 3) and revenge intention (Study 3). A mini meta-analysis showed that participants in the self-compassion condition selected fewer pins to stab into a voodoo doll. Mediation analyses further suggested that negative affect and calm affect played mediator roles in the association between self-compassion manipulation and aggressive inclinations.
Hirashima, T., & Igarashi, T. (2022).
Hirashima, T.(平島太郎), & Igarashi, T(五十嵐祐). (2022). Is Mentalizing Essential to Predict Human Network Size? Reexamining the Social Brain Hypothesis From a Social Network Perspective. メンタライジングはヒト社会的ネットワークサイズの基盤となるか? 社会的ネットワークの視点に基づく社会脳仮説の検証 Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 13(2), 50–56. https://doi.org/10.5178/lebs.2022.99
One central question in social science and evolutionary anthropology is how humans can form and maintain large social networks. The social brain hypothesis argues that humans use their mentalizing ability to read others’ minds for the development of dyadic relationships in layered social networks. However, previous empirical studies have not directly examined the association between mentalizing and the size of the active network located at the outermost layer. By introducing a social network perspective, we predicted that individuals use their mentalizing ability not only to form and maintain dyadic relationships but also to belong to multiple communities, which indirectly expands the active network size. We collected data from undergraduates in Japan (N = 175) to examine how mentalizing is linked to the size of online social networks. Mentalizing was positively associated with the number of dyads but not with the number of communities and the active network size. These findings suggest that the social brain hypothesis has limited validity, and there is a need for more careful explanations surrounding the psychological and structural underpinnings of large human social networks.
社会科学や進化人類学の中心的な問いの一つは、ヒトがどのようにして大規模な社会的ネットワークを形成・維持するかということである。社会脳仮説は、ヒトが「他者の心を読む」メンタライジングを用い、多数の他者との社会関係を構築することで大きな社会集団を維持すると主張する。しかし、これまでの実証研究では、メンタライジングと最外層のアクティブネットワークのサイズとの関連は直接的には検討されていない。本研究は、社会ネットワークの視点から、個人がメンタライジングを、ダイアドの形成・維持だけでなく、複数のコミュニティへの所属に用いることで、間接的にアクティブネットワークのサイズを拡大させると予測した。日本人大学生(N = 175)を対象に調査を実施し、LINEの利用状況をもとにネットワークサイズを測定し、メンタライジングとの関連を検討した。その結果、メンタライジングはダイアド数とは正の相関を示したが、所属コミュニティ数およびアクティブネットワークのサイズとは無相関であった。これらの結果は、社会脳仮説の妥当性に限界があることを示唆しており、大規模な人間の社会的ネットワークの心理的・構造的基盤について、より慎重な説明が必要であることを示唆している。
Hashimoto, H., Ohashi, T. & Yamaguchi, S.(2022).
Hashimoto, H.(橋本博文), Ohashi, T. & Yamaguchi, S.(山口勧) (2022). Solicitation matters: Cultural differences in solicited and unsolicited support provision. 援助要請の明確さが重要:要請が明確な場合と不明確な場合における援助提供の文化的差異 Frontiers in Psychology 13:953260. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.953260
Two studies aimed to examine cultural differences in social support provision, with or without solicitation, in Japan and the United States (US). In Study 1, we replicated a previous study with Japanese university students. We found that the Japanese participants did not provide social support when it was not solicited, as compared with when it was solicited. Furthermore, in Study 2, participants were asked to respond to a questionnaire regarding a hypothetical stressful situation experienced by a close other and to indicate their willingness to provide support. We confirmed our hypothesis that Japanese participants hesitate to provide unsolicited support to close others (such as family members or close friends), even when they recognize that the close others are in need, whereas the American participants do not hesitate to provide such support. Contrastingly, regarding solicited support, the Japanese and Americans were equally ready to provide support, as hypothesized. The cultural difference in social support resides in the provision of unsolicited support. These results suggest that differences in culturally appropriate responses to needy people are responsible for the difference in the provision of unsolicited vs. solicited social support.
Dorison, C., Lerner, J., … Ishii, T., … & Coles, N. A. (2022).
Dorison, C., Lerner, J., … Ishii, T.(石井辰典), … & Coles, N. A. (2022). In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries COVID-19に関する健康情報を損失フレーミングで送っても、不安を増大させるばかりで利点はない:84ヶ国での実験的証拠 Affective Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42761-022-00128-3
The COVID-19 pandemic (and its aftermath) highlights a critical need to communicate health information effectively to the global public. Given that subtle differences in information framing can have meaningful effects on behavior, behavioral science research highlights a pressing question: Is it more effective to frame COVID-19 health messages in terms of potential losses (e.g., “If you do not practice these steps, you can endanger yourself and others”) or potential gains (e.g., “If you practice these steps, you can protect yourself and others”)? Collecting data in 48 languages from 15,929 participants in 84 countries, we experimentally tested the effects of message framing on COVID-19-related judgments, intentions, and feelings. Loss- (vs. gain-) framed messages increased self-reported anxiety among participants cross-nationally with little-to-no impact on policy attitudes, behavioral intentions, or information seeking relevant to pandemic risks. These results were consistent across 84 countries, three variations of the message framing wording, and 560 data processing and analytic choices. Thus, results provide an empirical answer to a global communication question and highlight the emotional toll of loss-framed messages. Critically, this work demonstrates the importance of considering unintended affective consequences when evaluating nudge-style interventions.
この研究では、COVID-19に関する健康メッセージを、”損失” を強調するフレームで送る場合(例:もし△△をしなかったら、自分や他者を危険に晒すことになります)と、”獲得” を強調するフレームで送る場合(例:もし△△をしたら、自分や他者を守ることになります)で、思考・感情・行動に与える影響が異なるかを検討しています。その結果、損失フレーミングは獲得フレーミングに比べて強く不安を喚起することが、様々な国と地域を超えて確認されました。それ以外(行動意図、政策への態度など)へのフレーミングの影響は、国・地域によるばらつきも大きく、一貫した効果は認められませんでした。つまり損失フレーミングは不安を増大させるばかりで、特に行動を変えることはなさそうだということです。 *調査票の日本語訳および日本データの収集を井隼経子(福岡工業大学)・石井辰典(日本女子大学)・国里愛彦(専修大学)・角南直幸(Delaware Data Innovation Lab)・山田祐樹(九州大学)が担当しました(氏名は姓のアルファベット順)。この活動に際し、日本心理学会の「新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に関連した実践活動及び研究」の助成を受けました。
Yamamoto, H., Okada, I., Uchida, S., & Sasaki, T. (2022).
Yamamoto, H.(山本仁志), Okada, I.(岡田勇), Uchida, S., & Sasaki, T. (2022). Exploring norms indispensable for both emergence and maintenance of cooperation in indirect reciprocity. 間接互恵において協力の進化と協力の維持に必須な規範の探索 Frontiers in Physics, 10(September), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2022.1019422
Indirect reciprocity is one of the major mechanisms of the evolution of human cooperation. In indirect reciprocity, social norms with which individuals distinguish good people from bad people play essential roles. On the one hand, previous studies have suggested the various different norms which are evolutionarily stable against the invasion of free riders. However, these approaches could not reveal what norms would be selected in the process of evolution of cooperation because they are based on the premise that a single norm is shared in a society. On the other hand, recent studies have tackled the mechanisms of the coevolution of norms and cooperation. However, the norms which are necessary for emergence or sustenance of cooperation have not been revealed. Here, we show some indispensable norms for emergence and sustenance of cooperation using a norm knockout method which has been developed to analyze a function of each norm in the environment of coexistence of many norms. The results revealed that norms known as “shunning” and “image scoring” are indispensable in the emergence of cooperation but they are not required after a cooperative society is achieved. Furthermore, “simple standing” is a unique norm which is necessary to maintain cooperation. We call the former as a pioneer norm and the latter as a keystone norm. The results indicate importance to focus on the dynamics of evolution because the role of indispensable norms has been overlooked by the static analysis of evolutionarily stable norms.