Hayase K.(早瀬 光司) & Ura M.(浦 光博) (2015). Ownership or Taking Action: Which Is More Important for Happiness? 所有と行動:人間の真の幸福にとって、どちらがより重要であろうか? Psychology, 6(6). doi: 10.4236/psych.2015.66072
In two studies (2010 and 2011), more than 2000 respondents living in Japan were asked whether they gained more happiness from ownership or from taking action. In the 2010 study, many more individuals preferred taking action to ownership; this preference was greater in women than in men and in older people than in younger people. Reasons for this preference were plainly expressed in respondents’ free writing, and a categorical distinction between ownership and taking action was readily recognized and widely shared. Social desirability concerns probably did not play a role in responses. In the 2011 study, many individuals valued action more than ownership as like as the 2010 study. The preference for taking action over ownership was greater in women than in men, in older people than in younger people, and in people with higher levels of education than in people with lower levels of education. There was no relationship with annual income. The correlations with gender and level of education were similar to results of comparable studies conducted in the USA, although in the US studies, experiential purchases were evaluated, rather than taking action; however, the correlation with age was uncertain in the US studies. Further studies with US respondents will be necessary to examine this correlation. Possible reasons why many more people preferred happiness gained from taking action to happiness experienced from ownership were discussed.
今から40年前に、ジョン・レノンが “考えてごらん、所有なんて実在しないんだ、架空のものなんだよ。君にもそれが理解できるかな?” と唄っているように、人間の真の幸福は、“所有”に囚われずに「どう考えて何を行うか」を基軸とした、主体的な“行動”の世界を地球上に普く(あまねく)築き上げることによって到達できるであろう。