Ishihara, T., Tanaka, H., Kiyonari, T., Matsuda, T., & Takagishi, H. (2025)

Ishihara, T., Tanaka, H.(田中大貴), Kiyonari, T.(清成透子), Matsuda, T., & Takagishi, H.(高岸治人) (2025). 
Multimodal imaging for identifying brain markers of human prosocial behavior.
eNEURO, Online ahead of print.

How humans achieve such a high degree of prosocial behavior is a subject of considerable interest. Exploration of the neural foundations of human prosociality has garnered significant attention in recent decades. Nevertheless, the neural mechanisms underlying human prosociality remain to be elucidated. To address this knowledge gap, we analyzed multimodal brain imaging data and data from 15 economic games. The results revealed several significant associations between brain characteristics and prosocial behavior, including stronger interhemispheric connectivity and larger corpus callosum volume. Greater functional segregation and integration, alongside fewer myelin maps combined with a thicker cortex, was linked to prosocial behavior, particularly within the social brain regions. The current study demonstrates that these metrics serve as brain markers of human prosocial behavior and provides novel insights into the structural and functional brain basis of human prosocial behavior.