Kase, T.(嘉瀬貴祥), Endo, S., & Oishi, K. (2016). Process linking social support to mental health through a sense of coherence in Japanese university students. 日本人大学生におけるソーシャル・サポートが首尾一貫感覚を介して精神的健康と結びつく過程の検討 Mental Health & Prevention. doi: 10.1016/j.mhp.2016.05.00
This study aims to investigate the relationships among mental health, a “sense of coherence” (SOC), and social support in Japanese university students with a focus on gender differences. Participants (548 university students) completed General Health Questionnaire-12, of the SOC-13 scales, and of the social support scale. Structural equation modeling indicates indicate that improvement in social support may be effective in strengthening SOC as a precaution against the decline of mental health in university students. Additionally, it is suggested that enhancing support from friends in males and support from family members and special people in females is effective in strengthening SOC.