Nakanishi, D., Yokota, K., & Igawa, J. (2022).

Nakanishi, D. (中西大輔), Yokota, K. (横田晋大), & Igawa, J. (井川純一) (2022). 
Can scientific literacy reduce purchase avoidance of Fukushima products? Environment Systems and Decisions.
Environment Systems and Decisions.

This study aimed to explore the effect of scientific literacy on the tendency towards purchase avoidance of foods made in Fukushima due to harmful rumours associated with the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. A web survey was sent to 880 Japanese monitors to determine their attitudes towards the damage caused by untrue rumours, food risks, and media literacy, and to verify whether respondents’ knowledge about radioactive material reduced their intention to purchase products made in Fukushima Prefecture. A factor analysis of all the items of the two literacy scales (i.e. food and media) and food faddism scales revealed three factors: food risk literacy, media literacy, and health care. Multiple regression analysis to investigate the effect of each factor on the intention to purchase, controlling for some demographic variables, revealed that food risk literacy and media literacy promoted purchase avoidance, while knowledge of radioactive material reduced purchase avoidance of Fukushima products.


・フードファディズム傾向の大部分の項目は食品リスクリテラシーと同一の因子 (食品リテラシー因子) に高い負荷を示した。