Neff, K. D., & Miyagawa, Y. (宮川裕基) (2024).
Compassion Scale (CS).
In O. N. Medvedev, C. U. Krägeloh, R. J. Siegert, & N. N. Singh (Eds).
Handbook of Assessment in Mindfulness Research (pp.1-10.). Springer.
The Compassion Scale (CS) assesses compassion for others using a similar conceptualization that has been used to assess self-compassion. Specifically, the CS measures the degree to which respondents experience kindness, a sense of common humanity, mindfulness, and lack of indifference toward others’ suffering. Factor analyses using bifactor modeling and exploratory structural equation modeling (i.e., bifactor ESEM) suggest that the CS represents a bifactor structure identified by a general compassion factor and four specific factors. Reliability indicators were excellent. Known-groups validity was established in terms of gender and sample differences: Women and meditators reported higher levels of compassion for others than men and community members, respectively. Discriminant validity was supported by nonsignificant correlations between the CS and secure attachment and submissive compassion, in addition to small significant correlation between the CS and social desirability. Convergent validity was demonstrated by significant positive associations between the CS and compassion-related measures such as compassionate love and empathetic concern. The CS was found to have significant associations with functionally related constructs such as self-compassion and mindfulness. Overall, the CS appears to be a valid and reliable measure of compassion for others, assessed in terms of recognizing others’ suffering (i.e., mindfulness), caring about and being motived to alleviate others’ suffering (i.e., kindness), understanding the universality of human suffering (i.e., common humanity), and not turning away from the pain of others (i.e., indifference).
Neff (2003) のセルフ・コンパッションの理論をもとに作成された、他者へのコンパッションを測定する尺度としてのCompassion Scaleに関するこれまでの研究のまとめです。
なお、Compassion Scaleの日本語版は、Miyagawa & Niiya (2024, Mindfulness). をご覧頂けると幸いです。