Yanagisawa et al. (2017)

Yanagisawa, K.(柳澤邦昭), Kashima. E. S., Moriya. H., Masui, K.(増井啓太), Furutani, K.(古谷嘉一郎), Yoshida, H., Ura, M.(浦光博), & Nomura, M.(野村理朗) (2017).
 Tolerating dissimilar other when primed with death: Neural evidence of self-control engaged by interdependent people in Japan.
 Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.
 doi: 10.1093/scan/nsx012
Mortality salience (MS) has been shown to lead to derogation of others with dissimilar worldviews, yet recent research has shown that Asian-Americans who presumably adopt an interdependent self-construal (SC) tend to reveal greater tolerance after MS induction. In the present study, we demonstrated that Japanese individuals who are high on interdependent SC indeed show greater tolerance towards worldview-threatening other in the MS (vs. control) condition, thus replicating the prior research. Extending this research, we also found that interdependent people’s tolerance towards worldview-threatening other was mediated by increased activity in the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (rVLPFC) in the MS condition. These data suggested that when exposed to death-related stimuli, highly interdependent individuals may spontaneously activate their neural self-control system which may serve to increase tolerance towards others.